Nicolas' POV

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"I'm gonna prepare some dinner buddy. What do you want to eat?" I asked Ian. His dad is a friend of mine living downstairs; he brought Ian here in my place an hour ago because his wife is currently in labour and they were not expecting it to happen this week.

"Hmm. Can I have omelette please?" Ian replied.

"For dinner?"

"Uh huh."

"Okay buddy. Just stay here, okay?"

"Okay, I'll just watch Tom and Jerry." He was pretty talkative for a 4-year-old.

"Just call me if you need anything, okay?"

When I was done preparing for dinner, I went back to the living room to check on Ian.

"How did you know Nic?" I heard Liyah's voice coming from the living room.

"He's daddy's friend," Ian replied with his cute little voice.

"Hey love." I greeted Liyah and he gave me a questioning look. "Come on bud." I motioned Ian to get up from the floor and come to me. I bend my knees so my face is leveled to him. "Ian this is Liyah." I gestured my hand towards Liyah. "Liyah, this is Ian."

"Is she your girlfriend? She's very beautiful." Ian whisphered in my ear but I'm pretty sure Liyah heard it because she smiled.

I laughed. These kids nowadays. "No, she's my wife."

"Like mummy and daddy?"

"Yes just like them," I replied.

"Do you have a baby in your tummy just like my mummy?" Ian asked Liyah.

"Oh, no no." Liyah shook her head and I just stifle a laugh.

"Come on bud. Let's clean you up before munch time," I told Ian changing the subject.

"I can do it. Mummy said that I'm a big boy now."

"That's good. I'll help you get to the bathroom, okay?" I turned to Liyah and said, "I'll be right back." She just stood there with mouth opened.

"See you later, Liyah!" Ian shouted.

After helping Ian get settled in the bathroom, I went back to the living room and found Liyah sitting on the couch.


"Whose kid is that?" She asked without hesitation.

"I know his parents. He's a kid of one of our neighbors downstairs. His mum is currently in labour and they couldn't find someone to look out for him so his dad brought him here. He was panicking and I couldn't say no." I explained to her.

"I didn't know you like kids."

"Well, they're fun."


Fun is the overstatement of the year. We were watching cartoons when Ian decided that he wanted to be a clown so Liyah obliged by taking out her cosmetic set and started painting Ian's face.

"I looked real funny." Ian giggled looking at his reflection in the mirror. "Do Nic's face too!"

Liyah looked at me with a gleam in her eyes. Oh no, I very well know that look. "No, I'm fine here. Thanks but no." I held out my hands motioning her to stop.

"Please. Let's be clown together." Ian pouted.

"Come on Nic. It would be fun!" Liyah added.

I looked at Ian's pouty face and puppy-dog eyes. Oh I'm in big trouble. "Fine. Get on with it."

"Yay!" Liyah giggled. "Come on big guy, help me make Nic a funny clown." With that they started painting my face and my nighmare began.

Liyah and Ian were laughing uncontrollably when they finished sabotaging my face. Yes, I don't look like a clown. I look like a madman that came out of a horror film.

"I think Liyah would like to be a clown too. Is it okay with you bud if we make her a clown too?" I asked Ian.

"Yes!" Ian jumped excitedly. Ha! Time to get my revenge.


After the make up session in the living room, Ian wanted to play hide and seek. That kid was relentless.

Ian's currently the it. I tiptoed towards the foyer and looked for a spot to hide when I saw Liyah doing the same.

"What are you doing here? Go find another place to hide," She whisper-yelled at me. I was about to go when the doorbell rang.

I walked towards the door to see who it was and opened it when I saw that it was Cole.

"What the fuck happened to your face? You looked like shit." Oh crap. I forgot I still have make up all over my face. Cole looked at Liyah and smiled. "You two having some roleplaying going on?"

"What are you doing here, Cole?" I interjected.

"Why are you whispering?" He asked and I glared at him. "Fine. You told me this morning to bring over this paper work." He handed me a folder.

"Okay thanks. Now go." I ordered and pushed him towards the door.

He backed away with a knowing smile plastered on his face. "Is this is a freaky friday thing you're doing?"

"Get out, Cole."

"Well, I'm impressed brother. I didn't know you two were kinky dorks." With that I closed the door on his face.

I turned to a shocked looking Liyah and said, "Well, that was embarassing to the highest degree." Then Ian suddenly walked in on us with all smiles.

"Gotcha!" Ian shouted.

"Come on bud. Let's clean up and go to bed."


"I'm gonna sleep with you, right?" Ian asked while we washed our faces.

"You're going to sleep in the blue room that I showed you and we're going to tuck you in," I replied.

"But... I don't wanna sleep alone," He said with teary eyes.

Liyah looked at me and then turned to Ian. "Hey big guy. You can sleep with us if you like."

"Really? You're the bestest!" He beamed and hugged her. Wow she's really good with kids.


The next morning before I went to work, I told Liyah that Ian's dad would take him this morning and she agreed to babysit him since she will be at home 'til 10am.

The conference meeting just finished and I was heading towards my office. Cole and I were discussing about the gala event where we will officially announce the merging of Adams and Fitzgerald companies.

"So you need to tell Liyah about the gala. To know if she's free on that date." Cole said as we continued walking.

When I opened the door of my office, Ian was there sitting on my chair spinning it and wearing his toothy grin.

"Who's that kid?" Cole asked beside me.

"Hey guys." Liyah came out of nowhere.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked Liyah.

"Oh wait. Did you two had a kid? Well that was fast kinky dorks," Cole teased.

"No!" Liyah laughed. "This is Ian. Ian this is Cole. Nic's brother." Liyah introduced them and Ian just waved.

"He's a kid of our neighbour," I told Cole.

"So his dad didn't show up yet and I have a recording in less than an hour. Obviously I couldn't take him with me," Liyah explained. Oh, so I would be the one babysitting him now.

"Okay, I guess he could stay here."

Bloody hell. I thought I was done with this the moment I stepped out of my door this morning.

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