Aliyah's POV

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We have been preparing for this charity concert for the Little Angels for months now and I'm glad it's finally taking place. The night was really happening so fast. Any minute now, we will be performing our last song on stage. I felt happy because this has been a success and a bit sad because the concert is coming to an end.

"Guys be ready, you're on in a minute!" Belle announced from the door.

The lady retouching my make-up gave me one last look and smiled approvingly. "You're good. Good luck."

"Thanks," I smiled back at her. I stood up, picked up my guitar and made my way to the backstage where the boys were eagerly waiting.

"Damn, you look smoking hot babe." Andres' gaze travelled from my exposed legs to my chest. I'm wearing shorts which is way too showy for my liking.

"My eyes are here, Andres." I held up his chin so that he's looking directly in my eyes.

"Of course. Sorry got carried away," He chuckled and I just shook my head in reponse. I should say that Andres and I were so much alike in so many ways that's why we clicked in a lot of things. Though sometimes, he just couldn't control his flirty remarks.

"Let's go guys. Let's end this with a blast!" Seth shouted and we entered the stage one by one.


"Gideon Mills is lining up," Ciara leaned into me and whisphered in my ear while I signed the shirt that was handed to me by a fan.

The boys and I were doing the autograph signing after the concert was done and a lot of people were lining up. I'm glad the concert was a success. The tickets were sold out and it was worth the effort to see the kids in the Little Angels sang with us while we were on stage.

I handed to the girl standing in front of me the shirt that I have signed. "Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoyed."

"Yeah. It was all worth it," She replied and walked next to Andres who was sitting beside me.

I continued doing the signing and Ciara interrupted me again. "May I remind you that your husband just came in to check on you and Gideon Mills is five persons away." She whisphered.

I looked up and truth be told, Gideon was really standing there so tall, smiling while waving at me.

I turned to face Ciara. "Don't worry, I got it under control." Ciara gave me a stern look before walking away.

"Thanks for coming. This will be a great help to the Little Angels." I smiled to the guy standing in front of me.

"You totally rock, Liyah." The guy exclaimed looking excited.

"Yeah? Thanks!"

"Maybe we could hangout some time. My friends are having a barbecue this weekend." He said shyly. This is what's hard in my job. Turning people down.

"I'm really sorry, buddy but I'll be very busy these following days because of our upcoming concert. You could go there if you want."

"Yeah uhm... Okay. Uhm... bye." He looked really defeated when he turned to leave.

"You definetely broke his heart." I turned my head to the next person and there it was. Gideon Mills. Handsome as always.

"What are you doing lining up for my autograph?" I asked.

He handed me a piece of paper. "Well, it's on the package. Might as well enjoy what I paid for."

"You could have just asked me if you really wanted my autograph," I teased.

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