Nicolas' POV

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"Hello ma'am, sir."  The saleslady greeted as we entered into the store that Liyah has been looking for.  "How may I help you?"

"We'll just look around, thanks."  Liyah answered then she started walking inside.

"Seriously?  This is where you wanna go? A lingerie store?"  I asked incredulously, following her.

"You said spontaneous.  Plus, I haven't gone shopping for a very long time.  I have been itching to go in this store for years."

This was never on my list when I asked her where she wanted to go.  This will never be fun.  I thought grumpily.

"So what do you want me to do?  Tail you around like a guard?"

"You can go choose something for yourself," She replied nonchalantly. 

I know what she was doing.  She was trying to provoke me.  Maybe she thought that I would be pissed if we went here.  Well, I have news for her.

"Yeah, good idea.  But I won't be choosing for me.  I will be choosing a lingerie for you and your going to try it on for me."  I winked at her and started looking around, leaving her without notice.  Yeah, now I'm gonna enjoy this shopping.

After experiencing some disgustful looks from lady customers when they saw me checking out some ladies' lingerie, and flirty smiles and suggestive looks from macho looking men, I finally chose a handful of lingeries.  I walked towards Liyah who was busy talking animatedly to the saleslady.

"Hey."  I slipped my hand on her waist, pulling her against me.  "Ready to try these on?"  I raised the few pairs of lingerie that I chose.

"Yeah, I already tried two," She replied then turned to the saleslady.  "Excuse us."

She started walking towards the changing area and I followed her. "Why didn't you tell me that you already tried something?"  I asked feeling disappointed that I was not able to witness it.

"Well, you were too focused and seemed like enjoying shopping for ladies' lingerie.  I don't wanna disturb you," She said in a teasing tone.

I faked laughed at her remarks.  She might have escaped from my plan, but now I wouldn't let her loose.

Liyah was inside the changing room for a few minutes now and I was excited to see her with the lingerie on.  "You okay there?"  I called out.

"Yeah, I was just trying to figure out how to wear this thing," She called back.

"Maybe I could be some help," I volunteered.

"Why?  Have you tried wearing something like this before?"

"Of course not!"  I shouted which earned a laugh from her.  "Can I at least have a peek?  I was the one who chose those lingeries in the first place."  I paced back and forth in front of the changing room.

"Sure but I have to get this on first so shut up so I can figure this out."

"Fine," I grumbled and waited a few minutes more.

"Got it but It's too showy Nic."

"Open up, let me see it."  I impatiently knocked at the door.

"You're such a perv."

"Funny, you call me that when you were the one who was so aggressive last night."  I reminded her.

"Shut up Nic!"  She then opened the door and abruptly pulled me inside the small space.  "Happy now?"  She asked.

My gaze travelled from her eyes down to the piece of black fabric she was wearing.  It fitted her perfectly like it was really made for her.  Yeah, I was checking out my wife and I enjoy doing it freely.

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