Nicolas POV

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Liyah looked at me as if everything finally became clear. "He must have. He was adamant that we dine in his hotel room."

"What? And you just agreed?"

"Of course I did. I was just being polite and I thought it would be more private." She explained.

"Wow. I wish you weren't that polite." I grumbled.

"Don't be such a grump, Nic." I rolled my eyes as jealousy slowly ate me. Liyah just ignored me and continued talking. "Anyway, there could be no chance that a paparazzi could take a shot of that. That hotel in Italy offers privacy."

"I know that bastard is in for a revenge. He even pulled out his investments from the company. I'm gonna rip his throat out. And that scum James Scheid will pay." I gritted with anger.

Suprisingly, Liyah took a step towards me and cradled my face. "What's important is that everything is cleared now. Just let them be Nic. I don't care whatever they write, as long as I know the truth."

Her eyes was full of hope and that made me calm down. She was right. People could make up stories about us but it doesn't matter as long as we trust each other. But that's the problem, we lack trust for each other. I hope we can build that soon.

I stepped closer to her. "I'm really sorry for what happened though. You know how much I care about you, right?"

"Yeah." She nodded but I can see that she's uncertain. "And it's not your fault Nic. I was just hurt because I thought something good is happening between us and..."

"Something good is really happening and it's not just in your head, love." I cut her off then added. "I strongly suggest that we nullify the rules that we had."

"That's actually a good idea." She answered enthusiastically.

I then hugged her tight and lifted her off the floor. She squealed when I spun her around, making her giggle.

I put her back on her feet with a toothy grin. "I miss you!" I kissed her forehead. "I miss your voice!" I kissed the tip of her nose. "And I miss your lips." Finally I pulled her in and crashed my lips on hers.

We were heavily making out on the bed and I felt Liyah's fingers tugging on my belt. How we got here? I don't know. All I care about was that everything was cleared between us and I would never do anything to purposely hurt her again.

She was straddling me in bed and having a hard time taking off my belt when I remembered something she said about being hurt before. I took her hands and held it close to my heart before I spoke. "You mentioned something about me hurting you before?"

She looked into me, her eyes clouded with desire, and asked. "You always have the habit of interrupting me, you know that? So what is it this time?"

"Sorry, just remembered it. You told me I did something to hurt you before." I reminded her but she still looked out of it. "Me, kissing some girl the next day? Ring any bells?"

She gulped and rolled over to the other side of bed while I just follow her with my eyes.

"You okay, love?" I asked when she remained silent.

She then looked up to me shyly. "The first time you kissed me. I was going to ask you why you did it. But then I saw you kissing Georgie."

"Woah. Who's Georgie?" I suddenly asked. I don't know any Georgie.

"The high school slut? Ring any bells?" She mimicked me.

It took me a long time moment to remember. "Oh yeah. That was her name," I grinned when it suddenly dawned on me who she was talking about.

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