Nicolas' POV

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Liyah and I spent the rest of the afternoon in the cottage. Me, doing some paper works with the merging of our companies and Liyah doing heaven knows what in the bedroom. It's been almost six in the evening when she went out the room.

"Hey, mind if I heat up the take out so we can start having dinner?" She asked.

"Not at all. But it's already in the oven heating up."

"Why didn't you call me to do it?" She looked exasperated when she plunged in the couch beside me.

"I don't wanna disturb whatever you were doing in there," I smiled pointing towards the bedroom.

"I was just taking a nap, Nic." She rolled her eyes at me. I love it when she does that, makes me know that I succeeded pissing her off.

"It's not like I could just walk in there and tell you, 'hey Liya do you mind putting the take out in the oven 'coz I'm getting hungry' now that would be rude, right?"

"So you're planning to eat all by yourself."

"Definitely not, I was going to knock on the door and call you for dinner. I can't believe we're arguing about this." With that, the timer of the oven goes off and Liyah stood up.

"I'll take it." I watched her perky ass sway as she walked towards the kitchen. She's wearing cute pyjamas with bugs bunny design. Just looking at her, you wouldn't know that she's a freaking badass on stage. Yeah, I have watched her concerts and she's really amazing on stage.

"Can we eat there? I wanna watch some action on TV." She called out interrupting my thoughts.

"Whatever you want, love." I replied immediately.

"So what are you working on?" Liya asked as she took a seat beside me, crossing her legs with plate in hand. She insisted on bringing the food here in the living room and just asked me to find an action movie in the TV.

"Some proposal for the upcoming merging of our company," I answered.

"Sounds boring if you ask me," She said while munching her food.

"I consider sleeping more boring than what I did."

"I didn't sleep the whole time I was in the room you know. I was trying to compose a song but then I fell asleep."

"Still looks boring to me." I shrugged.

She got a hold of a pillow and before I could cover myself, she already slammed it at the back of my head. "Now that was fun." She giggled.

"Oww that's harsh, Liyah!"

"Oh, you know I love it," She laughed.

I just shook my head and concentrated on watching the film.

We finished eating halfway through the film and I stood up to clear the utensils that we used. When I walked back, I noticed Liyah was so focus on the film and her face looked funny so I decided to take my phone and snap a photo of her without her noticing it.

I sit beside her on the couch and purposely place my arm at the back of the couch slightly touching her back on the process. She smelled like watermelon! Why did she smell so good? Shit. I'm in so much trouble.


"Can we talk about our agreement now that the film is done?" I asked her when the credits of the movie were shown.

She turned her attention to me. "What about it?"

"I just want to clarify some things to you," I started.

"Okay, go ahead."

"So we only have three rules, right?" She nodded and I continued, "First, you do your thing and I do mine without interfering one another. Second, no sexual contact. And lastly, we can have affairs with other people but we just need to be discreet about it."

"You summed it all up really good!" She complimented.

We made those rules. Correction, she made those rules when we started "dating". Yeah, we actually faked dating for five months before getting married because we need to make our relationship believable.

"Okay, so I just wanna let you know that I won't be cheating on you. I know you have this image of me in your head that I'm a player but I've never cheated. Ever." I explained.

"It's not like you will be cheating on me, Nic. 'Coz this is all a facade, we don't have a real relationship here. What I want you to do is just be discreet about it."

"We are still in a contract called marriage and I am always a loyal person." I looked into her eyes sincerely.

"Whatever Nic. Suit yourself. Let's just see how long you'd last without getting any."

I crossed my arms on my chest. "Well, I haven't gotten any since we've been reunited so I guess I can still hold a little bit." Shock was clear in her eyes.

I stood up from the couch and turned to her one last time, "But I guess we can still break rule number two if the need arises." With that I left with a satisfied grin and her looking stunned.

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