Nicolas' POV

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It has been hell for me for the past five weeks. I have been itching to give Liyah a call or even just a simple text but I kept reminding myself not to. It was Cole's idea by the way, not mine. Because if I'd do it my way, I would be bombarding Liyah with calls and messages.

Cole said I need to give Liyah a little space and time for her to miss me. But I'm pretty sure the effect was a total opposite because I am the one who has been missing her a lot.

It has been four weeks since our visit with grandpa. I was scared at first of what would his reaction to the photos but one thing I learned after our visit with him is that never be afraid if you have an honest motive. I can still remember his face when he saw those photos though.


"What is it you wanna show me now?" Grandpa asked after I told him that Cole and I wanted to show him something.

Cole looked for the photos of me doing body shots with two different girls in his ipad. When he finally found it, he handed the ipad to grandpa.

Grandpa's face turned from shocked to bewildered and then he smiled. "Is this you Nic?" He lifted his head from the gadget. I should give credit to the photographer because the shot was pretty clear and you would really know that it was me.

"Yes grandpa that was me," I answered nervously.

"You wanna tell me what's the story behind this photos?"

"Liyah called me this afternoon because of those," I started.

"My granddaughter worrying that those photos will make its way to me and one way or another hurt me? That girl, always worrying about my condition."

"Well you could say that," I replied.

"So what's the story?" He asked again.

Cole took a deep breath and said, "It was my fault grandpa. I invited Nic to go to party with us because it was my friend's birthday. We played truth or dare and Nic was too drunk to remember doing body shots as a dare but I do remember it well."

"Body shots?" Grandpa asked curiosly.

"What Nic was doing in those photos were body shots." Cole answered.

"Interesting. Have you explained it to Liyah?" Grandpa looked at me and asked as he handed back the ipad to Cole.

"I haven't had the chance to talk to her yet," I replied.

"Well you should explain it to her not to me. I wasn't the one who has been hurt because of those photos."

Liyah being hurt because of these photos? If only grandpa knows. Liyah doesn't even care about my explanation. It was pretty clear to me when she called.

"Yeah I'll give her a call grandpa."

Grandpa took off his glasses and closed his eyes with a smile on his face as if reminiscing something. When he opened his eyes, I saw happiness in there.

"You remind me so much of your grandfather Nic. Did he ever told you that we fell in love with the same girl?"

I was taken aback by his question. Even Cole shifted on his seat beside me. My grandfather was full of stories about his adventures when he was young but I've never heard him tell us about him and his bestfriend fall in love with the same girl.

"With your shocked faces, I would guess he never did. I never told anyone about it too." He paused thinking deeply then continued, "We became friends during the war, that you know. The war ended and we're finally going home but Luis, your grandfather have no one to go back to so I told him to just go home with me. I introduced him to my family, friends and to my fiancee."

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