🌼~ getting to know each other(1) ~🌼

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While he walked in the corridors with a look of amazement, he would continue his walk while reading the instructions that had been given him on how to get to such certain places, As he was walking, he heard some laughter ahead and saw that the same girl who helped him before was lying on the ground with her uniform stained and tears, without even thinking, he run where she was and help her ",White lily! Are you ok? Did they do something else to you?!," Vanilla says worried while he help her to stand up ",....I- I'm not hurt," she murmured while wiping her tears ", let's go... I'll take you to the nurser-," he was interrupted by the other cookies ", aww look! The weirdo has a friend, how cute right?," the bully says ",yes, what a shame she has a beautiful face, to bad she will receive a bruis-," this bully cookie was interrupted by vanilla ", I-I'm not a she! I'M A BOY! And leave white lily alone! Or-," He says with some fear, he had never been in trouble like now ", or what? Are you gonna cry like her? PFF- Ridiculous," the bully about to punch his face when he open he's eyes and saw a boy in front of him ", cacao- what are you doing here?," the bullies said with terror in their faces ",what did I say the last time I kick you all? Wasn't I clear to warn you?," the boy said ", amm- yes, we- we were leaving, have a great day-," said the bullies, not after that this 4 bullies run away immediately ",are you two ok? My apologies about them, they're like to mess around to some students in here, I'm dark cacao," dark cacao say while he help white lily with her arm ",thank you cacao... b-but it wasn't necessary all that drama," white lily says ", oh my witches, amm-.. here!," Vanilla says While he hands her a towel that he had so that he can clean the sugar liquid from above ", thank you," white lily replied ",wait- are you the new student?," dark cacao says ", yes- can you help me find my room?," vanilla says with a nervous smile "umm- yeah sure, it's just upstairs to your right on the right wall after the first 7 rooms," dark cacao says ",thank you!- and can you-," vanilla was interrupted once again ",yes, I would take white lily to the nursery, don't worry," dark cacao replied, Then carried white lily and take her to the infirmary.

After unpacking his things and grab his things to went for a walk, he was wondering if white lily was alright after what happen moments ago, he just had his book and went to the Garden and sit besides the fountain while he open his book ,"Hey! watch out!!," a girl scream from distance towards him, he turned his face where the scream was and saw a ball coming to his face, he react quickly and move away before the ball hit his face, but unfortunately he slipped in one of the plants and fell in the water of the fountain, great, could this day been more worse than it was in this morning?,"oh witches, I'm so sorry! It wasn't my intention," the girl said.

She apologized for the incident and disaster she did ",I'm very sorry!," she murmured while looking for some towels ",hey Holly! Here!," he couldn't see who was the other person since his eyes sight wasn't that good since he was a kid ", thank you cheesy!," the pink hair said, he couldn't see what they were doing, he just accepted the hand the two girls offered him, and he stood up, "here" he felt a soft towel in his head while the others were arguing about who fault was that "It was your fault! You hit it too hard! I told you to not fly! I can't just catch the ball from that high!" "Well sorry Holly, it's not my fault you send the ball all over the sky and I was trying not to get us in trouble!" These two continued fighting, while vanilla finish drying all that water(milk) that it had, or at least part "amm- excuse me" he says with his book that now was a little bit wet ", huh?! WE'RE SORRY!! IT WAS HER FAULT" the two scream at the same time at distance since vanilla was already far from there.

He finally got to his dorm, and grab some comfortable clothes so he could shower since it was already 6:00 in the afternoon, he knew that he would take long time in showering, because of dirty, so he decided to skip dinner since he wasn't hungry at all, he might just take some jelly he left before coming to here.

(Hello! I'll do part 2 of this chapter, bye ^^)

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