🌼~Getting to know each other(2)~🌼

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He felt asleep immediately peacefully while dreaming about books and exciting things that would happen in the morning.

He would open his eyes and then look at the window, it was exactly 6 in the morning when he had woken up, happily he takes a quick shower and after his shower he changes into his uniform and gets more ready, after getting everything ready, it was exactly 6:46 AM when he went out of his room with everything he need it, but first he decided to wait until 8:00 since it was breakfast time, So he just grabs his book and sits under the tree while he reads his book of magic and how to use it when listening to someone calling his name ",Vanilla!! Thanks witches you're here! I'm very sorry for yesterday- I-I I didn't mean to put you on trouble," white lily murmured, she sit next to him while holding her things ", don't worry, I never leave someone in need," vanilla says with a sweet smile on his faces, White lily was surprised, for the first time she ever saw a sweet smile to her, well- since some of this cookie look at her as a weirdo and quiet cookie, she smile back with happiness ", umm- what are you reading?," white lily asked with curiosity about the book vanilla (pure vanilla) was holding and reading ",huh? Oh. This a book about how to do magic and how is made it, do you want to read it with me?," vanilla says with smile, white though for a moment and then she accept.

Not much vanilla and white lily become best friends, days pass, and they were together like nothing could separate this two "Oh! Look lily! There's a spell for your magic! Plant protection!" Vanilla says with excitement while white lily was surprised and excited too "woah! Uh- do you think it might be dangerous is we try it?? I mean- what if I hurt someone or the entire academy?!" She said with fear to imagine that "don't worry lily, that's why we have the forest!" Vanilla says with shine in his eyes "wait- wasn't that part banned because of the failing experiment?" White lily said with a worried look "nobody is going to know.. besides- you told me to help you to get you out of that easy and boring classes since you know you're top of the class" vanilla says closing his book, white lily took a look in that forest direction, he was right, she had enough of being there since she already knew that it was a easy, she wanted to try something new, so she accepted "alright! Let's do it together! I heard there's a rumor about a book the teachers saved- wanna take a look after trying some spells?" White lily said waiting for a response "huh? Yeah sure, I hope we don't get caught after grabbing the book we borrow from the private section and turning it in again-" vanilla says, "oki! This time we got it!".

They both run in the forest or actually Secret garden, they both hold their hands together while running to the place, when they arrived at the secret Garden or forest, they make sure that nobody was there "I'm ready! What's the spell?" White lily said "oh! Here it is" vanilla took his book out of his bag and show the spell and how to do it to White lily "it looks-... impossible" white lily said trying to understand the words , after some minutes she memories the spell and got ready "hmm.. Protection!" She said with confidence, but nothing happen "huh? Nothing?!" Vanilla says surprise "d-did I say it wrong?" She asked vanilla "umm- try with plat Protection! Maybe a that thing was missing" she accept "plant protection!" She said once again and nothing happen "that's... rare..." vanilla said, he was walking in circles asking why it didn't work? While white lily was reading a book "cookies...? Hey vanilla! Do you ever wanted to know how cooki-" she was interrupted "hey! What are you guys doing here?" The two got scared and turned their heads, it was a student with sort of long hair as his color of hair was black, and tied with a pony tail while we walks towards them "oh, it's you from days ago- amm... pure vanilla?? Or just vanilla?" "Dark cacao?" White lily said "I guess you recognize me right? What are you guys doing here?" Dark cacao said " and what are you doing here cacao?" Out of nowhere a girl came with pink hair or red? But with a shield in her arm "Hollyberry?! Wha-" dark cacao couldn't finish before another one came " AYO!! WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE?" Vanilla couldn't believe, it was a cookie that could fly! He heard something about them, but he didn't believe it at first but now he did "Hey! Gold cheese! We're not allowed to fly! Or you to used your wings!" Hollyberry shout "I KNOW!" Golden cheese come down "actually we all not allowed to come this area's of the school, what are we all doing here?" Hollyberry said "me and vanilla were practice spells- y-you, is dangerous do those spell at school" white lily said "well, I always come to this area to practice swords Since the place I practice is close" dark cacao said "well I- I throw my shield hard and it fly over this place" Hollyberry murmured "woah, is anything new?" Golden cheese said in a sarcastic way "I came here cuz I followed a butterfly of fire" everyone for a moment looked at Golden cheese "what? What are you all looking at me like that? I'm serious!!" Everyone laughed while Golden cheese was mad "HAHAHA! A FIRE BUTTERFLY? HAHAHA" Hollyberry laughed hard "yes! Ugh! You know what? Don't believe me, I'm going now!" Golden cheese said and fly away from there "haha.. yes, same" Hollyberry said "oh! There's a new cafe, let's meet all there at 7! Come on vanilla and lily, let's get to know each other" Hollyberry said "alright" dark cacao says while walk in the direction where Golden cheese was "y-yes!"vanilla says " cya!" Hollyberry walk away "hey lily, wanna practice tomorrow? I'm tired and is getting late" vanilla said "umm... yeah, we had enough adventure, maybe another day we could have the book" white lily said, they both started to walk away "(we'll get that book... and soon we'll both going to know how cookies are made" White lily though while joking with vanilla "I can't wait 'till tomorrow! We're Getting to know each other" vanilla said "yeah..." White lily replied "come! Or dinner would be over! They both run laughing, finally they were going to have more friends.

(It was long, and sorry, hope you enjoy ^^)

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