🌼🌺🧀 🍃🖤 Deal 🖤🌺🍃🧀 🌼

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Dark cacao was talking to his son about his sword lessons he wanted to take while Dark choco was trying to convince him to "Please! Father! I won't let you down! I swear! Please! I want to learn and be the greatest sword man ever! Just like you! And-- maybe aunt cheese, but you!" Dark choco started to beg to his father to let him get some fight and sword lessons "hmm... but you're too young to learn those things anyways" Dark cacao said thinking about it "yeah sure.... for reason you trained at that age in that academy of nothing" Dark choco murmured mad "Hey! I heard that! If you want to learn you little piece of me then, I was force to in that aged, normally you have to be at least 8 to started learning those things and basics, you're 6 choco-" Dark cacao said walking with his son in the hallways "not fair..." Dark choco said "life is not fair son, not even for me... You're going to understand this when you become and king... and maybe I might pass you my ancient title" Dark cacao said "to married my step other dad? Seriously? Aren't you all old enough for those things?" Dark choco said curious "what- no, I actually had you like when I was just 27, and now I'm 33" Dark cacao said "33?! YOU LOOK LIKE 47 WITH THAT FACE-" Dark choco said "HEY! I'M NOT OLD YET!" Dark cacao yelled a little bit annoyed "Geez- how old is my step other dad?" Dark choco asked "33-6? How much is it?" Dark cacao said.

Immediately dark choco started to count with his little fingers "wait- 26! No-- 27?!" Dark choco said surprised "mhm, he still young as well" Dark cacao said smiling "god damn dad, you're a old man!" Dark choco said "who- who taught you that word?" Dark cacao asked "you and aunt cheese" Dark choco said, Dark cacao was starting to chase his son all over since he cursed again and making fun of him when the doors of the throne room made a hug noise that everyone heard, Dark cacao stop and Dark choco too "what happen? " Dark choco asked "I don't know, go play with red velvet or birds" Dark cacao said very serious and cold tone of face "but-" "do what I say son" Dark cacao said, Dark choco started to walk away while Dark cacao was walking fast to the throne room.

When Dark cacao arrived he heard a screamed, when he got there, he saw Hollyberry pulling the hair of a maid while she had her nose broken and a lot of bruises, as well her dress and part cut and all tied up and scratch, when Golden cheese and Hollyberry hit her again "TELL HIM WHAT YOU DO!! YOU STUPID BITCH!!" Hollyberry screamed in tears "what happen?!" Dark cacao said angry "CONFESS YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!" Golden cheese said hitting her stomach "I-... I help the almost murdered of Pure vanilla... I- I killed Hollyberry husband... and hurt as well Golden cheese daughter... and- and ruined the friendship between... the nation's" the maid confess "what...aren't you working with Chocolate chip before she die" Dark cacao was mad and he asked, the maid started to laugh like a psychopath "HAHAHA! DIE? YOU THREE KILL HER!! YOU THOUGHT I WOULDN'T KNOW?! HAHAHA" the maid started to laugh "SHUT UP!!!" Hollyberry Slapped her Making her stop and smile "isn't this abuse? Plus, since I witnessed a lot of you all shits, I can just tell the highest priest everything and the justice, you 3 know they going to believe with all the proofs I have!! And soon all otlf your titles would be remove!! HAHAH-" Maid didn't finished when Dark cacao took his sword and decapitated her instead get his self cover in blood and as well Hollyberry and Golden cheese "....." they  all didn't talk, Dark cacao call his trustworthy servants and they got ripped off the body While the 3 were quiet "we're done...if she knew...someone else knows as well" Golden cheese said "I don't think so...she was a snitch" Hollyberry said.

The ancients were still quiet until they all changed, just in time Pure vanilla got there "Cao! I made you a pi- is everyone ok?" Pure vanilla said locking and closing everything "nilla...you remember about you found out about we murder my old wife?" Dark cacao said "we don't talk about that ok-? But yes and what happen?" Pure vanilla said confused "someone witness that...and" Dark cacao paused a bit "don't get freak out, but we kill her" Hollyberry said "WHAT-" Pure vanilla said surprised "we have good reasons for that, THAT BITCH HURT MY DAUGHTER!!" Golden cheese said "and she participated on the plan of killing you nilla! She even Kill Hollyberry husband, and mostly she ruined you and white lily as well!!" Dark cacao said "I-... no, you all have to solve this, I don't want to get involved with this, try everyone to find something else and bring it to me to erase their memory of it ok?" Pure vanilla said "nilla...." Dark cacao said "don't thank me, I'm doing this sin you all messed up, and I love you still... not a word I help ok?" Pure vanilla said "this one of the reasons I love you nilla 💖" Dark cacao said with hearts on his eyes "eww- but thank you vanilla!" Golden cheese said "justice for my husband now" Hollyberry said.

They all did a deal, not a word of helping each other, especially Pure vanilla in exchange  he'll erase the witness memories. They going to find them and now the rest of them probably, but now with the deal, they can do it better now.

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