🌼🖤 a good proposal 🌼🖤

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the morning came, and the sun rose in the same way, it was just 9 in the morning, when one of the lovers wakes up.

Pure vanilla yawn, and look around with his staff while he was sitting on bed, when he noticed some marks "(I told him not to leave mark... and that's the first thing he does)" Pure vanilla though for a moment, until he stand up and started to do his private things later on.

After he finished, he grab a book and sit back while reading, and just in time Dark cacao woke up, and he hug Pure vanilla "sorry if I was tough yesterday at night" Dark cacao said "is fine.. go do your things. Is already late for you to stay in bed and even me" Pure vanilla said "what you mean? I did a bet with Golden cheese and Hollyberry. And today they're doing my duties and yours, so we're free" Dark cacao said "what about your son? I know we spend time together but you have to spend time with him now" Pure vanilla was concerned about his step son as well "well- you are right, why don't we go to the family and festivals that we have here?" Dark cacao said "I bet my son would love spending time with his two dads" Pure vanilla had to think about and accept.

After they both were done on getting ready they went out of the room to Dark choco who was already there with his jacket on "you two are 1 hour late!" Dark choco said "sorry son- we had somethings and we woke up late" Dark cacao said "like wha-" "ABOUT PLANNING GOING OUT-" Pure vanilla interrupted already in panic "The festival of the new snow time period!" Dark choco said all excited "yes, and it's beautiful when it is night, just like you nilla" Dark cacao said making Pure vanilla blush a little bit "eww! I'm here you know?" Dark choco said walking to the carriage "yeah yeah- we know, but one you going to have your love" Dark cacao was laughing a bit "rather dead than in love" Dark choco said.

The 3 of them finally arrived to the big place and were received with some knights, Pure vanilla was looking around while Dark cacao was holding his hand "Choco- don't be late at 7pm, you know why" Dark cacao said taking Pure vanilla away leaving Dark cacao with his cousins and having fun with some knights too "cao! What about the child?! You can't leave him on his own like that" pure vanilla said "relax darling, he's fine he's just playing with his cousins and friends from the nobles kids, the knights are around this area my love" dark cacao said trying to calm down Pure vanilla.

They both got in different play areas, even when Pure vanilla loose in a game, Dark cacao won a big teddy for him, and for the spells game, Pure vanilla got him a teddy too, it was matching teddy's as a lovely couple, and there was competition of fight and Dark cacao got in with the most stronger person "COME ON LOVE!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!" Pure vanilla screamed while cheering his boyfriend up "I will for you" Dark cacao said and started to fight with this person. Pure vanilla was screaming excited while his boyfriend beat the shit out of the person "FUCK YEAH!!!" Pure vanilla said without even notice "god damn~ watch that mouth" Dark cacao said defeating the person and winning the medal "THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!!" Pure vanilla said while getting in on the area hugging and kissing Dark cacao while healing him.

"I WON'T ACCEPT THIS!" the wife of the person said, and getting in the area "lady's and gentlemen we have a second fight!!" The host said "I DARE YOU BLOND A FIGHT WITH ME! WOMAN VS WOMAN" the wife of the dude said "but- I'm not a wom-" immediately Dark cacao cover Pure vanilla mouth "deal! He's better than you all" the crow gasped "is that a threat?! I will destroy him immediately" the woman said "CAO- WHAT DID YOU DO?! I CAN'T FIGHT!" Pure vanilla said while freaking out "you do, trust me and do it for me" dark cacao said.

Pure vanilla sign while they do a spell canceling the magic of Pure vanilla leaving him blind "I'll destroyed you" the woman said hitting a bit of Pure vanilla "ouch-" the people said "Nilla think that Dark choco was captured and me!" Dark cacao said "I bet they both horrible and useless like you" the woman said, Pure vanilla stood up and hit the woman harder, and they both started the fight, which Pure vanilla really got mad and unlocked his magic to see and give the final punch "this is not a way to disrespect the kings boyfriend! You-" Pure vanilla said really mad but control his self on time "we have the couple winner!!" The host said "wait... are you?" The woman said trying to stand up but couldn't since she was badly hit "hey, yes I am the ancient from the capital nation" Pure vanilla said healing the woman "i... I'm so sorry your Majesty" the woman apologized "I am as well- Hope you get better" Pure vanilla said walking away with his gold medal.

"I wish that the same way you hit her at the end, you do it to me soon on bed no?" Dark cacao said teasing Pure vanilla "shut up- I would never plus you leave me with a lot of marks around me and a horrible pain-" Pure vanilla said "sorry ok? Oh look! Is the sunset!" Dark cacao said grabbing Pure vanilla hand and run to the river.

Dark cacao took Pure vanilla without seeing in a special part and when they arrived he finally let him see "huh?" Pure vanilla was delighted with the beautiful view of the place, almost dark which felt something warm inside and smiled warmly.

"Cao.. this is beautiful" Pure vanilla said "just like you" Dark cacao said "just like you feel on seeing this amazing view, that's how I feel for you" Dark cacao said grabbing a mini decorative box "huh? Cao what are you..." Pure vanilla realized what he was about to do and open his eyes surprised.

in another dark cacao smiled and fell on knees in the form of proposing, opening the engagement ring box "Pure vanilla, the person that makes me happy in this world and bravest one... would you like to marry me?" Dark cacao said smiling, Pure vanilla gasp and tears of happiness came out "yes! Yes I will!" Pure vanilla said accepting marrying Dark cacao, immediately they both hug and kiss passionately, and the people started to clap, and Dark choco too with his cousins and the ancients too, not soon Fireworks started and they both were happy.

Everyone dance and some saying congratulations to the king while they both enjoyed each other, now they would soon be married now... or not....?

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