🖤 thanks you're alive...🌼

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The ancients were still waiting until one of the healers came, they all stood up waiting for a response from the healer "he lost a lot of jam, not at all, he might be in coma for a while, since he got hitting badly in his head, and for the injury in his stomach it trespass to his long actually not only the stomach at all, he my used oxygen machine as well for a while, since he needs to rest" the healer speak, Making White lily cry again, Hollyberry was in shock "No!! DO SOMETHING! IN A COMA-?! IS NOT ENO- AHH!!" Hollyberry scream, she was feeling a sharp pain in her belly which she immediately shut up, and her husband was holding her, the healer call another of his worker but Hollyberry refused to be attending until her husband convinced her, that's how she left to another room while leaving the 3 ancient alone after all.

" we should immediately do a investigation and see the crime scene, we have to know who dares to attack Pure Vanilla" Golden cheese said while holding white lily (yes- they put her on sleep) "you're right Golden cheese.... of we found it we have to kill it immediately" Dark cacao said " a punishment of death, I like it" Golden cheese said, she put White lily in a guest room of the Sweet Vanilla kingdom castle and then head back again, but this time cacao was there anymore "(great, he went to see his crush, ugh love is so cringe)" Golden cheese said in her mind and head back to White lily was.

Dark cacao enter in Pure vanilla room, he never imagine seem Pure vanilla with bandages and machines everywhere Some bruises, and other things they just invented, he sit in one of the chairs beside Pure vanilla "thanks you still alive..." Dark cacao said, while grabbing Pure vanilla hand "I promise I would find the responsible of this and gave a sentence of Death" he stay with pure vanilla until it was 6:00 in the morning he's been awake since 9:23 of the night, he did felt sleep, but he never separated the hand of Pure vanilla to him.

He woke up, it wasn't a dream after all, Pure vanilla was still in bed and with all of the things of life support, Dark cacao call knight and order him to bring somethings of his work which the knight obey and went to Dark kingdom, Dark cacao stay even though he had to work, that's when White lily enter to the room but not before knocked "how is he..?" White lily asked "he still unconsciously, you know he's in coma right?" Dark cacao said, White lily got quiet "what if.... what if.... your wife send someone to kill him?...." White lily said, Dark cacao was in shock for a while, White lily was right, but it was too soon "even though if it was her I would already knew... you know if it was her I can not do anything about it" Dark cacao said and White lily was mad now "WHY?! YOU COVERING FOR A LIAR THAN DO SOMETHING FOR THE PERSON WHO LOVED YOU THIS HOLD TIME!!! JUST FOR YOU TO DO NOTHING ABOUT!!!" White lily yelled, until she realized she fucked up, she cover her mouth, she couldn't believe she reveled such a secret she was hiding from him when Pure vanilla told her not to speak " wait.... What you mean about the person who loved me?" Dark cacao was confused, and surprised "uhh- like a friend.. I didn't say loved you- it was joy you- haha" White lily was sweating " White lily you already fucked up, and you're not good at lying, tell me" Dark cacao said and he stand up and walk in front of White lily "I-I..." White lily didn't know what to do until-

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