🥀🖤assassination day🖤🥀

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Dark cacao was still awake at midnight tonight was the time- he open wisely the window and Hollyberry got in with cheese, they both carefully walk through the vent into chocolate chip room and the other side was the baby, Golden cheese grabs a blanket and put carefully in chocolate chip neck, Hollyberry was leaving some evidence of murdered of poison to the criminal that attack Pure Vanilla months ago as revenge, soon Golden cheese and Hollyberry got everything, Hollyberry carried the baby to the bathroom in the next door covering the baby ears.

While Golden cheese started to chokes Chocolate chip tightly with the things, this time wasn't a blanket, it was a rope, as soon as possible Chocolate chip wakes up and she couldn't speak nor even see Golden cheese face since she had a mask pull it tight and tight while chocolate chip try to screamed, Golden cheese couldn't take longer and finally she- took away Chocolate chip life, Golden cheese quickly check, there was no beat, or breath, but to make sure, she inject a strong poison from Dark kingdom and make more evidence of the criminal that try to kill Pure vanilla.

Soon they got rip of their evidence and everything with all of the pain in Hollyberry hearts, she pulls strong the baby haired and even made a bruis to the baby making him cried, she got out with cheese on silence through the vents in time and go out of the place through Dark cacao window, absolutely Dark cacao after went to sleep with no suspected at all, and that's how with the cried of his son, he wake up and see, the knight got in Dark cacao room "YOUR MAJESTY!!" the knight say "WHAT? WHAT HAPPEN?! WHY IS MY SON CRYING?!" Dark cacao say with "worried face" and saw some of the ladies-in-wait of Chocolate chip crying "WHAT HAPPEN?!!" Dark cacao shout "the queen... she was assassinated!!" The lady-in-wait say "what? WHY DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!!" dark cacao yelled at the knight and run into chocolate chip death body, while crying  "MY SON! WHERE IS HE?!!" Dark cacao seriously say worried "The baby was hit!!" The maid say while holding Dark choco still crying, seriously Dark cacao wanted to do something after his baby hit- but he didn't.

The whole kingdom was in tragedy about their queen, the knights and captain found the evidence and got to the Criminal who tried to kill Pure vanilla "it was that man" The captain say "He'll pay for this" Dark cacao say "how?" The captain say "sentence to death- he knows what he did" Dark cacao say showing his depressed and furious face "no mercy like your father" the captain say and leave the place with the knight looking for the man.

Cao was with his newborn on his arms already sleep and smiling "I did whatever it take to protect you from that psychopath" he kiss his baby forehead, not too soon the murdered would be caught with the evidence Hollyberry leave to the way of the criminal of his precious nilla, everything was going on plan.

Like dark cacao say, the knight found it and decapitated the criminal bringing the head to dark cacao who was already on the throne room and specially with dark clothes since the funeral of chocolate chip was to started..

~~~~~~🌺 Hollyberry palace 🌺~~~~~~~

She quickly change her dark things and shower as soon as possible and burn the evidence within minutes with her husband and they both went to bed and sleep.

After 3 hours, they received a knock and they say go ahead, the knight enter "Your Majesty!! Queen Chocolate chip was murdered just now!! All ancient are need it immediately" the knight say, they both look at each other and got dressed up and grab Royal berry with them and go.

~~~~~~~🍃 White lily palace 🍃~~~~~~

She was peacefully sleep when she received a knock as well and answered "yeah?" She asked "Your Majesty White lily, The Queen Chocolate chip was assassinated moments now! all ancients are need it in Dark kingdom immediately" the knight say, White lily was confused and she got dress up and immediately left.

~~~~~🧀 Golden cheese palace 🧀~~~~~

She destroyed everything and went to sleep, when she received a call "Queen!! The Queen Chocolate chip was assassinated! All ancients are need it immediately" the knight say and left, Golden cheese was annoyed and changed again and carry her daughter and left.

~~~~~~🌼 Pure vanilla palace 🌼~~~~~~

He was brushing his hair after taking his shower, since it was already 5 in the morning, he was getting ready to work, he didn't put his hat on or even his cape since he just shower and change until he received a maid "Your Majesty- uh, the captain send to tell you, Queen Dark  kingdom was assassinated today in the midnight, the knights and captain say was assassinated by the person who attack you your Majesty" the maid say, Pure vanilla god in shock and and his hairbrush felt on the floor "oh dear... Get my carriage ready as soon as possible, and I would be there" Pure vanilla say and quickly finished his things and get in the carriage as soon as possible worried about Dark cacao and his son.

At was like the plan they did, everyone believed that the criminal that attack Pure Vanilla was actually the one who assassinated the Queen, but when actually was Dark cacao who kill his own wife, either was Golden cheese and Hollyberry who helped too, they both were very great, since the daughter of Golden cheese was sick and Hollyberry had like a month recovering from birth or something, so no one could suspect except White lily since she already knew and help too about the things to the criminal.

The final thing they were waiting was the massacre of Sweet Vanilla to be revealed to everyone.

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