?🍃 the lie 🍃?

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Days before White lily decided to open the portal, she was brushing her hair after the masquerade, she was a bit upset about Pure vanilla ignoring her this months, when a maid came in to the room, White lily saw the maid, and she was curious immediately "who are you? I haven't seen you here before" White lily said, looking up and down t the maid, her hair was white and her skin was darker with blue eyes, it was strange she didn't know who she was, but she ignored since maybe Pure vanilla just hired her "let me help you your Majesty" The maid said while grabbing White lily hair brush.

"I see your Majesty~ your secret is safe with me" the maid said finishing getting White lily in pijamas and ready "yeah... I can not tell him all of this to him directly... I don't want our friendship to be thrown away... I don't think I could do that... he's been my only friend I ever had...." White lily said "yes your Majesty, what a shame if... that friendship is throw it up in waste of time~" The maid said putting a mysterious necklace on her neck, the maid smiled "your Majesty... I need to tell you something, this might be something suddenly but I swear if you say anything I'll get my head cut off, but I always admire you, and this time is better telling the truth" the maid got on her knees and grabs White lily hands "uh? What truth?" White lily said confused "well~".

White lily was in shocked after everything the maid said "he... did...." White lily said crying "I'm very sorry your Majesty! I need to do everything in order to make you hear and not lie to you" The maid said "yeah your Majesty, his Majesty said you were a crybaby and a hindrance, besides we've been serving him since he study, we know what we were saying" another maid said "but... he wouldn't....right?" White lily said not sure "yes your Majesty, I'm so sorry" the maid said and leave the room after, White lily couldn't believe her best friend was talking bad rumors about her behind but she didn't believe at all.

Within in the days, White lily was assisting everything "Hey Vanilla! Wanna play genfo? Like we used to play as kids?" White lily said "I can't lily... I have work and I already have plans with cao tonight, maybe another day" and within it was always same thing, White lily started to think about it more... but yhe truth she didn't know, was that the maid was the spy of The past Queen Chocolate chip, she wanted to take revenge for her Queen one last time by manipulating a ancient and get all in war between them.

And like the maid did, she even manipulate White lily through the events, after the masquerade, Banquet, Dancing moon, and mostly the 2 almost to finalize the season... White lily was upset about all of this, she was walking on the hallways and heard something where the maid said to meet, White lily pass through a door and heard something shocking "Lily? She was annoying to tell, and mostly to cry, she wasn't the best to say or describe to tell the truth" Pure vanilla said, White lily heart broke and look at the door shocking.

White lily run to the Garden crying, while Pure vanilla was still talking "I know I say this but not in a bad way okay? I know she wasn't the best, but she's a good heart person! I did though this things the first time I met her, but everything is different now to say, she's like a sister to me... since I don't have anyone else, I have her" Pure vanilla said smiling remembering the last times they save each other "I see... I need to see the Queen, she always ask at this hours tea" the Maid spy said "tea? How rare... I thought she didn't like the tea" Pure vanilla said confused, the maid got alarmed "w-well- she's just trying in this event season! Maybe she like it" The maid spy said "oh... well, than can you send her this cake I made her? Today is our- 26 anniversary Of our friendship! And I know she likes lemon cakee" Pure vanilla said giving the cake he made with love to his best friend to the maid "yes your Majesty, hope you're happy now" The maid said and goes away to the Garden she planned all.

Just like the plan, White lily was crying, the maid smiled and she got ripped off the thing that says from Pure vanilla and gave her claiming she made it "your Majesty... what happen?" The maid said acting "You were right! They were all talking behind me!! How could I be this blind? I CAN'T BELIEVE PURE VANILLA IS SELFISH! WITH- THAT EVERYTHING IS FINE FAKE SMILE!!" White lily said mad while crying "relax your Majesty...here, I grab this from the kitchen, I actually made it, and I didn't know if you would like it" the maid said giving White lily the cake Pure vanilla maid, she eat it while sobbing "thanks... now I know what I have to do..." White lily said "yes your Majesty, get to the witches, they'll know everything and you'll be glorious!" The maid said convincing more White lily on her bad actions..

~~~~~~~ in the present ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The maid was going hall to hall pretending to didn't know what was happening "what happen?" She asked to a knight "the season is ruined, Queen White lily is gone, and King Pure vanilla is having a mental breakdown this instantly, go help the others" the knight demanded, the maid accepts as she walk through the hallways, she was smiling of victory... now that she got rip of 1 ancients or maybe 2, soon she'll be getting rid of the 3 ancients... the king of Hollyberry kingdom...

{To be continued}

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