🧀 🌺🌼🖤 NO!...🖤🌼🌺🧀

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"WE CAN'T GIVE UP ON HIM YET!" Pure vanilla said giving CPR to acai berry "Your Majesty stop!! We can't do anything about it!!" A healer said "I- I STILL CAN SAVE HIM!!" Pure vanilla said trying to get acai berry back "is late... he's dead your Majesty...." the doctor said disconnecting Acai berry "I-... I refuse that...he was...getting better... how he die?..." Pure vanilla said in tears "time of death... 5:34PM" the healer said "we don't know yet, but is because of his head" the healer said "I'll...talk to holly now...." Pure vanilla said walking out of the room.

As he was walking to the waiting room, he pointed to Golden cheese and Dark cacao a sign of that they console Hollyberry before he say the news about her lost of her lovely husband, Dark cacao immediately noticed and he started to hug Hollyberry and Golden cheese too "what?..." Hollyberry said confused "holly... I-I'm so sorry... but... your husband didn't survive...." Pure vanilla said afraid of something happen "... no...No...NO NO NO NO!!" Hollyberry cried, she and slowly falls to the ground crying broken of her heart, immediately her two best friends did the same and comforted her, Pure vanilla was upset even more hearing Hollyberry cried.
~~~~~~~~~•~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~•~~~

The ancients were walking through the hallway to the way of Acai berry funeral, the Hollyberry kingdom had lost one of the kindness and better king they ever had, some maids and servants were crying, even the people, this day was a dark black color, everyone for respect they were black clothes for the funeral as they enter to the main throne room and saw Hollyberry still crying and acai berry on his coffin.

Everyone in the Hollyberry kingdom attended to go at funeral, a lot of people left flowers and things and some were talking about Hollyberry "I bet it would be hard for her son when he knows he's father is gone..." people were saying, Dark cacao and Golden cheese were all the time with Hollyberry, while Pure vanilla was in a corner with guilty inside, another reason for another depression problem for him....

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