🌺🌼🧀 🖤 day after chaos🖤🧀 🌼🌺

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Pure vanilla went.out of the room with a little bit of blood (jam) on his hand and clothes to say "HOW IS HE?" Hollyberry said "he's alive gladly, his condition is critical but he'll get better soon, he needs to rest for a while" Pure vanilla said, his faces look a little tired "THANK YOU!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO WITHOUT YOU VANILLA!!" Hollyberry said in happy tears "Hollyberry I'll heal your injuries" Pure vanilla said, Hollyberry sit again letting herself to be heal by Pure vanilla, soon enough she was all cured, Pure vanilla did the same thing with the ancients and people, making all better "THANK YOU!! YOUR THE BEST YOUR MAJESTY!" The people said to Pure vanilla.

The day was a chaos, a lot of the place was destroyed and being repaired, the ancients had to take a break and rest to get their energy and the people too, all were sleep except Pure vanilla, he continued still with the spell still holding it until the monsters are gone, he had already spend half of his energy on healing and big part on protecting.

The kingdom was getting back bit by bit and Hollyberry was still with her husband side, when Dark cacao went to see Pure vanilla "nilla?" He said getting his self in "oh... cao... hi..." Pure vanilla said trying not to lost connection "the monsters are almost done, stop the barrier" Dark cacao said "no... I must... to protect... everyone..." Pure vanilla said, he was tired even you can see it on his face "you can't just do everything by yourself, you have us, I know you're upset about lily, but focus on yourself, there's nothing we can do now, she choose to get into the witches, leave her have her own decisions" Dark cacao said, Pure vanilla started to cried again.

Dark cacao fight again to get rid off the monsters that were left, while Golden cheese was still on bed, even though Pure vanilla had heal her wing, the pain didn't disappear and she couldn't even move "fuck...." Golden cheese said and her daughter enter into her room flying with her tiny wings "mom" she said hugging Golden cheese "oh- cheesy... my daughter.... I- can't play with you right now, mommy doesn't feel well" Golden cheese said kissing her daughter forehead "come on princess... I'll play with you" the babysitter of cheesy said, carrying Cheesy away crying for her mom "Jesus... I have never been this injured before..." Golden cheese said and she continued resting for a while.

Hollyberry was still with her husband, but she was feeling something was wrong, and she started to check on him and found that his heartbeat was not right, it stop and she immediately checked his breath but nothing, she look at the machine and they were all fake, Hollyberry freak out and screamed, she immediately call the doctors and Pure vanilla, she was crying scared of the news.

Meanwhile the maid (spy of chocolate chip) was in the hallway she was laughing, and she smiled more when she heard Hollyberry screamed, now the only one she had left was Golden cheese and Dark cacao, now that she poison or actually kill Hollyberry husband and making her mental state worse, not soon enough she would do Golden cheese, and in order to do that, she must to find the father of the child she had and take her away from her, everything was going perfectly like she planned too.

{To be continued}

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