🌼🖤🧀🌺 we cannot do this🌺🧀 🖤🌼

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Dark cacao and Golden cheese was looking everywhere trying to find Pure vanilla "are you sure he over used his thing?" Golden cheese said once again "I'm sure he did, didn't you noticed how tired he looked this times and the barrier he made?" Dark cacao said "oh shit- You're right, but- isn't this like just for a few days?" Golden cheese said "I don't know, you know I never had like truly magic or those things you know? We both study weapons cheese" Dark cacao said while looking around for Pure vanilla "well damn- I was just asking! Ugh.. Why are you soooooo emo now? With that cold attitude and tone, I don't even know how Pure vanilla loves you dude" Golden cheese said "well too bad" dark cacao said.

They both continue looking everywhere until cheese saw something "cao- look at this! Come on you slowly emo!" Golden cheese said "what?" Dark cacao said in bad mood, they both saw Pure vanilla healing some of the injured people and he still was a little bit bleed but he was holding a tissue covering his mouth and nose form the blood even though he was tearing blood as well, but he still continued helping the people that needed him, as soon Pure vanilla finished he was extremely tired and his staff was looking sick like him, he turn his head around a saw Dark cacao and Golden cheese coming the same way he was.

Dark cacao was running now "Nilla wait!" He said worried and a cold way "vanilla?" Golden cheese said, Pure vanilla didn't heard nothing about what they were saying since he was seeing everything from his staff blurry, until he passed out, on time Golden cheese catch him, and Dark cacao carry him on his arms...

~~~~~ time skip (the other day) ~~~~~

"So...he over used his magic?" Hollyberry said "he did, he's just on his bed now, Mrs. Sweet sugar said he needs rest for a while his magic recover from all of those things" Dark cacao said "I mean... he's a sweet vanilla no? That won't affect him since he's son of the past Supreme Queen" Golden cheese said "cheese! We don't talk about Vanilla flower!" Hollyberry said "why? He needs to know the truth" Golden cheese said and she received a angry look from the two ancients "humph! Mother fuck-" Golden cheese was interrupted "oh- uh- I thought y'all need some for now... like to eat something? " the spy maid said "oh- no than-... wait... isn't this a restraining place?" Golden cheese giving a suspect on the maid "oh yeah! I'm allow here since I'm one of the lady-in-wait of his Majesty" the maid said trying to have a excuse "hmm... ok" Hollyberry said.

Pure vanilla quietly got up, he was bit tired but at least he could move a bit, he made something and gave it to his staff to make it feel better, he grabbed it and started to walk looking through his staff, he was walking but didn't know where he was going to since his staff was getting better but taking sometime, until he got to the secret place he meet with the ancients on privates conference, he was just touching the walls to recognize when he heard something "So when are we going to tell him, that all was our shit- like, we can't just keep things on secrets from vanilla! Not even about his mother aka ROYAL PARENTS!! that were executed by our parents!! Not even you cao! Exactly like your father you killed your wife as well!" Golden cheese said "You literally end her life cheese! Besides I didn't kill my own mother unlike you!" Dark cacao said very angry "stop both of you! Cheese is right and some no, is better for vanilla not to know about his parents nor Chocolate chip assassinated by someone here, actually we all participate even my dear husband, but we need to get things up! If Pure vanilla founds out about his parents the people might know the whole shit since we have a snitch around us, and you Dark cacao would have your title away since of the murder we all did to Chocolate chip plus- we all going to hell if someone finds out!" Hollyberry said.

Pure vanilla was too shocked, he heard everything, not even lily and and his lovely parents... but his friends and lover lie to him? Pure vanilla had enough now "YOU WHAT?!" Pure vanilla said terrified and angry at the same time "VANILLA!!" the 3 ancients screamed looking at Pure vanilla in shock as well "you all lie to me... my friends... specially you cao... you lie to me?!" Pure vanilla said in tears now "nilla! I can explain!" Dark cacao said afraid now "No! Is enough... Not only about you three did a terrible crime, but lie to me about my true identity?! ARE YOU THREE INSANE?! HOW COULD YOU DO ALL OF THIS BULLSHITS TO ME? YOU ALL KNEW I DIDN'T SLEEP LIKE 2 FUCKING WEEKS SOME MONTHS OR EVEN WHEN WE WERE KIDS ABOUT MY TRUE PARENTS! AND THE WHOLE TIME YOU ALL ALREADY KNEW?!" Pure vanilla screamed angry, when he turned to look at Dark cacao his expression change on a disappointing and sad face to Dark cacao "I can't believe you too... no... I'm done with this, I LOST MY PARENTS! I WAS AT A FREAKING FOSTER MY WHOLE LIFE WONDERING WHO I WAS, I GOT ATTACKED, AND I LOST MY ONLY BEST FRIEND! NOT EVEN THIS, I SACRIFICE A LOT FOR EVERYTHING AND MY KINGDOM IS GOING DOWN AGAIN! what...what else..." Pure vanilla started to cry "nilla I-" Dark cacao tried to explain but pure vanilla wouldn't listen now "I-... I can't.... I loved you cao... and this hurts... but we're done... for good, and you two" Pure vanilla looked at Hollyberry and Golden cheese "I won't have any connections with y'all now... no more ancients team" Pure vanilla said and walk away again.

"I-.... cao, I'm sorry- I-" Golden cheese said trying to comfort Dark cacao that was tearing up, when she got push away "Leave. Me. Alone." He said and walk away as well "Hollymolly!" Golden cheese said to Hollyberry "I- shit, we need to fix this" Hollyberry said "thanks to our bullshits we ended up these two relationship- and even lying" Hollyberry said "we need something quick..." Golden cheese said "I agree" Hollyberry said and both walk away.

~~~~•• Meanwhile at White lily ••~~~~~

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" White lily scream as she fell in to the bowl (or thing) the witches had "HAHAHAHAHA!! LOOK!! SHE SLIPPED!!" the witches laughed "I wonder what it going to come out~" The second witch say "something delicious~" the witches continued eating some cookies when the bowl started to shake and purple bubbles started to come out "huh?" A witch said turning her face around "AHHHHHHHHHHH" they screamed just when the boiling bowl slipped all over their body's, and mysterious cookie came out "AHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!!" the new cookie say cursing the witches and they all run away (or die).

As she was looking and helping around she saw a tiny cookie "Who are you child?" She asked "I-...I'm red velvet...w-who are you?" the child said, the new cookie to her knees and grab a big monster cake arm and place with his missing arm "I'm..." she pause thinking and then looked at the boy "I'm Dark enchantress cookie" she said, she reunion every cookie that survived and monsters "I'LL PROTECT EVERYONE OF YOU TO MAKE THE WITCHES PAY FOR THIS!! WE WILL ALL CLAIM SWEET VANILLA KINGDOM AND GET AS MANY PEOPLE TO FIGHT, WHO'S WITH ME TO THIS NEW WAR?" Dark enchantress screamed and some cookies and monsters did "LET'S ALL START NOW!" she said cheering up the people and monsters "but... what if... they hurt me?" Kid red velvet said grabbing Dark enchantress dress from down "they won't, I'm here to protect you" Dark enchantress said picking the kid and carrying him on her arms and started to walk to plan this new war now.

(Dark enchantress and her son 🤚)

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