🍃🌺🧀🖤the truth 🌺🧀🖤🍃

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They all went to see each other since Pure vanilla couldn't go, White lily was with them for a while.

Hollyberry was carrying her baby while sitting, with her friends, Golden cheese was talking to her daughter about what she was drawing, Daek cacao and White lily were doing work until "...uh- do you guys know what happen to the formed Queen and king before Pure Vanilla was king?" White lily say, they all stop and look at her "nobody know sweetheart- and I'm not sure about it" Golden cheese say "the only thing I remember was my father saying the queen got assassinated and her husband die before she gave birth to-..." Dark cacao pause "her baby- Wait- Hold up, hold up baby?! How? If they had a baby, which might be grown up now, wouldn't he be the heir, and most all have the position of Pure vanilla?" Hollyberry say, they all went quiet, they had to call one of the olds worker of Sweet Vanilla imperial to know something more "do you know who the baby of the past rulers of Sweet Vanilla before Pure vanilla was?" White lily asked "I- I'm not sure, we all knew the queen was about to gave birth but we didn't know what happen next to the baby of her since the Castle was under attack" that's all the old man say.

"I didn't heard anything else about that case, maybe Sweet Vanilla kingdom is hiding something about it! A NEW MISTERY COOKIE!" that's all White lily say "not sure- BUT FUCK YEAH!!" Golden cheese say "FUCK YES!!" Golden cheese daughter say "that's my daughter" Golden cheese say while kissing her daughter on her face while she giggle, they decided to know since when they were kids they didn't know what actually happened before, so they decided to continue.

"Wouldn't be crazy if Pure vanilla is the missing child?" Hollyberry say "don't make it weird Holly, maybe the baby die and that's why Pure vanilla was king, remember, he was born into a noble family before he told us" Dark cacao say "uh- what if... we talk to my parents??" White lily say in a shy tone "YOU HAVE PARENTS?!" the 3 say surprised "uh- yeah I do... they just like adventure and things- they were the closes to Queen Vanilla flower, that's all I know, especially my father" White lily say, she walk to her kingdom and enter "Woah! What a beautiful castle and flower lily!! Are those healing plants and defense levels 5!!" Golden cheese say "over here- my father should be there" White lily say, she knock and enter to a room showing the pass king "my daughter, how can I help you?" White lily father say "we want to know the true behind the massacre of the fall of the empire of Sweet Vanilla" White lily, while her friends sit in other couches close to the old man "fine... you'll need to know the true before I die... years ago when I was king" White lily father started...

The massacre of the fall of the empire Sweet Vanilla (day before massacre)

It was beautiful morning, the birds were singing, The plants and trees dancing it was on amazing day, king lily was on his way to Sweet Vanilla kingdom with presents, he knew when the weather and day was like this, it means a wonderful and powerful baby was about to be born, he walk to the castle hallway to see Vanilla Flower with Lady Sweet sugar, they both were drinking tea and enjoying when king lily interrupted "uh- sorry but- I heard you were about to gave birth today- I MEAN- the weather don't lie? Right? And who is she?" King lily say while looking at the other women "oh! Best friend, met Lady Sweet sugar! She'll be the lady-in-wait of my baby! And that's for reminding me I'm about to have a Terrible pain- anyways! Lady Sweet sugar would be taking care of my baby when I can't!" Vanilla flower say, showing a young woman "I see- I hope you do better, If Vanilla flower trust you, I would" King lily say, Lady Sweet sugar went out after meeting with the Queen "feeling nervous vanilla?" King lily say to annoyed Vanilla flower "oh shut up- I'm not, I just sad for the moment... I feel like something bad is going to happen soon enough... and I don't want that again before my baby is born... I already lost the love of my life... " Queen Vanilla flower say while looking at her window "I know it's hard, but you need to continue, do it for your baby and Bis... ok? You're not like this since we were kids, where's the sweet smile?" King lily say trying to cheer her up, and it works Vanilla flower giggle softly, and smile "You're right! I'm going to focus on my little angel! An- Ah!" Vanilla flower say while touching her belly "WAIT- ARE YOU GIVING BIRTH NOW?!" King lily say freak out "no! It just a contraction, It seems like the baby noticed I was sad for a moment" Vanilla flower say while smiling.

King lily was all the time with Vanilla flower, happy and until all happen "so- I- AHHH!!" Vanilla flower scream in pain, now it was the moment "Oh god- UH- SEND HELP HERE!! SHE'S GIVING BIRTH NOW!!" King lily say, the servants came and King lily was with her all time until the things got worse "WHERE'S THE QUEEN?!" a knight say "What happen?!" King lily say, "IS SOME OF THE NATIONS KNIGHT!! THEY BURNING THE HOUSES!! BERRY, DARK, AND GOLDEN ARE ATTACKING US!!" the knight say, King lily got pale and look at Vanilla flower that was pushing, and the same time looking at the fire of the kingdom, she look at King lily in fear, that was the moment she need him "BRING MY KNIGHT, AND HELP THE PEOPLE BEFORE THEIR HOUSES!! THIS PLACE IS GETTING UNDER ATTACKED!!" King lily say "take the queen in a safe place, she needs to have a good and safe place to give birth, I'll handle this!" King lily "for my only true friend...." King lily say, within his knight and Swet vanilla knight started to fight and help the people.

He was fighting against King Dark when he got stabbed and felt in his feet "you fool... Why are you protecting that weak queen? You should have join us before time!" King dark say and hit King lily face "I won't give up for all of your foolish at you selfish people" King lily stood up and try to fight since his arm was badly broken "We have her!! Let's proceed to kill her dark" Gold say while bringing Vanilla flower in crying eyes and madness "HOW COULD YOU THREE BETRAYED THIS NATIONS FRIENDSHIP!! AND KILL MY OWN PEOPLE WITH YOUR DIRTY HANDS!!" Vanilla flower scream and Gold hit her "shut up you flat, or we're going to hurt your baby" Queen berry and King berry say while holding the newborn on hands, King lily was in bad condition and still fighting for Vanilla flower, even he get rip pf King Dark eye, and stabbed Queen berry and give a huge scar on queen gold in her face, he quickly grad the newborn and Vanilla flower and run into another place away before they found them.

"I can't... if we continue likes my people would die terribly!! And... I can't let that happen, please let them to kill me Lilith!!" Vanilla flower say "NO! I can't let you go!  I can't- I don't want to be alone again... you are all I have left vanilla... if that means to give up on myself for you, I'll do it!! They can kill me but not you!" King lily say, but Vanilla flower smile and touch his hair and gave him her baby "is fine... times like this is better to give up myself, I know I'm all you have left, but you won't, you have your daughter... Is better for me to die" Vanilla flower say with tears while looking at her baby and kiss his forehead "but!" King lily was interrupted "Do it! If that means I'll die is going to be for a good thing!! Please promise me you're going to care of my baby and Sweet sugar too, do it for me..." Vanilla flower say

To be continue

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