🌺🍃 its a miracle 🧀🖤

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It was a gray day since there was a lot of clouds in the sky, White lily was beside pure vanilla still while praying for him, Dark cacao and Golden cheese were doing work while Hollyberry was doing others things to be done with her husband.

Not days ago after talking to cheese the knight bring a suspect with fear even more when he saw Dark cacao and Golden cheese specially with their intimidating faces, he was begging that he didn't do anything wrong, that's when Golden cheese started to torture him "TALK YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT-" Golden cheese was furious now "we know about you already, who send you to attack a neighbor kingdom king!" Dark cacao said "It was nobody!! I-..." the cookie was too scared to continue to talk "TELL US NOW!! BEFORE YOUR FAMILY HAVE THEIR CONSEQUENCES FOR YOUR ACTIONS" Dark cacao Finally say angry- furious! "IT WAS THE QUEEN!!! SHE ORDER ME TO GET ONE OF THE PRISONERS OUT, SO SHE COULD ATTACKED KING PURE VANILLA TO MAKE HIM OUT OF THE WAY AND SPREAD FAKE RUMORS ABOUT HIM AND YOUR FRIENDS YOUR MAJESTY" the cookie finally confess "I KNEW IT! IT WAS THE BITCH!" Golden cheese said celebrated she was right, in other words Cao was done- if someone else heard this, the people would take him wrong and think he sent the attack to Pure vanilla from his wife.

Golden cheese and her knight were getting ready and most of, every ancient knew already, it just to give time until the baby was born or at least Pure vanilla is awake, that's all they matter for now.

It was raining still, everything in sweet vanilla kingdom seems so depressed, they had to handle some urgent without break since terrible things were happening one time they catch a cookie that was trying to poison Pure vanilla while in coma to end him, but it was lucky it was Hollyberry turn to take care of Pure vanilla, she got directly to prison, they all were hoping that pure vanilla would finally wake up, in that rainy day, it was Dark cacao turn, Hollyberry was in her break since then, Dark cacao just set beside Pure vanilla while holding his hand "Please wake up... " in the time White lily enter into the room, she was still sad since her bestie was in coma.

Dark cacao and his friends were about to go to their kingdoms when each one were saying goodbye, it was cao turns, he didn't know the feeling he was having on kissing Pure vanilla forehead, he didn't care and he did, after white lily say her goodbye she was about to let pure vanilla hand when it move and a noise came out of his mouth "huh?! Did y-you guys heard that right? I am going crazy?!" White lily said in shock, they ancient did the same, not soon enough Pure vanilla was waking up slowly, White lily was crying,  Dark cacao was surprised, Hollyberry was crying as well and Golden cheese couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Finally Pure vanilla woke up, he was confused at first and at the same time touching his head, it was a painful in the part he was attacked with the rock, he got scared as soon when White lily hug him "VANILLA!!! I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER GOING TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" White lily said crying, Pure vanilla recognize immediately and hug her back "I-..." Pure vanilla couldn't speak since the pain was horrible even to move "hey! Is fine, relax Pure vanilla" Hollyberry said with happy tears "..." Pure vanilla carefully lay down to his bed he was still confused.

The news spread quickly and the sky was finally shiny and beautiful, the ancient stay a bit each one besides Pure vanilla, it was like some minutes when finally Pure vanilla decided to speak, even though it might hurt him a bit "w-what happen?" Pure vanilla asked "you got attack by some unknown person" Dark cacao replied, the 3 ancient looked at him in a confused look "wait- how unknown person?!" Hollyberry claims, "didn't we solve it?!" Golden cheese said, "hey! Be quiet!" Finally White lily said "attacked...." that was all pure vanilla said "you... don't remember?" White lily said "of course he doesn't! He received several injury on his head! How the fuck is going to remember all of those bullshit" Golden cheese say "Hey! Please don't cursed, remember you have a child behind you cheese" Hollyberry said "what child? Ohh..- wait, did I bring her-?" Golden cheese said confused "I won't cursed because of this little angel and yes you did, girl you need classes to take care of your child" Hollyberry say, she walks by where the stroller, and grabs the baby carrying her comfortably "see? That's how you carried a baby" Hollyberry said "HEY! Give me my daughter-" Golden cheese grabs the baby, but in a weird position, while looking mad at Hollyberry, the tiny baby cheese was carrying giggle softly, which melt more the heart of Golden cheese and Hollyberry "awww- I can't believe I made her!" Golden cheese Finally said leaving the room.

White lily was talking with Dark cacao while Pure vanilla was listening and answered some of the questions or things he could "wait... cheese has a daughter?" Pure vanilla said a little surprise "yes, it was shocking that none of us noticed in those horrible clothes each in that nation has to wear" Dark cacao said "I- I... don't even know how and who" White lily said " I mean I already knew- but I wasn't sure if it was correct" Pure vanilla said "you know.. sometimes you scared the shit out of me nilla" Dark cacao said "hey! Don't be cold!" White lily says, they all continue in which part they went to their kingdoms, now the thing it was coming might be worst for cao kingdom? We don't know yet...

In other side as soon as possible one of the servants that work at Sweet Vanilla imperial, was an spy for chocolate chip, as soon as possible she heard the news she send a letter to chocolate chip informing her about what happen, as soon Chocolate chip receives the letter, in anger she broke her cup of glass she was drinking, this time she wouldn't fail again. It's a miracle he survived.

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