💖 adventures of passion 💖

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While the effects kick on, in somewhere inside Pure vanilla was there "huh?" Pure vanilla said with a headache "hey, relax, we're trapped here" Dark cacao said "where are we?" Pure vanilla said "somewhere until the affect comes off?" Dark cacao said "of what?" Pure vanilla said curious "I don't know" Dark cacao said.

Pure vanilla was still on the floor "Ugh! How should we get out of here?!" Dark cacao said desperate "hey relax, with 'that' attitude won't get you anything else for you" Pure vanilla said already tired of Dark cacao things "attitude? Look at you, a blind healer that out of nowhere becomes king? What type of people you have to decide that? Blind?" Dark cacao said angry now "Hey!! It's not my fault that I'm blind! If you didn't know or remember, I used to have my eyes sign until some bitch got us in trouble and I lost my sign!" Pure vanilla said he was mad as well "Oh yeah? Fuck you, glad that I didn't propose to you" Dark cacao said looking to another way
"Glad I didn't accept it-..... what?" Pure vanilla realized "you were about to propose to me 6 years ago-?" Pure vanilla was in shock "that's what I say, not even blind but deaf too" Dark cacao said "...Look, I'm sorry ok? But you shouldn't have think about of what you did, you know better what you did, and I don't like those types of stuff, you knew better than anyone" Pure vanilla said "I know! Shut up, but you didn't gave me the chance to at least to explain" Dark cacao said "you're right, but I was too afraid ok? You know what happen to my kingdom... I couldn't even think about anything else, you're right like Lily, maybe I am the selfish one..." Pure vanilla said.

~~~~~~~~~~~ in the issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"No! Bad cao- bad cao!" Hollyberry said throwing out water on Dark cacao (on the potion effects) "TAKE ME WITH HIM!!!" Dark cacao said trying to broke his chains "No! Bad cao!! Ba- AHHHHHH" Hollyberry fell on one of the pillows on the floor "your Majesty something happen-" a servant said "Holy shit- Take care of him! He's possessed" Hollyberry said going immediately to Golden cheese "WHAT HAPPEN?!" Hollyberry said when she arrived to the room "PURE VANILLA IS GONE!!!" Golden cheese said "oh- CAOO" Hollyberry said, but when they got to the room Dark cacao wasn't there anymore, the chains were broken, and the servant bleeding from his head passed out "noo... we're done-" Hollyberry said "CODE L!! LOCKDOWN!" Hollyberry said screaming.

Everything went crazy "NOOOO MORE NEPHEWS OR NIECE'S" Golden cheese cried "I don't think that could happen, unless it's extremely the effects" White lily said with red velvet at her hand "tf is that boy-" Golden cheese said looking up and down "he's my son" white lily said "no more nephews- but I accept this adorable one" Golden cheese said hugging Red velvet "CHEESE!" Hollyberry screamed "what? Oh yeah-" Golden cheese stop hugging Red velvet and started to hurry up looking everywhere.

~~~~~~~~~~ with the 2 again ~~~~~~~~~

"Well she was right, You are, and besides all of that a fucking hateful person, why didn't you think I wouldn't notice you sacrifice for nothing? Not even your own people likes you, Pure vanilla you are so stupid you now?" Dark cacao said "I-..." Pure vanilla couldn't respond about what they were arguing about "AND? I DO WHAT I CAN AND MORE!! I'M NOT LIKE YOU OR YOUR FATHER, BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY YOU AND HIM ARE THE SAME!!! YOU'RE SO ARROGANT AND FOOLISH!! EITHER WAY SOO... soo... Fucking player.." Pure vanilla yelled at Dark cacao "DON'T COMPARE ME TO HIM!!! AT LEAST I HAD PARENTS UNLIKE YOU!!! YOU STUPID B-...." Dark cacao realized what he just said and look at Pure vanilla "Pure vanilla... I-... didn't meant to- I'm sorry! I was just" Dark cacao try to explain but Pure vanilla was already tearing up "save it cao, is fine, I understand, I won't be even surprised you come to me to my kingdom with the other to kill, just exactly what your father did to my mother... is fine" Pure vanilla said and he started to walk away somewhere, and he sit crying still.

"I- didn't meant to make you cry... I'm sorry" Dark cacao walk to him and sit besides him "...." Pure vanilla didn't respond "you know... you right, I act like my father sometimes but I would never going to hurt you or kill you like he did to your mom, I might make you cry, but I'm very sorry for that, I was just desperate" Dark cacao said, Pure vanilla stop for a moment and look at Dark cacao with his eyes open (not usually he open it, since it would be the same dark vision) "is fine I guess... I apologize for what I did to you 6 years ago... I should have listened to you before" Pure vanilla said, Dark cacao didn't say anything since he was unaware by the beauty of pure vanilla eyes, and the same feeling that I had before had returned "I.. forgive you..." Dark cacao said, Pure vanilla smiled softly, everything was feeling like before, Butterfly's all over their stomach.

"I..." Pure vanilla couldn't finished since Dark cacao kiss him, to which he responds the kiss, everything the black turned into pink and beautiful lights, they both brake the cursed of the potion now..

~~~~~~~~~~Back in the places~~~~~~~~

Dark cacao open his eyes, and it was normal, as well Pure vanilla already had his staff "uh?" Pure vanilla was confused and he was feeling cold, when he look down he panic "AHHHHHHHHHH" Pure vanilla screamed and a big blush appears "NILLA DON'T LOOK- SHIT-" Dark cacao panicked as well and grab some other things "WHAT HAPPEN!" Golden cheese said "I FOUND THEM!!" Hollyberry said "Final-....." Golden cheese was traumatized now "WHAT ARE YOU TWO WAITING FOR?! HELP-" Dark cacao and Pure vanilla yelled "god damn cao- OH SHIT-" Golden cheese immediately cover White lily eyes when she arrived "What happen?" She asked "nothing mi amor- I mean lily" Golden cheese said.

Pure vanilla was still processing what he just did and saw, he was still on blush, and even though he couldn't see with his own eyes, he did with the staff and importantly his eyes were open as well and cover in soft blankets after he got changed of clothes "uhh- vanilla are you ok?" White lily asked sitting next to Pure vanilla "I-... I almost did the other thing- I'm not ready for that yet-" Pure vanilla said traumatized "ohhh so you saw Dark cacao p-" white lily said but got interrupted "NO- DON'T YOU DARE SAYING THAT LILY-" Pure vanilla panicked again "why? Since when pants are ba-.... oh.. I get it now...HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA" White lily was wheezing and laughing now "Ahhhhh" Pure vanilla said, now that everything got back to normal and the two relationship is back, it's just time until the war comes..

{To be continued}

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