🖤🌼~ Season ruined ~🌼🖤

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Pure vanilla couldn't breathe and not even that, he was shaking and all pale "Darling calm down! Calm down" Dark cacao said while trying to calm Pure vanilla "I CAN'T! I CAN'T! I CAN'T! I CAN'T!!" Pure vanilla screamed "Darling stop!" Dark cacao said and he kiss Pure vanilla directly, Pure vanilla started to cried again while kissing Dark cacao but he still wasn't fine "relax okay? Breathe in... and Breathe out" Dark cacao said while hugging Pure vanilla, and it work.

Pure vanilla was given a sedative to calm him down and put him to sleep, He was not very aware of the effects of almost sleeping but at least he was still talking "...I can't do it..." Pure vanilla said half sleep "do what Darling?" Dark cacao said while staying on Pure vanilla's side "I love you....you look... like my husband..." Pure vanilla said unconsciously of what he was saying "husband? I am your husband" Dark cacao said fixing Pure vanilla to lay him down to bed and cover him up on his blankets "don't move ok? Your ankle was badly hurt, and you have some injuries ok?" Dark cacao said standing up "ok..." Pure vanilla said and immediately fell in sleep.

"Fuck- this is getting worse, White lily is gone, the creatures are everywhere in the gates this portal creatures...." Golden cheese said while fighting some of them "Go mommy!!!" Cheesy said cheering her mom "Yes my dear daughter!! You will witness that you have the best mother of the eartbread!" Golden cheese said with a proud smile and she immediately defeat the 3 monsters, while Cheesy was clapping and giggling seeing her mother defeating the creatures, Golden cheese grab her daughter and they enter to the  palace "mommy!! Amazing!!" Cheesy said kissing her mother cheek "awww I know I am, you'll see some day you'll be the Most terrific Warrior! Like me, and I bet I can pass you my title as Queen, and maybe ancient to you- if I can" Golden cheese said, and her daughter smiled.

Hollyberry and her husband were fighting still close to the gates "HONEY! BE CAREFUL!!" King Berry said pushing Hollyberry out of the way with him, Saving both of them being stabbed "oh.. thank you honey" Hollyberry said standing up and helping her husband "well~ let's make this easier together!" King berry said "we will my dear!" Hollyberry said and they both fight, Hollyberry using her shield against the monsters and Her husband covering her from behind, both protecting the gates and their son as well.

But things were getting out of control, monsters were arrived by big groups and the ancients were sort of tired and hurt, like the knights, while Pure vanilla was still on his room "I CAN'T! I MUST TO PROTECT MY PEOPLE!!" Pure vanilla yelled grabbing his stuff "NILLA! YOU'RE INJURED! YOU CAN'T JUST FIGHT!" Dark cacao said "I'll handle this out, you stay here" Dark cacao said grabbing his sword and went to fight "NO I WON'T!!!" Pure vanilla said mad, but he was being tied up by the doctors "YOUR MAJESTY YOU CAN'T! YOUR ANKLE IS IN BAD CONDITION" The doctors said grabbing tight Pure vanilla "I'M A HEALER AND KING, I CAN HEAL MYSELF, BUT I MUST TO PROTECT MY PEOPLE AND FRIENDS!!" and within Pure vanilla did a spell and teleport out of the castle, when he stand up, his ankle cracked making the pain appeared again, but that wasn't a reason for pure vanilla to not fight even though he had scratches, he couldn't stand in bed while his friends and lover are sacrificing their self over a thing he should do.

Hollyberry was stabbed badly on her leg making her fall, and her husband was extremely injured on his head "HONEY!" Hollyberry screamed trying to get to her husband, meanwhile Golden cheese was hitting badly even she broke one of her wings and one of her eyes was bleeding, she was trapped by the monsters with her daughter, and Dark cacao was fighting still, sadly a monster caught him off guard stabbed his armbut he continued even getting deep scratches, the ancients were tired and fighting still When Pure vanilla arrived.

"...Leave....my people... and friends... ALONE!!!" Pure vanilla yelled making the earth shake a little bit, he was furious, immediately Pure vanilla raise his stuff that now was sort of with red eye "With this spell with no name yet, I summon you and order you to kill these horrible beings!!!" Pure vanilla said angrily and a a explosion appeared making everything white, some of the monsters turned into solid stones, the ancients were surprised, Pure vanilla was still furious, he wasn't concerned of what he was doing because of his anger and continued fighting alone, none of the ancients have seeing him so angry.

"DIE!!! YOU F-CKING MONSTERS!!! LEAVE MY PEOPLE ALONE!!!" Pure vanilla said eliminating the monsters by his magic and stuff "did he-...just cursed?..." Golden cheese was in shocked "HELP!!!" Hollyberry screamed trying not to fall carrying her dear husband, Dark cacao was injured as well and shocked but help Hollyberry with her husband to get him with the healers "DARK CACAO STOP YOUR HUSBAND HE'S GETTING OUT OF CONTROL!!!" Golden cheese yelled at Dark cacao "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY, I DON'T PLAN TO PROPOSE TO HIM YET!" Dark cacao said  trying to get to Golden cheese "BROO STOP- I'M NOT A MONSTER AHHHH- CAO!!!" Golden cheese said afraid "NILLA PLEASE STOP!! DON'T!!!" Dark cacao hug tight Pure vanilla, he was out of control "CALM DOWN DAMN IT!!" Dark cacao said.

Finally Pure vanilla realized he was about to hurt Golden cheese and Dark cacao and got to his self "I-I'm sorry! I didn't meant to!!" Pure vanilla apologize "WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Dark cacao said grabbing Golden cheese, Pure vanilla look at the monsters and look at his stuff "nilla?" Dark cacao said "Protection barrier!" Pure vanilla made a spell to protect the gates and his kingdom and the others while the portal monsters slowly down disappeared, he knew he could only hold the spell for 2 days, he knew this would get him in bad condition but he needed to sacrifice in other to save and protect.

He immediately run inside of the castle where Hollyberry was crying, she had bandages everywhere, while the other healers attended to the other wounded and to his friend and boyfriend "Hollyberry! What happen?" Pure vanilla said "is my husband!! Acai Berry!! He's in badly conditions and- the healers can't save him!!" Hollyberry said "it's my fault... I shouldn't have stay in bed when you all needed me...I'll save him" Pure vanilla said entering to the room...

{To be continued}

{ would acai berry survived? See it in the next chapter coming soon! }

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