🌺 past berry 🌺

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It's been almost 16 years since I talk to my parents or even visit them in the graveyard, even though It's been 10 years, I'm still not prepared to visit their graves... now that I'm in charge of my nario and people, and finally have my confidence to myself, I don't think is not necessary for me to visit some horrible parents I had.

16 years before tragedy

"Mom! Look!! Doesn't that dress look amazing on me?" Say a young and cute tiny cookie trying on one of her dreaming dress "ugh! It doesn't fit at all" the young cookie say "pff- obviously it won't since you're a fatty pig, if it wasn't for the critical people, I wouldn't buy you this horrible dress you like!" The mother say "gave her a more large size" while the mother (the formed queen) was saying things about the dress, the tiny cookie was looking at herself on the mirror and touching her stomach and cheeks sad "am I.... this fat?...." the young cookie say "Hurry up Hollypig, I have a meeting and I won't waste my time on buy dress in horrible designs" The mother say and grab hard the hand of the young Hollyberry "but-... the dress? Didn't you say you were going to buy it for me!!" Young Hollyberry say a little bit sad "DON'T YOU GET IT? YOU ARE TOO FAT!! THERE'S NO SIZE FOR YOU THERE!! Hurry up! You are wasting my precious time" The mother say, young Hollyberry didn't say anything then just crying in silence, since if she didn't cry in silence, probably her mother would slap her or her father would already grounded her, she keep on silence until they got to their place.

Hollyberry went to her room and lock it and slowly sit down on the floor, she was crying, it wasn't her fault that she was like that, it wasn't the only thing she only do was too just stand up a look at herself "mom is right..." she say while sobbing, since that day she felt embarrassed to show her true self, every single time was always the same "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! WOMEN SHOULD NEVER USED OTHER CLOTHES THAN THIS TRADICIONAL ONES!!" her father say while hit her in her hand making it bleed a little, sometimes when she did something "NO!! GIRLS ALWAYS DO GIRLS STUFF!! NOT FIGHTING SKILLS!! ONLY BOYS!! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET A GOOD HUSBAND LIKE THAT?!" Her mom say and it always the slapped, every day.

There was some point young Hollyberry didn't eat anything, sometimes she did, but not much and she just prefer to starved herself lately.

She continued that way until she and her parents went to a proposed day that they were about to get some important things since the Queen and king from Sweet Vanilla imperial died, they had to reunion forces to take care of this kingdom since the baby they had was gone after war, or at least it was in someone else hands as a noble family.

They arrived and some of the kings were there "greetings king and queen of Hollyberry kingdom" king dark say "may the princess play with my daughter since she's a girl" Gold Queen say, Hollyberry peek and saw 2 kids while her mom was looking at her to accept "great idea, maybe my son could marry one of your powerful kingdom for good" king dark say showing Dark cacao behind him "take care of them like a man do" Dark cacao accept and follow the 2 young cookies while the kings and queens were laughing.

"Uh- this is awkward" young Hollyberry say "may I please- uh... get some tea?" The other cookie say "isn't that enough? You are had like 6 times of tea" Young Dark cacao say "uh- I- well shit, I'm not like you as royal" Finally the young cookie say "isn't that a bad word-" Hollyberry say "well you barbie doll, I don't give a shit, I always force to be nice, anyways, the name Golden cheese" young Golden cheese say "and I thought I was the only one, I'm Dark cacao" Young Dark cacao say "I-... I'm Hollyberry...." Young Hollyberry say quietly "damn girl, you look adorable! And look at your huge body! I bet.if you practice fight, you'll get everyone to your feet as a mommy" Young Golden cheese say "AYO- HOW YOU KNOW THESE STUFF?" Dark cacao say "easy, I read things I shouldn't do" Golden cheese say, they didn't know what Golden cheese say sort of make Hollyberry cry and they both turn around immediately "h-hey!! Being a mommy isn't a bad! Is more like a sexy thing! No- like a brave thing and fans! I didn't mean to call you fat-" Golden cheese say nervous "how was she supposed to know? We're like 7 to know those things" Dark cacao say while trying to calm down Hollyberry "How did you two not know?! You'll need more private reading and book!!" Golden cheese while sitting next to Hollyberry "hey! I didn't mean to- sorry if you think I call you fat- I didn't know you didn't know about what a mommy is- and is better that way, but still I'm sorry hollymolly" Golden cheese say "is fine... is just- I- usually got call fat by all my people and family as well- and since the name of Hollypig, this a first time some say something nice of it" Hollyberry said while sobbing with a little smiled "wait what? Being fat isn't ugly, is actually something nice of you, actually you're not fat, is only how you are, which makes you especial" Dark cacao say "this emo pony tail is right, like damn, it looks good on you! Don't be embarrassed of yourself, be who you are bitch" Golden cheese say smiling "hey!!" Dark cacao say "haha, thank you".

Since then, Hollyberry and the 2 were getting closer, and no longer much Hollyberry was embarrassed of herself, is true, and still her parents called her and make her suffer, but still, she try not to affect her since her friends were there- even her parents and king dark were about to gave her in a proposal of marriage for years, but no, even in academy too... what a beautiful memories of her getting confidence in herself...

End of flashback

Hollyberry smiled and continues, she went exactly in her baby's room and grabs royal berry in her arms, and look herself at the mirror one more time, but this she smiled and kiss her baby forehead "pff- they were all wrong, being fat or like this isn't a bad thing, being yourself and be who you are is better than their expectations" she say while looking at her baby, she smile in love and kids the baby one more time a place it in his bed "yes my love, that's how you become my mommy" Hollyberry husband say, Hollyberry laugh in blush "oh dear- you reminded me at first when Golden cheese call me that way, you're right" Hollyberry said "yes I am, and that's how I felt in love with you, my brave wife, I bet our son would be exactly like you, a brave, confidence and fighter and smart king just like you as a queen" Hollyberry husband say, she smile in blush and kiss him "you're right, there's nothing bad then be yourself and stay for who you are" Hollyberry say "yes, that's the woman I love most".

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