🌼🖤 angst/traumas 🧀🍃🌺

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"So... is been a long 4 weeks since the incidents right?" Golden cheese said while pasting the evidence the wall with other things to connect it "how's your leg and wig?" Dark cacao said looking through some stuff in the case "yup, this break is nothing compared to my wing, is just healing for 8 weeks only" Golden cheese said "Pff- sorry, I just remembered your face back then, when you used to freak out when you hurt your wing for first time" Dark cacao comment "haha- so funny of you" Golden roll her eyes annoyed "hey, I'm trying at least" Dark cacao said "you trying- since when did you become this cold heart tone emo guy?" Golden cheese says "well, since my mother and father ruined my life so? Any excuse?" Dark cacao said "hmm... you know, glad that my mom abandoned me! And sort of not, I mean- thanks to her I became the youngest queen in my kingdom and first.... ugh-" Golden cheese said while remembering the past time the dukes and royal people as other disrespect her with disgusting face "tell me about.... my kingdom is been a little to harsh lately.. some of my people are afraid of me no matter what, since my father die, they always make rumors I was going to be exactly like him" Dark cacao said while doing duties "I mean- they're not wrong- you look exactly like an old man like him-" Golden cheese murmured "I'm not.... I'm waiting still to get my divorce" Dark cacao said ".... do you.... still have.... that feeling you had to abandoned...?" Golden cheese stopped for a moment waiting for a response "what feeling? If you mean about my past relationship with Hollyberry, that was years ago in the past" Dark cacao declared "no! I didn't meant about you and Hollyberry relationship-.... I mean you and-.... pure vanilla" Golden cheese said. Dark cacao had to stop and looked at her cold " I told you I didn't want to talk about that, I- no longer have feelings for him, you know after Chocolate chip I would married another noble high ranking daughter you know? Me and Pure vanilla are in the past like Hollyberry and I" Dark cacao said " why are acting like that?" Golden cheese said "acting like who?" Dark cacao said "LIKE YOUR FATHER!! WHO ELSE?!" Golden cheese yelled "What is wrong with you!?! And you? Why are you acting like your mother?!" Dark cacao said mad "AT LEAST I'M NOT ACTING LIKE AN ASSHOLE LIKE YOU!" Golden cheese said "WELL DAMN- WHO HURT YOU TODAY FOLDER CHESS?!" dark cacao shout "HEY! DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT- THAT WAS IN THE PAST!!" Golden cheese said "calm down you woman, what's wrong with you?" Dark cacao says "me? ME?! WHAT ELSE?!!" Golden cheese said "WEL YES!! IS ANYONE HERE ELSE WITH US? NO!" Dark cacao yelled "Well fuck! Ok jeez- I just...." Golden cheese couldn't finished when Dark cacao said " if you are lesbian is your business not mine- we already knew that cheese" Dark cacao said without even being surprised "AYO! is true... BUT THIS ISN'T TIME TO TALK ABOUT COMING OUT OF THE CLOSED- IS ABOUT SOMETHING SERIOUS!!" Golden cheese said, Dark cacao turned his face to her in surprised now, he didn't think about Golden cheese admitting something that is true "and what's the serious thing you need to say?" Dark cacao said "I- I gave birth to a baby after- 6 months and I don't know who the father is-" Golden cheese said sweating nervous "YOU WHAT?!!" Dark cacao now was furious "DIDN'T I TOLD YOU TO BE CARE ON GOING TO PARTIES AND ILLEGAL PLACES TO FIGHT?!" Dark cacao said very mad "I KNOW! BUT SHUSH!!" Golden cheese cover dark cacao mouth but he didn't let her do that "do you know what position are you these years?!" Dark cacao said "yes I know!! I'm a FUCKING barbie queen that needs to give an example to its own people, but I don't wanna do that anymore!! I want to be free!! Not having to be polite or- dressing up with a lot of dresses, or even having those fancy things and over makeup!!" Golden cheese said "yes! But still, you can't do those things out of nowhere, and you don't even know who the father is? They going to criticize you or even spread fake rumors about you and your status right now!" Dark cacao said " I know.... I felt like... I should have already abandoned the baby- but I can't cao!! Is my daughter! I can't do that! I won't commit the same mistakes my mother did to me to my daughter you get it?!" Golden cheese said freak out, dark cacao inhale and exhaled "cheese.... I know you been through lot of traumas, especially when your dad passed away when you were a kid, I know your mom force to go on dates to horrible people, and even threatened you, or neglected you in worst ways, Hollyberry and I, we all know together, you are not the only one, that was neglected, see? My father did the same but different, and Hollyberry with her two parents too, they always shaming her and telling lies she was fat, do you remember she even felt unsecured of herself and even starved herself because of those things? Do you remember when some of those stupid people used to bullying and do worst things to White lily even about to commit suicide?" Dark cacao said with a cold tone, Golden cheese got in silence  for some moments "cheese, you're not the only one who surfer during childhood, and not only this things, Pure vanilla too remember? He never knew what a love of parents feels like since his parents disappeared, like us, we never knew what true love of parents was, and even he went blind remember? The only thing he had was his loneliness and sadness, like all of us, and now look at him, he's been misery now and he's in coma" Dark cacao said "but you don't understand cao... I can't forgive myself and my past" Golden cheese said "suck it up Golden cheese, yes you can, if you don't want to be exactly like your mother, than be better than her, don't think about the past now and focus on the future, now that you have a daughter put everything you didn't have to her, just let that horrible past go away, it only brings you more misery to you than luck" Dark cacao declared while looking for other things "you are right.... I need to let all of this go... but how?" Golden cheese asked "by doing the right thing to your daughter and yourself, that's all that matters" Golden cheese smile with some tears, for first time in years, she walked away to get something leaving Dark cacao alone with his hand on his chest  with a mini soft toy of him made by hand from pure vanilla "the past..." Dark cacao squeezes the figure with a downward gaze and puts it in his pocket "how blind I was.... and you have to pay all of this because of me.... I promise I'll do justice after this nilla...." Dark cacao said in a cold tone "and you better do that cao, you need to correct all of your mistakes now" Hollyberry appeared with Dark cacao "I know.... she'll regret this...".

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