🌼🖤 Please stop...🖤🌼

870 29 15

After the funeral and everything they did in honor to acai berry they all got back to their kingdoms, Pure vanilla was still helping the people of his kingdom since the season happen, they still had to finish their houses and heal, even with the time, pure vanilla was quiet tired, the barrier for the kingdoms plus healing and saving people, the magic he's been doing on his stuff, it was getting pretty tired pure vanilla knew that if it continued like this what could happen were consequences of abuse of pover get him in a bad state, but still he need to protect everything and protect the people away from dimensional monsters.

Pure vanilla was walking around after finish his duties, when he heard a explosion, when he turned around with his stuff to the place the explosion was he got in panic, it was the biggest wall from the gates, it collapse by some attack and place, and heard people screaming "KNIGHTS!! GET THE CAPTAIN VANILLA TO SEND THE KNIGHTS DOWN TO THE WALL GATES! AND SOME HEALERS!" Pure vanilla said  running out of the palace.

~~~~~•~~~~~ Dark cacao ~~~~~•~~~~~~

He was going out of the Hollyberry kingdom once again to check on his best friend Hollyberry.

He was thinking about How Pure vanilla health state is, since he knew he was overusing his magic "Your Majesty, is any other way you want to go before going back?" The who was driving the carriage said "hmm..." Dark cacao had to think for a second and then answer "yes, To Sweet vanilla kingdom" Dark cacao said "ok" and within they continue their way to the Pure vanilla kingdom.

Dark cacao was still worried about somethings and Pure vanilla as well, he didn't even notice the carriage stop suddenly until he was called "Your highness!! Look" the driving person for the carriage said "huh?" Dark cacao look from the window and saw the destroyed part, he immediately got out of the carriage and run towards the Captain from the vanilla army "Whqt happen here?!" Dark cacao said looking the fallen gate part "that's what we're doing your Majesty, King Pure vanilla send us and we're helping the people" The captain said while getting injured people out of the monument and pieces of wall that they were stuck "nilla..." Dark cacao look at the barrier and saw a bad signal about it "Where's your king?!" Dark cacao said in a cold tone (like always) "he's with the other people we save down" The captain said and Dark cacao run looking for Pure vanilla

~~~~~~~~~• end of cao pov •~~~~~~~~~

"Where's nilla?!" Dark cacao said looking around and helping as well on his way through the people "Why isn't working?!" Pure vanilla yelled in panic while trying to heal the person, and his nose and mouth started to bleed and hurting his self again "Why!! WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING!!" Pure vanilla said, he couldn't heal, he was doing again and again, and more pain came to him and more he was using his heal power more blood came out and dizziness, Dark cacao saw Pure vanilla and immediately run towards him "Nilla stop!!! Stop!!" Dark cacao said looking terrified to Pure vanilla "NO!! SHE NEEDS ME!! AND I CAN'T RUN WITHOUT HELPING HER!!" Pure vanilla said "THAT'S ENOUGH!! YOU'RE HURTING YOURSELF!!" Dark cacao said grabbing Pure vanilla to his shoulder "no... no!...no..." Pure vanilla passed out and within the barrier did as well "MOM!!! MOM!!!" a tiny cookie said hugging the cookie Pure vanilla was trying to save "MOM!!" the tiny cookie cried, and suddenly the other cookie woke up and stand up "mom..?" The tiny cookie said, and this two hug, she was completely heal now.

"Get me the first aid kit and please take care of his stuff" Dark cacao said giving Pure vanilla stuff to a servant and grabbing the first aid kit, he run into Pure vanilla room a place him on his bed, he started to check if Pure vanilla was injured besides the suddenly bleeding thing, he clean the blood he had on his face, and disinfects some wounds on his hands that he had from the sharp pieces of the wall that he had, Dark cacao immediately send some letter to notify the ancients about this tragedy, first White lily, second the monsters, third Hollyberry husband, and now the gates?! What was happening? This is the 3 attack Sweet Vanilla kingdom was attacked.

Not much longer Golden cheese arrived "DARK CACAO!!!" she screamed "Silence! There's no need to scream" Dark cacao said "what happen?! How the fuck is the gate destroyed almost all?!" Golden cheese said "it was a attacked by someone in here, the responsible hasn't been found yet, but they're still working on it for now" Dark cacao said "oh god...this place...is been suffering... they just got their things back.... and now look..." Golden cheese said look at the window part "I know, I sent some of my people to help rebuild the gate part that was destroyed" dark cacao said "good, I already send mine" Golden cheese said "your Majesty, we already save all survivals...but 12 people die... at least 56 survive at all" the captain said "oh god..." Golden cheese said "give them help and a place to stay, restore their homes while they recover, and the others something more worthy for this tragedy to those who lost their lives" dark cacao said "yes your Majesty" the captain said and leaves the room "Where's Pure vanilla?.." Golden cheese said "he got hurt as well, and over used a lot of his limited of power, as well some small injuries but still, overpo-" Dark cacao couldn't finished when Golden cheese freak out "HE ABUSED HIS LIMIT OF HIS MAGIC?!!" Golden cheese said "yes".

Meanwhile Pure vanilla woke up, and quickly change to another new clothes "I-... I need to-" Pure vanilla wasn't done when he suddenly throw up again with blood and felt pain on his chest, not soon tears appeared but instead was blood, he tried to leave but suddenly as well he couldn't move and he fall "no no no..." Pure vanilla said, everything was dizzy, he couldn't even move, he had a horrible pain and he was feeling his inside was collapsing, while he was bleeding again "No.. My people I-" he tried once again, with still pain he stood up shaking, with difficulty he walk covering his nose bleeding as well when he heard the conversation "12 die..." Pure vanilla was in shock and started to walk, he was touching around and holding his self on the walls not to fall again, it was hard without his stuff.

While Dark cacao finished he was walking with Golden cheese to Pure vanilla room and noticed he wasn't there "nilla?" Dark cacao said checking "uh.. cao... there's blood...on the floor..." Golden cheese said "oh no... we have to find him before he collapse again" Dark cacao said leaving the room and started to run through the hall ways looking for Pure vanilla "where are you nilla?...".

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