🌼🖤🍫 you... heard...🍫🖤🌼

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It was cold in cao's kingdom part which he was constantly doing his work and not much paying attention on his son anymore since Pure vanilla was talking and playing with him.

Dark cacao was about to pay a visit to his son but he decline the request of a small visit to his room, Dark cacao was a little surprise, so he assumed that his son didn't wanted to see him since he couldn't be with him this past days.

Suddenly Dark choco was pushing way his father and Dark cacao could even feel that this things weren't working like they used to, not even when he made the favorite food for dark choco until...

Pure vanilla was visiting Dark choco again and knocked "choco? It's me, your step dad- are you alright?" Pure vanilla said, but no one respond, he knock again and the door open, a small kid pull him in and close the door just in time, on the face of a servant "choco?" Pure vanilla said "how... can you love my dad?" Dark choco asked looking at Pure vanilla "what you mean? I do love him" Pure vanilla said "even more to hide such a big crime that he did to my mom?" Dark choco said, Pure vanilla was in shock when he heard those words coming from a 6 years old almost 7 "w-what" Pure vanilla was trying to get another subject "you knew.... about my mom, and you didn't say anything?!" Dark choco screamed at Pure vanilla "Yes! But- think about it first! Your mother wasn't a good person my child... she did horrible things to me and her own people too! Your father must to have a reason why he do that! Just let him explain" Pure vanilla said grabbing dark cacao shoulder trying to calm him down with a hug "NO I WON'T!!!" Dark choco screamed again.

Dark cacao was walking and heard some screams from Dark choco room and got there inside with a key "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Dark cacao said "CAO HELP-" Pure vanilla said when he was getting hit by a book "Choco! Stop this nonsense!!" Dark cacao said taking his son away "NO! YOU BOTH LIE TO ME AS WELL!!" Dark choco said angry, and getting his self free from his father arms.

"WHAT YOU MEAN?!" Dark cacao said "YOU LIE ABOUT MY MOTHER!! YOU KILL HER AND REPLACE HER WITH HIM!!! HOW COULD YOU DAD!!" Dark choco said. Pure vanilla and Dark cacao were surprised "you... heard... didn't you?" Dark cacao said "yes I did. What you thing I am father? A idiot child?" Dark choco said "son, let me explain ok? I did it because of our family! She was a horrible person, and believe me, everyone on here are agree with me that the past Queen was a terrible person! Not only that, she even try to assassinated your step dad, and even hurt you, when you were only a newborn!" Dark cacao said "then why didn't you told me this at first then just hide it from me? I'm your son! And I have all rights to know the truth" Dark choco said in tears the small bean- I mean child "because you are too young to find this things out! I was going to explain this to you when you already grown up! Like 14, not 6, this isn't something appropriate for a kid at your age to know about this horrible truth!" Dark cacao said, dark choco was quiet for some while and he started to cry a little bit, Pure vanilla started to hug him tight trying to comfort him for a while.

Dark cacao sighs tiredly, and sits comfortably on his bed next to Pure vanilla and Dark choco, also comforting his son for a few minutes. Until Dark cacao thought to tell him the rest, since there was no point in hiding it anymore.

"I guess it was time..." Dark cacao said "dear.. I think I should leave you two alone for this personal father and son thing" "no, you stay here nilla" Dark cacao grab Pure vanilla and sit him back from where he was "he needs to know some other things when he was a baby as well ok? And you know how I am-...plus- you're his other dad to technically " Dark cacao said in a arrogant way "okay" he said "ok... when I was at your age, I was already doing other stuffs and doing things that I wasn't supposed to know at your aged or other kids, Your Grandfather Dark, he wasn't as good as you thought he is son... he was a selfish man and heart cold person without mercy to anyone else he didn't like or even met" Dark cacao started to talk "and trust me, I already knew every basic and advanced things that you want to learn... but you know, one of those days I was transferred to a privileged Academy ever, and that's when I met your aunts and your step dad.. perhaps... your step dad was so adorable that time" Dark cacao zone out while he was having a flashback "cao...Cao... CAO!!!" Pure vanilla yelled getting dark cacao out of his zone "oh yeah! Well... in that time, I got a lot of things and a lot of pressure since your grandfather was a perfectionist on everything for him, and that's how I met your mother... at first I did fall in sort of love to her but not in the way she truly was until I found out the horrible things she done as a crown princess my father choice for me to married."

"That's... horrible dad" dark choco said, laying down his head on Pure vanilla legs part while he was caressed his head and hair gently "mhm... and I got her with you, that's when I married your mother, and things got worse... she found out I was close to your step dad, and she attacked him, which got him in a long- long sleep" Dark cacao tried to explain it in a easy way without saying the actual events "like sleepy beauty cookie?" Dark choco asked, and Pure vanilla giggle "yeah-" Dark cacao answer "ohh- so you kiss him to wake him up?" Dark choco said "no- not like that way, he wake up on his own- wait, maybe I did" Dark cacao was confused now "pfff- yes you did you" Pure vanilla started to laugh a little Making cao blush of embarrassed "nilla- stop" Dark cacao said.

"Besides, your grandfather and all of our bloodline from history were horrible, bad stuff at all! That's why I didn't say anything about this" Dark cacao said "so, you're saying you exactly like grandfather?" Dark choco said "no, and even though after all, even though you didn't have a mother" Dark cacao grab Pure vanilla hand and look again to dark choco "the person who was there for you was Pure vanilla the whole time, even in distance and when you were a baby too, he was the 2 mother you have choco" Dark cacao smiled at Pure vanilla "wait- he was the one sending me gift and letters?!" Dark choco was surprised "yes he did" Dark cacao said a "I did, even through years and now" Pure vanilla smiled softly "I'm sorry for hitting you with the books" dark choco said upset "is fine, I get your anger" Pure vanilla said "but son, we have to do something else ok? You will not going to remember this ok? Are you agree with this? You will remember when your father is going to tell you ok?" Pure vanilla said "ok... I love you two" Dark choco said.

Soon Pure vanilla did the spell and erase the part of what he heard of dark cacao and replaced it with something else he didn't know "there, he's an angel sleep" Pure vanilla said smiling "hey darling, now that you here, and I finished all and it's already night, we don't we do it? I mean, isn't this perfect?" Dark cacao said kissing Pure vanilla neck "no thanks- is too early for that" Pure vanilla said very politely "But-" "cao, my sweetie pie! You know what happen when I got annoyed you know? No buts, and no I'll take a guest room" Pure vanilla said walking away "Nilla please!! We've been knowing each since we were kids too! years ago!!!" Dark cacao said getting to his lover and get him trap to the wall "yeah- I do remember but we were like 7 and and I was 5- even though you are 33 and I'm 21, so no" Pure vanilla said trying to get out "Darling please~" Dark cacao was begging a little bit "ugh... I hate when you do those begging things and that face... fine! But if you do something else" Pure vanilla pointed to a flower and with his staff he destroyed is "this is going to happen to you" now Dark cacao was scared "o-ok" he said nervous taking Pure vanilla like a princess in after being rescue from a dragon to his room.

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