🌼🖤Would like to-🖤🌼

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The snow storm was already gone and it was all in a good temperature, Pure vanilla woke up besides the baby, he didn't know who else it was since he only could feel the baby hand of Dark choco, since his stuff was besides him, and he was almost about to see for himself, when he grab his stuff, he could see from it and when he focused well, he saw Dark cacao, his shirt was almost open and half of his chest with a good training shape, Pure vanilla immediately blush and got in panic, he accidentally drop his stuff and he couldn't see "(HOLY WITCHES-) Pure vanilla say on his mind, he didn't notice and he fell off the bed.

Dark cacao woke up and immediately look for Pure vanilla "Nilla?! Where are you?" Before Pure vanilla answer, Dark cacao look at Pure vanilla side bed and sign "oh- there you are, how did you fell?" Dark cacao say while standing up and walk towards Pure vanilla "I fell while sleep-" Pure vanilla say "I'll help you" Dark cacao say helping Pure vanilla to stand up.

The ancients have breakfast all together with their kids too as well, White lily talking to Pure vanilla and everyone else as well, even had to do another things as support of cao and sort of talking to noble people, since everyone got to finish their things, Pure vanilla was playing with the kids, and for tell the truth, He looked exactly like child with all kids, cute and innocent around him, even the ancients were agreed, everything was peacefully at least now, but they didn't know what certainly is going to happen next maybe.

"Who's a cute baby? You are" Pure vanilla say while playing with Hollyberry kid "what about me uncle nilla?" Golden cheese daughter say "you adorable!" Pure vanilla say "like- the new baby?" Cheesy say "yes, like the new baby" Pure vanilla say while holding dark choco, all the kids where pulling and wearing his hat, while cheesy was pull or making Pure vanilla hair "isn't he cute cao?" Golden cheese say teasing Dark cacao "shut up" Dark cacao say "he might be your perfect wife after all- or actually husband" Hollyberry say "I don't know" Dark cacao say turn his head in another part and saw White lily threatening face, she like 'did I told you that day he feel?' That kind of face, Dark cacao got pale "I-" Dark cacao say, and Hollyberry push him directly to Pure vanilla "uh- I-" Dark cacao say, his friend were say 'go! Asked him!' And Dark cacao got nervous- but he show in a cold face without notice "I- WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MY WIFE!-" Dark cacao say, Pure vanilla turn his face to Dark cacao confused "what? Pardon me- what?" Pure vanilla say, the 3 were disappointed "Not like that!!" White lily whisper from distance "NOT WIFE- I didn't say that- I- ugh- would you like to go somewhere just the two of us? Like we used too in the Academy?" Dark cacao Finally say "oh.. sure! I would like too if I can" Pure vanilla say smiling, Hollyberry and Golden cheese with white lily were celebrating and still embarrassing for what Dark cacao messed up- but still, now they can die in peace finally pulling those 2 together now.

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