🌼 blindness you get it?🖤

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Pure vanilla had to retake classes of how to move his hand in the left part and sort of walking again, since after the attempt of murder, his injuries were already cure, some just leave some marks, as soon Pure vanilla left the wheelchair and starting to get better he was doing his job now, and for that, he was about to make a party for thanking the ancients to help him during the time, but they stopped him, and convinced Pure vanilla it would be better to celebrate that king is back it's been months by then-.

Dark cacao was getting when Chocolate chip appeared "hello my lovely husband!" Chocolate chip said while kissing Dark cacao cheek and smiling "ready to be a father? I'm 8 months pregnant!! Our is so cute!!" Chocolate chip said, Dark cacao wasn't in humor, ever since he found out, but he still had to control himself, he stared on Chocolate chip belly and then touch it to feel the baby kicks, the fact that he was in a same marriage with a psychopath, that doesn't it mean he wouldn't love his child, or that's what he wanted to think it was his baby.

Even though all of those things he had to cover before, he wouldn't do it again when he finds the true about if he really was the father, but for now, the only thing he was thinking was a good future for him and his son, as soon as possible, or even thinking to send a order in private to Golden cheese about  sending protection from her and Hollyberry to Pure vanilla kingdom, he knew if he sends his knight, there's 80% one of them should be a criminal trying to kill Pure vanilla once again, he need to put his knight and the other nations in safe, since, he was already an uncle, first Cheese daughter, and now Hollyberry child's which is royal berry cookie, he couldn't believe that- and he was next to give his friends a nephew- since he considered them as sisters or brother, PV was different than that.

Dark cacao arrived and saw Hollyberry trying to calm her son and her husband was a little stressed, not even than, White lily was holding her flower per while Golden cheese was fighting over her daughter tantrum, Dark cacao was feeling like, he step on a daycare of savage people "(hope my son won't be like this- I swear I'll loose my mind)" Dark cacao though, he talk for a while with the ancients, and then left, he wanted to talk to Pure vanilla how he was, but he couldn't find him anywhere until a maid told him where he was "so- um.. he's at the garden?" Dark cacao asked once again "yes your Majesty, he's in the sanctuary of the Holy gods" the maid said once again, Dark cacao thank her, and continued.

He was about to declare himself lost when he saw a huge glass house, with beautiful decorations as iron and silver, the glass was so shiny, and most we're beautiful flowers and sort of in Gold, he enter, he was looking everywhere in the beautiful place inside when he noticed Pure vanilla praying, he must to admitted that even the sun was reflecting him, it make him look like a God of beauty and love, even his face was like made by the most pures angels, and his hair was perfect, all to show for a perfect cookie.

Dark cacao wait a little longer than he thought when Pure vanilla finished his pray, and stood up, he was about to speak when Pure vanilla talk "I knew you were there, how can I help you cao?" Pure vanilla said with a smile "how did you know I was here without even your stuff?" Dark cacao say with surprised, Pure vanilla giggle softly "cao- the right that I'm blind, it doesn't means I can't stop hearing things and the feeling of it, every time you came, you always make a noise, that's how I know it's you" Pure vanilla answer "not bad nilla" Dark cacao said "mhm! How's the baby?" Pure vanilla asked with a sweet smile "well- the baby is fine, it's just weeks until he's born- you know, my 'wife' is almost to 9 months so" Dark cacao said "oh. That's good!! I can't wait to- ¿heard the baby? You know- I can't say see since- blindness,  you get it?" Pure vanilla said while shaking his hand over his hand, it makes Dark cacao laugh a bit, they continue talking until the ball time, they head back, while Dark cacao was holding Pure vanilla arm, to help him still, like when they were kids.

The party continues, Hollyberry sing! Golden cheese got everyone with her dance and her daughter, Dark cacao and Hollyberry husband were talking of economy and other things, and Pure vanilla was with White lily, laughing and talking, everything was joyful for everybody, and other kingdoms too.

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