🌼💢♦️huh? 💢♦️🌼

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Pure vanilla got recover after over using his magic, and within 6 years pass, and he never talk to the kingdoms again, he just send present to their kids especially Dark choco who was 6 years old by now, actually Dark choco was sort of his favorite children he had.

Pure vanilla spend alone for the years by himself for now, since he was trying to get White lily but he started to feel alone than usual and sort of sad to say, so he decided to do something about this feeling.

"Hmm... don't you think is way too much sheep's your Majesty?!" The maid said "yes! They're cute!" Pure vanilla said hugging a sheep with a cute child face and smiled "hey! You can't come here!" The knight said "LET ME SPEAK FORST TO HIM" Golden cheese said getting to the garden "Huh?" Pure vanilla said and turned around with his staff looking at Golden cheese coming towards him "cheese? What are you doing here?!" Pure vanilla said "you, and me, date Tonight at-- at founder ginger fountain garden, Don't come late! Is a emergency" Golden cheese said and left.

"What?" Pure vanilla said confused while looking around his garden and noticed something in a dark place of his garden "wait! What?!" The maid got distracted, Pure vanilla was looking at something and he immediately walk towards it, he got inside of the forest, for his surprise, there was someone on the floor and it looked injured in her arm and there was a child on her arm "what..." he immediately got more deep into the forest and he started to heal this mysteriously person.

When Pure vanilla was done he immediately try to look at her heart beat and when he turned the person around he was in more shock who it was "Lily....w-white lily...." he said, and tear come on, white lily moved and started to wake up "uh... who are you?" She said sitting up "it's me! Your best friend! Vanilla! Oh lily! I'm so sorry!!!" Pure vanilla cried and hug her "vanilla? Is that you? God! How long is it?!" White lily said "are you hurt on something else?!" Pure vanilla said checking her arm "nope.. actually thanks god I found you!" White lily said "yeah... wait- who is he?" Pure vanilla said looking at red velvet who was laying down asleep peacefully "oh.. he's my son, I found him without an arm, he's cute... the w-witches gave him to me" White lily said.

Pure vanilla welcome White lily back "lily... how did he lost his arm?" Pure vanilla said checking the child while he was eating something sweet from Pure vanilla "oh uh- he was born like that" White lily said "oh, I see, well isn't that hard little buddy?" Pure vanilla said smiling at Red velvet "yup! But I get used to it since mo- I mean Ms. White lily found me as a baby- idk well, I was raised differently before meeting her" Red velvet said, he had to admit Red velvet started to feel cozy and comfortable than he was in the witches places "thank you vanilla, I'm tired and my son too, you're always so kind like childhood my friend" White lily smiled as she guide Pure vanilla out of the room "yes, I will, feel comfortable and I'll send some lady-in-wait to you ok? Good night lily" Pure vanilla said "good night vanilla" White lily said closing the door and her eyes got to her normal for now color in red and look at Red velvet "not bad" Dark enchantress said "I told you I'll do anything to make you proud mother" Red velvet said "even though you're nothing to me, you are like a son and proud of you I am as well, we must to continue like this ok?" Dark enchantress said sitting next to Red velvet that was already on bed, he yawn tired and Dark enchantress grab a book.

"Hmm.... are you sleep yet?" Dark enchantress said "no mother..." Red velvet said "come on, it's already 9:34 you should have been asleep like 1 hour ago" Dark enchantress said "I just... I can't get over those things... I don't want to see them on my sleep!" Red velvet said "hey, is alright they won't hurt you again, but we need to continue our plans ok?" Finally Dark enchantress grab the book and sit next to Red velvet once again "hmm" she said and she started to read something for Red velvet.

Dark enchantress finished the kids book and looked at her side, Red velvet was finally asleep, she put the book away and blew the candle off, and she lay down making sure red velvet was comfortable "....." she was quietly for a while when red velvet turn he's back to her while sleep "I love you mom... you are not a monster.... you are... a good mother" he said sleep, Dark enchantress heart was melt after that, but it was moments before she could remember about the plan "... I won't be after what I'm about to do...." she murmured, she got to her form as White lily and she sign while looking at the ceiling "I'm sorry for I'm about to do vanilla... but is for my own good you selfish.... these blinds needs to know the truth" White lily said and she fall asleep, all and everyone was in peace for the moment.

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