💔 Unexpected feeling 💔

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Pure vanilla was 4 weeks away from his coronation, he was getting ready for the wedding that Dark cacao was having, but for some reason he was feeling... broken... or even sad, he didn't know what that feeling was, he ignored and smile with "happiness" for him, he must be happy for his "friend" even though he already assisted in the Hollyberry wedding, which a dragon came in the middle of it and Hollyberry and the orders had to fight, it got away for some reason after words.

"Oh! Vanilla, can you help me with my.. d-dress and hair?" White lily says with embarrassed about her dress that was in a huge mess with her hair, pure vanilla help White lily with her dress and hair "why are you sad vanilla?" White lily asked worried about him "uh? I'm not, I'm happy actually, I don't even know why I look like that" pure vanilla smile, but White lily knew something was definitely wrong "is about Dark cacao wedding with chocolate chip cookie?" White lily asked , Pure vanilla didn't said anything, out of nowhere a tear came out with another, he didn't know what happen to him today, it was the exactly same feeling he felt when Dark cacao left the academy or when he told him and his friends about his fiancé, now he's feeling the same way now? White lily was in shock, she didn't know that she was right "wait- You love Dark cacao? Vanilla... why didn't you tell me this? I thought we could talk to each if something happen, and why did you accept the invitation in first place?" White lily says, and hug more Pure vanilla "I-... I don't love him, is not possible, Lily, why are you confusing me? He's my friend and I'm happy for him- maybe this feeling is happiness" Pure vanilla said "or maybe is because you're hurting your true feelings into a lie, Come vanilla, I know you well, just admit it, if you want, we should cancel our invitation and relax with your sheep right?" White lily said with a smile on "no I won't cancel it, lily, that's absurd, I just can't, please do not ever speak of this again... I know you wanna help me but- I'm not in love with Dark cacao or that's what I think of, please don't say this type of nonsense" Pure vanilla said cleaning his tears, not much longer Golden cheese came to the room with Hollyberry into a dramatic pose "LET'S PRESENT TO YOUUUU~" Golden cheese said "THE EMO WITH ELEGANT CLOTHES" Hollyberry finally finished the sentence of Golden cheese, Dark cacao came to the room with his wedding clothes, so fancy to say, "ugh, why is everyone getting married too soon, like we get it you'll need your love gross sh*t but please don't be like Hollyberry kissing her lover everything she speak with him laugh so "lovely" to him" Golden cheese said "HEY! I'M NOT LIKE THAT! Says the one who pee in her blanket when we were in blueberry academy!" Hollyberry said angry "Can you too be quiet? My life would be hell from now on" Dark cacao said with annoying face "HUH?!" the 4 said at the same time with shock "What?! Didn't you love her??" Golden cheese said with confusion again " what you mean cacao?" White lily says "yes I know... but I can't, they choose her to be my queen since she was perfect for the title, I actually loved her... but she only wanted my money anyways" Dark cacao said and grab some té for himself "then... why are you marrying her?" Pure vanilla asked "because.... she's carrying my child... or that's what she said- I mean what's the logic? We're literally cookie and- I don't remember us having... you know- I mean yes... but with secure... you know specially you Hollyberry" Dark cacao said uncomfortable, every was quiet, What was that? Did Dark cacao confess something private?? They were all loading in what to say until golden cheese broke the ice "Ok- first all, you gave us toooo much details... and when I meant too much- I MEAN A LOT-" Golden cheese said with disgusting face "Y'ALL NASTY- At least lily, vanilla and I are innocent unlike you two- I'm going, good luck" Golden cheese left "so... cao, you're marrying her because of some baby that is not yours probably?" Hollyberry said "yes! What if isn't?" White lily said "mine or not, they didn't really care, they just like my father, but still, I have no opti-" Dark cacao couldn't finish when Pure vanilla spoke almost screaming "IS THERE ANYWAY TO NOT MARRYING HER?!" he said and got in shock, White lily laughed she knew something that pure vanilla didn't  know "there's no other... well is almost time, I should go by now, bye" Dark cacao left and Hollyberry too with White lily, leaving Pure vanilla processing about what happen, he was still confused about his true feelings, White lily might be right but he always had to lie and said no to himself, this was a unexpected feeling he was having this moments and others, he left the room for last to assist to the ceremony of Dark cacao and that cookie he was marrying.

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