🌼🌺🍃🖤🧀What's happening?!🧀🖤🍃🌺🌼

753 21 19

The ancients were fighting now, everyday, every monster, the attacks have been happening since White lily came to them, Pure vanilla was worried at this time, and at the same time about the wedding, but he was too busy since his kingdom was the most attacked and the other ancients places too.

And Pure vanilla was feeling darkness around, even some of his system and his flooding castle too, He always got tired fighting and importantly getting everything restored.

Dark cacao was as well concerned and angry all the time now, if this was getting out of control, this might cause a war by now.

Golden cheese as well was having the same issues, but this time they hurt her daughter, giving her a scar on her arm, Golden cheese was done now.

Hollyberry was the most protective kingdom now, she even close her gates and fight from outside, and worry sick about her people.

The ancients had a conference together "THIS IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL! WE SHOULD START A CODE W RED IMMEDIATELY!! I CAN'T ANYMORE!! LET'S JUST FUCKING DO IT!" Golden cheese yelled, she was frustrated about this situation even she broke her glass of water and part of the table, when she hit it very angry "WE CAN NOT MAKE A WAR!! IS JUST A MONSTER SITUATION!! CAO AND I WE'RE HANDLING THIS" Hollyberry yelled at her "EVERYONE CALM DOWN!!!" the 3 ancients started to discuss this almost violently.

In other word Pure vanilla was freeze... it was like...he saw all of this before... and a headache came to him and realized it was part of the vision "STOP!!! THIS....exactly...what they showed me..." Pure vanilla said "What you mean?!" Golden cheese said "the vision... I swear this is like one of the blurry ones!" Pure vanilla said "Look! This is seriously Pure vanilla, stop saying nonsense because it would not happen" Hollyberry said stressed out "she's right nilla, this isn't time for you to worry about something that won't happen".

Everyone was walking away, while Pure vanilla was warning the others "this-... This isn't a joke!! Believe me! I did saw something like this!!" Pure vanilla was trying to stop them and listen "stop Vanilla, we are having a lot of damages ok?" Hollyberry said walking away with the 3 more and Pure vanilla started to go out.

"I... need to know more about this..." Pure vanilla said, he went to the library and saw a old invocation book and he started to read it "so... this connect to the staff?" Pure vanilla said "ok..." he sign as he pull some candles and draw something on the floor like a invocation thing "I need answers... I need to know what would really happen... I-... need to know if I'm going to get married" Pure vanilla said and started to do the spell "universe that sees everything, connect my being in my staff, and show me the truth... with the creator of it" Pure vanilla started to say the invocation and nothing happen.

" why isn't this working?! Please I'm begging you! Work!" Pure vanilla was in tears "would... I...married cao at least? What does those vision means...? PLEASE I BEGGING YOU WORKED!" Pure vanilla said, and all suddenly the candles turn off and within his birth mark was glowing and his eyes to getting to somewhere else.

"Pure vanilla cookie, why have you called me for?" A mysterious voice said, and Pure vanilla could see the place dark and exactly like the universe "so.. you are the one that creates my staff?" Pure vanilla asked "yes I did and I was the one giving you, your soul jam and ancient title" the mysterious voice said "what you want?" The mysterious voice said "my kingdom and the ancients kingdom have been attacked this past month and my wedding is coming, but when I see this things... it feels like I already see it before, and... mother other gems and staff gave me a vision I can't remember exactly" Pure vanilla said concerning "what? Visions of future... this is strange because I never gave you one... unless.....something Terrible is about to come... Vanilla!! Prepare yourself now!!" The mysterious voice said "w-why?! How bad it is?!" Pure vanilla said in fear "I will tell you... but... there's no other Choice unless you change your fate..." the mysterious voice said "the things are-".

Hollyberry was fighting with Dark cacao and Golden cheese "SHIT THE FUCK UP!!" Golden cheese said in anger "I'm so sorry MOMMY PRINCESS!! I'M TRYING!!" Hollyberry screamed at her "STOP YOU TOO!!" Dark cacao said angry "Cao bitc-" Golden cheese couldn't finish when a explosion and a horrible wind came, in all kingdoms the explosion was heard and screaming "what..." Dark cacao was stunning "wait... isn't the explosion from..." Hollyberry immediately cover her mouth in fear "Pure vanilla... NILLA!!!" Dark cacao screamed and immediately defeat all the monster and run as fast as he could to the teleport section to the sweet Vanilla kingdom with Hollyberry and Golden cheese.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing, the whole place was destroyed, people eyes were all in a purple color everything like nothing happen, and some with injuries. The ancients got in the castle and saw 'Pure vanilla' on the floor "Nilla! STAY CALM OK?" Dark cacao said since he saw the illusion of Pure vanilla injured, when Hollyberry stop him "cao... that's not vanilla..." Hollyberry said taking cao back, while 'Pure vanilla' was laughing like a psychopath "you are right, ancient Hollyberry" Pure vanilla illusion was actually an unknown cookie "wait...who are you..." Golden cheese said "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FIANCE!" Dark cacao yelled mad "HAHAHAHAHA ME? I'M DARK ENCHANTRESS COOKIE!! AND I'M HERE TO DESTROY YOU ALL PATHETIC ASSES!!" Dark enchantress was laughing "you!!" Golden cheese was prepared with the others to fight her.

When Pure vanilla got in with White lily "DARK ENCHANTRESS COOKIE!! YOU NEED TO STOP NOW!!!" Pure vanilla said and make a spell to kick Enchantress back and hit her head to the wall "Nilla!!" Dark cacao hug him "there's no time Cao, she's stronger" Pure vanilla said.

The ancients were ready, and Dark enchantress smiled "too bad that you two wedding would not exist anymore~" she smiled big and started to fight back against the ancients, the war had just begun sadly late now....

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