🌼🍃I'M SORRY!!!🍃🌼

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Since the day the announced their relationship, since then the people were still talking and some of them were disagree about, but they didn't say anything, because they knew the consequences of the rumors they should spread giving pure vanilla a bad reputation, but they choose to shut up, even when they continue the season within the 2 balls, they got quiet forever.

Pure vanilla was doing his work, when the door open of his office, got a little bit surprised and he grab his stuff to see who it was, No one was at the door.

Pure vanilla was confused and decided to check, He gets up from his seat and walks, He did not understand why the door had been opened until someone pulled him from under his clothes, he was alarmed and looked down, It was Dark choco, Pure vanilla smiled when he saw that it was his boyfriend's baby son and relaxed, he picks Dark choco from the floor and carries him "are you here to visit me little one?" Pure vanilla said while sitting on his chair and Sit the baby on his lap "guh" Dark choco started to make baby noises and faces kinda desperate "what happen? Where's your daddy?" Pure vanilla asked.

Once again Pure vanilla was trying to calm him, Dark choco started to walk, it was his first steps, Pure vanilla was in shock "YOU WALK?!" Pure vanilla grab Dark choco again trying to go out, he started to cry, Pure vanilla didn't know what was happening, specially where was Dark cacao? Pure vanilla was checking on the baby and saw a scratch on his arm "Oh god-" Pure vanilla said alarming about it, he immediately started to heal him, and he found something else besides the scratch, there was a piece of Gem on it, Pure grabs it and put Dark choco to sleep on his bed.

"What-...." pure vanilla got in more shock to found what it was, it part of the portal of the Witches, Pure vanilla was terrified and runs out of his office and started to run "WHERE'S THE ANCIENTS?!" He yelled desperately while looking at the sky which was a little bit dark for night, Pure vanilla was looking everywhere with his stuff "they're in the other part of the castle on the garden" The maid said "CALL THE SECURITY AND PROTECT THE PEOPLE AND GUESTS IMMEDIATELY!" Pure vanilla said and run again to the other way.

Pure vanilla was running when he got to place, Dark cacao turned around and saw pure vanilla running towards them "darling? What happen!" Dark cacao said, immediately The ancients look confused and got up from their chairs "Vanilla? What's wrong?" Hollyberry asked worried "I- I FOUND TRAVELER COOKIE OLD MACHINE TO GET TO THE WITCHES!!" Pure vanilla said trying to catch his breath from running "WHAT?! DIDN'T WE DESTROY!?" Golden cheese said alarming "Oh no... this is not good... I'LL GET SOLDIERS TO PROTECT IN CASE THEY USED THE MACHINE AGAINST US AGAIN" Dark cacao said "I ALREADY SEND KNIGHTS AND PROTECTION!!" Pure vanilla said.

"Wait.... White lily isn't here...." Pure vanilla said more terrified "what? What about her?" Golden cheese said "she... lie to me...." Pure vanilla said while remembering the day before the coronation, Hollyberry, Dark cacao and Golden cheese "Darling? Why are you so pale and scared? What about White lily?" Dark cacao said trying to calm Pure vanilla "She going to open the portal when I told her not to!!" Pure vanilla said, and maid arrived "My King! White lily went to the area 23 Forest" the maid said, "Thanks!" Pure vanilla stars running desperate to the place "NILLA NO!!! WAIT!!!" "VANILLA!!!" Dark cacao and Hollyberry scream from distance.

Pure vanilla was still running afraid, he didn't care about the scratch he was having all over his body and clothes, despite falling down a few times, he just got up and continued running "(LILY NO!!)" Pure vanilla said sobbing, and in the meantime he went into the forest but he was injured by the sharp points of the trees of the branches and thorns, he did not care if they bled a little, he just wanted to avoid a tragedy, suddenly the eartbread started to shake like a earthquake And a light came to the sky,, mostly important Pure vanilla found White lily from distance with the portal open "WHITE LILY NO!!!" Pure vanilla screamed, he tried to get down to the place and fell bending his ankle "ah!" He said in pain, but he knew he must to continue

"...." White lily was already in a step to get in "LILY NO!!! PLEASE NO!! YOU PROMISE ME YOU WOULDN'T OPEN THE PORTAL!!!" Pure vanilla yelled in tears looking at White lily "you wouldn't understand Pure vanilla cookie... this time I won't listen to you again!! YOU HEAR ME? NEVER!!!" White lily said mad, and did a spell of plants grabs him tight in the arms and body with thorns "LILY PLEASE!!!" Pure vanilla cried "You don't understand Vanilla!!! This what I always wanted! I can't wait no longer!! I have to get in!! And you won't stop me this time!! YOU ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT!!! YOU ALWAYS HAVE YOU WANT, YOU EVEN RECEIVE WHATEVER IT IS AND ALWAYS MAKE ME FEEL SELFISH!!! YOU IGNORED ME, YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME CANCEL THINGS I LOVE!!! THIS TIME YOU WON'T!!! WHY? BECAUSE YOU ARE YHE MOST HORRIBLE FRIEND I EVER HAD AND SELFISH!!!" White lily screamed at Pure vanilla angry, Pure vanilla was quiet still in shock and tears "that's what I thought... you never even care about me..." White lily got into the portal about to close when Pure vanilla yelled "I'M SORRY!!! I WAS A TERRIBLE PERSON!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!! YOU THE ONLY FAMILY I HAD!! I'M SORRY!!" Pure vanilla said crying "it's too late for apologies....I have to go" and within the portal close leaving Pure vanilla heart broken.

"Ah..." Pure vanilla was still on the floor, when The ancients arrived "OH GOD, VANILLA!!" Hollyberry said while calling the people, Dark cacao got ripped off the thorns and the ancients look got in front of Pure vanilla "darling...?" Dark cacao said and look at Pure vanilla, he was all in scratch and with tears, his eyes looked empty "nill-" Dark cacao was in shock looking the place, a explosive part as well, Pure vanilla head was in Dark cacao chest while crying "darl-" Dark cacao said before touching Pure vanilla head carefully "AHHHH!!!" Pure vanilla screamed in pain crying, Dark cacao was surprised and hug Pure vanilla trying to calm him down "....what happen..." Golden cheese said while looking around and sad at Pure vanilla crying, "vanilla..." Hollyberry said worried "I couldn't save her.... I couldn't....." Pure vanilla said intense "my love? Nilla? NILLA!!" Dark cacao said and fell Pure vanilla stop, Pure vanilla passed out "HELP!!" Golden cheese said.... what just happen?....


(Next chapter is base on the event before the incident, cya next chapter)

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