🌼🖤 date day 💋 🖤🌼

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Pure vanilla was doing everything he could, the decorations, invitations, the plates each day and looks, the rooms, everything clean, and most off something higher and elegant, Pure vanilla was choosing something to wear when he received someone "your Majesty! Is 4:35 PM!!" The maid said "yeah- Wait- did I miss anything important?!" Pure vanilla say with worried look again at the list "no!! Today was your date!! And it's on 5:15!! And the place is far!!" The maid said "everyone get a good suit or at least something good" the Maid started to order "my date? Oh yeah- cao.." Pure vanilla said insecure about it "what happen? Aren't you excited your Majesty?" The maid said "I am- I'm just not sure" Pure vanilla said "huh? Your Majesty.... we know it's been hard for you since the wedding, we all heard you cry after the garden, and maybe this is a opportunity you only have once!" The maid said, trying to change Pure Vanilla "yeah but- This is suddenly! First the wedding- I- I randomly got a weird feeling and other, then the pregnancy, after The Queen is killed- and he suddenly asked me on a date, I know I'm not his type of person he could fell in love with" Pure vanilla said while the servants were helping him on getting dress up "come on! Is that, or married the duchess daughter should be" the servant said "fine.. I don't know, about the assassinated Queen of Dark kingdom is suspicious, not only that- but the ancients are lying to me about something Terrible to think" Pure vanilla said while thinking again "maybe they don't! Come on your Majesty, you know them long time ago, why would they lie to you?" The maid said "you're right... I just been estress out for nothing lately" Pure vanilla said while fixing the flower he had on his hair "well! The carriage is ready! Come on your Majesty!" The maid said and Pure vanilla went out on his 'business' date.

Pure vanilla arrived to the fancy place, he walk out of the carriage directly to Dark cacao "over here your Majesty" the knight said guiding Pure vanilla to the table, when Pure vanilla arrived, made contact with dark cacao directly to his eyes, He was not going to lie, but Dark cacao looked different and elegant with his black suit that combined with everything, Pure vanilla blushed and turned to look away with his stuff, politely he sits down and the waiter arrives "What can I serve you today?" The waiter said, while giving each one the menu "I for the meantime, white wine for both of us, anything nilla?" Dark cacao asked Pure vanilla "I- uh- a salad would be fine" Pure vanilla answered, The waiter wrote down and went back to the kitchen to do his orders for both of them "so.. What business are we doing today's date?" Pure vanilla said a little bit confused "business? We're not doing anything of it" Dark cacao said "oh- wait, is this sort of informative dinner?" Pure vanilla said "no- is a date like between us" Dark cacao said "I- you know I have feelings for y-" Dark cacao couldn't finished "you like someone?! Is this like a men to men conversation dinner?" Pure vanilla said a little surprise "no- look, I'm in love with the most Smart cookie" Dark cacao said giving clue to Pure vanilla "Smart? Wait- Golden cheese?!" Pure vanilla said in shocked "no! I'm love with a kind soft person and your best friend!" Dark cacao said as another clue a little blush "kind and soft- lily- YOU LIKE LILY?!" Pure vanilla said more shocking (so innocent the bean TvT) "no!! Not her, the confidence one!" Dark cacao said, looking for more clues " HOLLYBERRY?! but- she's already married!" Pure vanilla said more terrified "no! I love the person in front of me!!" Dark cacao said tired a little of clues "in front of you? Wait- ME?!" Pure vanilla said in blush a little bit, he finally realized "god- I-" everything was awkward for moments, Dark cacao was sweating and Pure vanilla was still processing this until the waiter appeared and give them their wine 🍷 "I- a jellysteak would be fine" Pure vanilla said to the waiter before he asked "and- the jellyshrimp as well" Dark cacao said, the waiter wrote down and got back to kitchen and Pure vanilla started to give small bites to the salad awkwardly "I-" Dark cacao said "you don't need to apologize ok? It just, I'm accepting your feelings but next time don't do this kind of things this soon" Pure vanilla said.

Actually everything was awkward now "look- I know is soon but this the first time I ever do this" Dark cacao said, he sign embarrassed of what happen "I understand, I would do the same but not that early" Pure vanilla said " I thought you already had experience with your dead wife" Pure vanilla said curious "I never confess to her, it was actually a forceful marriage between us, and nothing more than that" Dark cacao said while drinking a little bit of wine "I see, well... this can't be more awkward than what I'm about to say... but I actually did have something to you after 4 years that we met" Pure vanilla declared, Dark cacao immediately look at pure vanilla "you did? Than why didn't you stop me on my wedding?" Dark cacao said "I thought I shouldn't interfere on something important for you" Pure vanilla said remembering what happen after that day "but, you already knew that when I say it" Dark cacao was literally confused of what Pure vanilla was saying "never mind ok? I was lost in that time" Pure vanilla said tired "nilla, you know I wanted to have this date with you not to only talk to another things in the past, is better enjoy now and forget for I did" Dark cacao said, Pure vanilla and his stuff look at Dark cacao, he grab pure vanilla hand "I know I shouldn't make you cry that time after the wedding" Dark cacao apologize "what? I didn't cry that day, what are you talking about?" Pure vanilla said nervous "nilla, after the wedding, lily told you left to attempt some business and other, I was looking around you when I saw you cried that night, I first thought you didn't feel well and left you to calm down, but later on I found out I was the one pushing you away as well" Dark cacao said "that's not true- I- wasn't crying because I was sad, I was happy for you, stop talking nonsense" Pure vanilla was in panic for real inside "Nilla, please don't lie to me, I know what I saw there and discovered of what you were hiding!" Dark cacao said " I- I'm not lying! And please don't talk nonsense" Pure vanilla said a little loud.

Pure vanilla stood up and starts to walk away in the place garden "Nilla wait!!" Dark cacao said grabbing pure vanilla hand "let me go! I told you I don't like this nonsense!" Pure vanilla yelled trying to escape "then why are you running away?! So that means I was right all along! Why can't you say that I did hurt your feelings in my face!!!" Dark cacao yelled, scaring Pure vanilla "BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!!! I DIDN'T WANT TO RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP IN SOME STUPID THING I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST A RIDICULOUS THING!!! YOU DIDN'T HURT ME!!" Finally Pure vanilla screaming, Pure vanilla immediately cover his mouth and got pale, now he confess all the thing he was stuck for months "I-.... I didn't want anyone to see me as a stupid person again... I already had enough" tears came on pure vanilla face "....I-"

without thinking Dark cacao pulled strongly on Pure vanilla's hand and gave him a kiss, Pure vanilla was in shock still with tears, Dark cacao separated from the kiss and put his face on the shoulder of this, Pure vanilla did not understand what had happened, but felt wet in his shoulder "c-cao?" Pure vanilla said stroking the back of this worried "I never let anyone see me cry but you are the first to see me like this" Dark cacao separates drying some of his crying "I'm sorry that because of all this, I hurt you and made you force yourself to tell me this, today is supposed to be a quiet night, but I ruined it" Dark cacao declared "cao... you didn't ruined, I did, I've been too stuck on things, but part of it is my fault, Don't blame yourself" Pure vanilla said "I still made you cry again, but I promise you that I won't do it again" Dark cacao said, Pure vanilla sign and looked directly in Dark cacao eyes (because of the stuff- he still a little blind) "You know, this always gets out of control every time it's the two of us" Pure vanilla giggle softly "it is better to focus on what comes together if okay?" Pure vanilla said "yes... You're right, so... are you saying y-" "yes! I accept this relationship with you" Pure vanilla interrupted Dark cacao, they both smile and went back, where Hollyberry and the other ancient were hidden and saw everything "boom bitch, you own me 5,000 diamonds, I told you he was going to fucked up and get together" Golden cheese said wiping her tears away of happiness "shut the hell up, they made it together like those drama books, take you ass money" Hollyberry said giving cheese her diamonds and wiping her tears as well "uh-? Where's White lily?" Golden cheese noticed "I Don't know, maybe in the restroom" Hollyberry said while looking at the new couple like a proud mother "oh, yeah" they both continue talking.

Meanwhile "hmm, now I got it" White lily said in the private Restroom with one old book solving a puzzle "yes!!" White lily celebrated, she has finally completed the last piece based on instruction to get to the witches "I'll finally meet them" White lily smiled and save everything and went back before she left, a note came out with a warning ⚠️ DO NOT OPEN THE PORTAL, IT WOULD DIRECTLY TAKE YOU TO YOUR DEAD🚫 the warning said in the paper White lily didn't notice.... soon a tragedy was about to happen....

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