🌼~ wait- just the two of us? ~🖤

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White lily and Pure vanilla (vanilla) They had barely left the abandoned garden (secret) when it started to rain hard, White lily and Vanilla run faster as they could, since the grass was smooth.

"We made it! Finally! Did you save the book?! Wait- most important, are you ok?" Vanilla said with a worried face "yes, and yes, the book is safe, I'm going back to my dorm and then sleep" White lily said putting the book in his place "are you sure? I can get you something from the cafeteria since is almost dinner time" vanilla says putting his stuff away and hat too "yeah.. Don't worry, I'll be fine" White lily replied "if you say so... But- I'll get you something! Just wait ok?" Vanilla said with happiness "sure, t-thank you" White lily said, she was about to leave pure vanilla dorm when he stopped by the dorm and stop her "wait! Don't forget to take a shower and go the nursery to have medicine! The rain is hard and we might get sick, and cover your self in soft blankets and-" vanilla was interrupted "yes, I know. You don't need to be worried about me, cya" White lily finally replied, vanilla went back and close the door and the first thing he did was take a bath.

After he take the bath he got himself comfortable clothes and went to the cafeteria of the dorm and got something to eat but before heading back to his dorm, he went to White lily's  dorm and knocked "Lily! It's me vanilla, I got you something!" Vanilla said "c-coming-" White lily said and she open her door, he was surprised seeing White lily with her uniform after the hard rain "lily- didn't I sa-" vanilla was interrupted "oh.. I was about to take a bath when you knocked, don't worry" White lily replied with a smile "ok.." vanilla said, White grab some of the food pure vanilla got her and thanked him, after that pure vanilla went to his dorm and closed, he started to eat his food in the study table he had, and after he thrown away the trash and cleaned up, he yawn tired and went to bed, he felt asleep.

The next day, vanilla woke up and get  ready for school, after that he got out of  his room he went to White lily's dorm, and knock quietly "lily? Are you ready yet? Is almost breakfast time" vanilla said but no one replied, that's when he open a little bit his eyes and got worried "lily? Are you ok?" He asked and knock once again, this time he heard a sound of glass broking, that's when he try to get in "lily!! What happen?!" Heard someone getting closer and open the door, it was White lily, but she was still on her pijamas with a tired face and sneezing  "sorry... I was sleep, I'm not going today to classes" white lily replied and cough covering her mouth "wait- you got sick? Have you at least go to the nurser office?!" Vanilla said, he slowly touch her forehead and it was burning on fever " mhm.. the nurse is going to send someone to take care of me *cough* go to your classes, I won't be able to go to class and not even to the new café" white lily says, and she felt in sleep in vanilla shoulder, vanilla look at her for a moment freak out, he thought that she passed out until he put her in bed "oh.. she's sleep... well, see you later lily" he said and close the door of her dorm and leave to class.

After hours of learning spell and do swords all day long, it was boring without his best friend and more because she was sick all day long, he was writing the finals spell when the bell ring of dismissed, he stand up and puck his stuffs away, when he suddenly felt dizzy and sit quick "Mr. Pure vanilla or vanilla, why aren't you not out of the classroom yet?" The teacher ask "oh.. am.. I got dizzy, that's all, I'll be leaving now" he said and quickly stood up with everything "are you sure you don't want me to send you to the healers? They might help you with your eyes problems" the teacher ask and vanilla turn around "I... I'm not sure... they told me to take some pills and have appointments for my eyes sight, I think is better this way" he replied and the teacher got close to him "you know.. if you can't see next time, I can move you in front so you could see better" the teacher offer to vanilla, but he deny "no thank you, thanks for the offer, but I don't wanna be separated from White lily, she needs me" Vanilla said with a sweet smile, which the teacher smile too "alright, but tell me next time, so I could move you and Ms. Lily too in front" the teacher replied, and vanilla was surprised and happy that his teacher understood the problems of focusing of White lily "thank you!" He said "you're welcome".

Vanilla walk to white lily's dorm and knock  "come in!" One of the healers said "White lily! How are you feeling?" Vanilla asked while sitting in one part of her bed "kind of good... don't forget the café" white lily said, Pure vanilla totally forgot and it was almost time for the meeting "I won't g-" he was interrupted "you have to go, don't worry about me *cough* go and have fun" White lily said with a smile "but! I can't" vanilla says "Don't worry, she'll get better in some days, enjoy the rest" the healer said, vanilla had to think about it first, and accept, soon he left and went to his dorm and get ready for the meeting in time.

Finally he arrived 4 minutes late, he was looking for the table when someone yell his name "Hey! Over here!" It was dark cacao who was calling him, he walk towards him and sit down "amm.. where's uh- hollyberry and Golden cheese?" Vanilla asked confused since it was only him and Dark cacao in the café "oh, they got sick, these two did like a race too far from the school and. You know, the rain came, they continue and this morning they were already sick, actually.. almost all of our class were sick" Dark cacao said while reading the menu "oh.. they weren't the only one" vanilla says trying to read the menu as well "what do you mean?" Dark cacao ask "well.. amm... White lily got sick as well" he murmured, they both raised their hands and the Waiter came to their table and they both order "so.. umm, Pure vanilla right? Or vanilla?" Dark cacao asked "oh.. pure vanilla actually, but White lily call me vanilla as nickname she said" he replied "oh.. ok nilla" Dark cacao said which pure vanilla blush "n-nilla?" He said with surprised "oh, I can't stop if you want, and call you vanilla like White lily" Dark cacao said "oh no, is fine, Don't worry" vanilla replied, just about time the order came and give their orders, not even some minutes they were already talking and laughing together guess is just the two of us, pure vanilla said in his mind, they continued and enjoying their time together

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