🖤 NILLA!!! 🖤

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(A Dark cacao Chapter)

While he was working at his kingdom he didn't have any idea about that today was the 'murder' of Pure vanilla, he lately noticed that some of his servants were seeing him scared or even some of them with bruises, and some of them left their work, he was thinking it was because of their family problems or something else.... or it was all of chocolate chip, he knew if he puts her in jail and take away her title of queen for his son, he wouldn't be the heir or even prince, he just might take the noble title and he need more proof for the divorce.

He was thinking about the new projects and the new system of economy when Chocolate chip knock "come on in" Dark cacao said "HONEY! my lovely husband!! Guess what? Today is happy day for me!" Chocolate chip said while sitting in Dark cacao legs " happy day? What did you do?" Dark cacao said with a cold tone "aren't you excited? Guess what! I have 4 month~!" Chocolate chip announced "and? Wait-" Dark cacao couldn't finish when Chocolate chip gave him a box "open it!!" Chocolate chip said happy, Dark cacao open the box and some glitter in blue got to him, Chocolate chip was happy, the baby was a boy, like she always wanted, Dark cacao got in shock, his first baby is a boy, well he knew that his family traditions are the boy always born first in order to be a excellent king "It's... a boy, but how?" Dark cacao asked "easy! I order to bring a good magic wizard to do the baby and what gender was and give it in a surprise box so we could have the surprise together!" Chocolate chip said, Dark cacao had to think first, it is true about those things, but it was all suddenly.

Dark cacao finished his work, it was already night, and he decided to spend it with Chocolate chip when a knight suddenly arrived all sweat "YOUR MAJESTY!! I HAVE BAD NEWS!!" The knight said, it was a Vanilla knight "THE KING OF SWEET VANILLA WAS ATTACKED!! HE GOT INJURED BADLY" The vanilla knight said, in that time, Dark cacao got pale, that's something that never happened before, he quickly changed and got into a horse and went as quick as possible with the vanilla knight "DID YOU TELL THE NEIGHBORS  KINGDOMS ABOUT THIS?!" Dark cacao said with worried "WE DID SIR!" Dark cacao was desperate, and spend more the horse leaving the knight behind.

Dark cacao quickly got in and run through the castle, when got in, he saw with horror, Pure vanilla at the floor a lot of healers around him, with jam on their hends trying to save him, and it was a lot of jam spreading all over the floor some of the servants crying and specially White lily, she was freeze and more pale, Dark cacao walk through the healers and carry Pure vanilla "NILLA! Please respond, don't die please" Dark cacao was desperate "DON'T SHAKE HIM!! it would be worst! DON'T YOU SEE THE INJURY ON HIS STOMACH? AND HEAD!!" White lily yelled "We need somewhere to put him on" Dark cacao said "in his room, healers follow us and do your job to save the king" White lily said.

They both got in Pure vanilla chamber and put him in his bed, the  clothes of dark cacao and hands were all red now, White lily was crying until the healers indicated them, the only thing Dark cacao heard and saw, it was Pure vanilla all pale and his body cold and from the healers a horrible thing "WE'RE LOSING HIM!!" that's all dark cacao heard, they both waited in the living room close to the chamber of Pure vanilla, White lily was still crying, while Dark cacao was paranoid about what happen, who order to murder Pure vanilla, that's when Hollyberry and her husband appear "WHO IS HE?! please don't tell he's dead... IS HE DEAD?!!" Hollyberry scream while tears came out of her, she was shaking and scared, in the other part her husband was worried too and trying to calm Hollyberry "we don't know yet... the healers are doing their things now... the only thing we have to do is-" white lily couldn't finish when Golden cheese appears "waited...." all of them stay quiet, some were still tearing and some were just sitting there very worried, in other part Dark cacao and Golden cheese were asking themselves, Who try to murder Pure vanilla?.

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