👁 Vision of staff's 👁

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Not longer the search started, as soon as possible since they needed to know how many people exactly witnessed the night of the assassinated Queen, meanwhile Pure vanilla was on his garden after a long day of work, as well White lily was with him "you know? Isn't that weird that 2 men's can get each one like the woman's at pregnancy? Or idk" White lily said randomly "what- lily, you need to stop reading those books, and I don't think so- well yes but is only for females that can't get pregnant, not for males- that would be crazy" Pure vanilla said "aww... so I would never going to have a nephew from you or niece?" White lily said while getting to her other side on the floor since she was feeling lazy to sit "well- probably I might adopt a child, I'm not sure" "and give up on your royal blood line?! Are you crazy?!" White lily yelled mad, almost in dark enchantress tone "huh?" Pure vanilla was confused, this was the 4 time White lily yelled at him but not at her tone of almost at whisper nor in a shy way.

"I mean! Is a good idea to- uh- get the blood line dead right? Perfect! A adopted child" White lily said changing her expression immediately "actually, I might do a potion if it works like I say!" White lily said excited "please Don't- that would be dangerous and mostly for some people disturbing" Pure vanilla said.

They both started to argue about of this potion to be prepared but still Pure vanilla decline it "Why you never listen to me?!" White lily yelled again with her Dark enchantress voice "because that would be against mother nature!" Pure vanilla said "I. AM. MOTHER. NATURE. WHAT YOU MEAN?!" White lily said mad now "Hey! even if you make flowers and other things it doesn't mean you're mother nature, the witches are the mother nature!" Pure vanilla said "ur done- ur done" White lily said standing up and started to walk away "I DIDN'T MEANT TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS!! I WAS SAYING FACTS!!" Pure vanilla screamed "I DON'T CARE- YOU ALWAYS AGAINST MY CREATIVITY!!" White lily said already away.

pure vanilla sighs, and then he sees another part again, he feel like someone touched his shoulder and he immediately got scared "Nilla!!" Dark cacao scream, Pure vanilla accidentally punched him in the face since he staff was on the floor when he punched Dark cacao "wait cao- I'M SO SORRY!!" Pure vanilla said trying to find him "is fine- my fault for scared you" Dark cacao said while He rubbed his nose which was bleeding a little.

Pure vanilla had to cure him for what he had done "I'm very sorry- I've been over protective out of nowhere and mad lately and more like alert" Pure vanilla said finishing curing Dark ccacao"I understand, I've been in the same way lately as well... my sword hasn't been the same, it always trying to warn me about something, but I don't know what exactly is" Dark cacao said taking his sword out of its place and putting it safely between his legs and arms without hurting anyone.

"I mean- you a highly level of communication and those things, and I was wondering if you can do something about it since I can't connect with my sword anymore, it feels like it's been locked on communicating with me" dark cacao said seriously and somewhat worried at the same time with his always serious expression "I'll try" Pure vanilla sighs and relaxes to concentrate, not much the little star or supposed mark that he received or was born with began to shine.

He slowly opens his eyes that were all white and his pupils and grabs the sword to touch the crystal and reach the point of communicating with her guiding him to the mind set of it.

"Uh? Hello? Cao's sword?" Pure vanilla said walking on the mind set "her-....Jam....End....back!....Ginger!.......
Stabbed!" The sword spirit of the gem started to say, but in the tone that the gem said, it sounded corrupt and broken, as well as desperate, Slowly Pure Vanilla approaches her and sits next to her "what? what's up? what do you mean?" He asks something strange about that, when the gem violently grabs him by the shoulders burning him from there "she!.... Jam!.... end!... back!.... ginger!!.... . stabbed!..." he said over and over again, Pure vanilla begins to get scared as little by little his vision was broken.

In other part Dark cacao notice a smock from Pure vanilla shoulder and some burn mark on his neck, he knew something wasn't right and he started to shake him "nilla! Stop this now!!" He said concerning about him. the gem began to shout those words over and over again, to which Pure vanilla was somewhat panicked since the gem had him trapped without coming out "stop!!" Pure vanilla said doing a spell to which he was the same again. He looked all sweaty at Dark Cocoa and terrified by what happened "Nilla! What happened?! You're a little burned!" Dark cacao said "I...I'm fine..." Pure vanilla said calming down before talking to him seriously.

"What does she mean..." Dark cacao said seriously "I don't know...she suddenly started to brake and a whole vision came up blurry and she grab me aggressively and started to burn me..." Pure vanilla said "we need to do a emergency Ancients reunion now." Dark cacao said.

"Yeah... we should discuss about this immediately, I'm going to connect with all to get som-" Pure vanilla couldn't see through his staff anymore and he was hearing screams from all over the ancients staff hurting his ears and making them bleed "Nilla!" Dark cacao said, at this point Pure vanilla started to loose control over his spell of connecting forcing him to get sort of out and in of the mind set.

for all that, he falls to the ground on his knees trying to calm the staffs and not to enter the place he had been "Bright light... Sun outside, please calm down! Bright light! Bright light!" Pure vanilla said in a panic trying to calm everyone down but he couldn't do it. He didn't listen to him, until his head began to hurt and his little star on his forehead changed color by color, it was like everything about him was also corrupting little by little "nilla!.....hold up!....coming!... they!!..." Pure vanilla couldn't hear Dark cacao anymore and he got dragged into the vision of something.

everything blurred had become complicated images, everything pointed to something, the coronation, the first kiss of Pure vanilla, their separation fight, and others that he did not remember, everything blurred returned in that part, it seemed like a war, jam destroyed, separations, destruction... and someone familiar, Pure vanilla Slowly touches the image and the founder of all nations appears... the brave gingerbrave, and all in that the image next to a person and some shouts of the "NOOOOOOO !!" was heard in a blurry vision from there, and everything turned white.

Pure vanilla woke up in a bed which he recognized by the sound and sense of touch "Nilla! You woke up!" Dark cacao said hugging him "what happened..." Pure vanilla said confused by what he just saw "our weapons and your staff don't work, apparently they restarted to recover, from what I see they collapsed due to something that is not known yet" Hollyberry He said "and also about the attack you had from the mind set, what the hell happened?" Golden cheese said seriously about this topic now.

"It's not necessary what you heard, he already told us cao, he wants to know what happened there or what you saw of them" Hollyberry said sitting in a place seriously "I... I saw all the things that had happened to me years ago and... I saw the future appear..." Pure vanilla said still remembering the images "future? explains well" Dark cacao said "I couldn't see the visions well since each of our things were breaking but what I can say is that I saw. ...war, separation of our nations, destruction...and...the founder back but better....and younger....and a woman who seemed evil and fire appeared everywhere, laughter and screaming, and something last was the founder with others in a different place... like a kingdom" Pure vanilla described everything based on what he saw there.

everyone looked at each other very confused and alarmed "the founder...I see..." Golden cheese said still thinking "do you think...this is a warning signal from our weapons about what will happen soon?" Hollyberry said worried "probably" Dark cacao said "then we have to prepare now in case, our things don't lie, who's with me? Cao and I will take care of the army, your vanilla with the healers and Hollyberry with the shelters and escapes" Golden cheese said making the plan "understood" Dark cacao said.

Everyone agree and started as soon as possible, Pure vanilla was forced to stay on bed for orders of the other ancients, which make him more anxious about, he was afraid that something worse than the vision could happen....

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