🧀 I'll protect you 🧀

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Months before the marriage of cao, and the coronation of Pure vanilla or even the discovery of Hollyberry pregnancy, our dear Queen was walking in the hallway after finished some of the tired paperwork and decisions she had to take for some problems, she was in her under cover clothes, and she successfully made it out of the castle, she run in the dangerous part of the gates and she carefully run into a fight place and party "oh- you again?" A guard say "mhm, now shut up your mouth and open up as*hole" Golden cheese said mad, they open the door and she entered.

There was loud music, dancers, bets, nor fights, actually, drug and alcohol were there, Golden cheese loved to go those places, especially when is to fight, she was drinking when she heard a loud noise coming from the arena fight, that was the moment Golden cheese heart beat, and was surprised, she looked at the fighter and they both did eyes contact, Golden cheese look away and continued drinking "(what the f*ck was that? Who is this guy?)" Golden cheese say in her mind, she have not seeing this person before, she was still in her mind when the guy appeared and sit next to her "so~ you like the fight didn't you?" The mysterious man said "uh? Yeah sure- what you want?" Golden cheese said, sort of annoyed "hey! Relax girl, I'm not doing anything to you" the guy said "you kinda look familiar" Golden cheese say, the guy immediately blush and pass his hand on his hair nervous "very smart eh? You kinda look familiar tho" the guy spoke, immediately Golden cheese look at way at the shiny bottle of alcohol trying to see if her makeup was not ther "so, do you wanna fight or drink?" The guy said while grabbing a cup of wine "it wouldn't be bad if we do" they both talk and sort of fight, surprisingly Golden cheese won like 3 times over the guy, the both laughed and talk, to tell the truth, they both were getting at point of falling in love at some point they met each other closely.

The same routine happen, Golden cheese royal stuff, and at night meeting with this guy, they didn't go at those party, half time they spend together walking around and eat something, and everything continue that way, sometimes the guy bring Golden cheese flowers and other stuff, Golden cheese was finally in love, or that was she was thinking, she enjoyed fighting with him, sneaking around, and doing pranks, but there was a night, she decided to open up, and they both did.

It was almost morning when Golden cheese freak out, she was supposed to be in her place less than 2 hours ago- when she turned around, the guy wasn't there anymore, so she guess he might went home, after she put some of her clothes, she head back to her place immediately, she run into her, to the bathroom, and then shower.

She was doing her stuff like usual, and then at night she was walking around the place where she usually meet the guy, but this time, it took her long enough, and continues like that, always she waited on him every night, but nothing, she tried to find him in the club when she heard something "have you heard the guy of the fighter gold has kids? I heard him and her wife are already gone!" The waiter said, Golden cheese couldn't believe that... the guy she felt in love with, was already married and have kids, she felt like she was broke inside, she didn't say anything then just punch the waiter and the other people and leave with the people there horrified.

She went straight to change and lay down to her bed, for the first time she cried for someone.

After 2 months, nothing was coming of- not even jam, and Golden cheese was feeling nausias and fatigue and tender swollen breasts, she wasn't feeling that good, and in a reunion she had with people, she suddenly throw up but in time wince the servants noticed and help her, now she was worried, and her stomach too, it was all weird, she finally went to the doctor, she was getting examined when the doctor noticed something and started to write, and even sort of touching a little in the belly part of Golden cheese "umm- do I have anything wrong?" Golden cheese asked "oh my lord- Queen cheese, Congratulations!" The doctor finally said "what? Is just a sick right?" Golden cheese said confused "no- you're pregnant! And you are exactly 2 months!" The doctor said, that's when Golden cheese face turns from confusion to horrified "WHAT?! THIS CAN'T BE- I- I CAN'T BE PREGNANT-" Golden cheese said freak out "you are my queen, There's no going back I think" Golden cheese was in terror to heard those news, first she was too blind and felt in love with a completely stranger and open up, and now she's pregnant? She swear this was a punishment for dating a married guy and committed that sin, she never thought this day might happen until now! It was the end for her, the people, the fakes rumors, and most all they might notice about her fighting thing! She fucked up badly.

She wasn't even ready, and she was blaming on herself for everything, she didn't care about the baby, but herself being a Terrible mother to her like her mom used to be with her, she order her servants not to say anything about this out and all, she didn't say anything to hes friends either, she took the decision to hide her pregnancy for later on and put in adoption the baby, actually she wasn't sure if she had to.

She went to events in her exaggerated dress it she had to hide, and all, after all of those months after caos wedding and Pure vanilla coronation she gave birth to her baby "ugh... fucking tired.... what gender is it?" Golden cheese said tired after pushing, obviously the baby was crying "is.. A girl!" The doctor say, Golden cheese sign tired "great... the cursed is coming all over me now..." Golden cheese said sad "do you want to carry her your Majesty?" A servant say while carrying the baby "NO! GET HER AWAY FROM ME-" Golden cheese yelled, the servant put the baby in her place while Golden cheese was talking to a lawyer of her "so~ your Majesty, are you ready to sign up for adoption the princess??" The lawyer said while smirk at her ".... I don't want her..." Golden cheese said, she wasn't sure still, she was about to sign up the adoption papers when the maid interrupted "YOUR MAJESTY NO!!" the maid yelled, every one in the room look at her mad and terrified, how could she yelled at the queen? This got Golden cheese attention from signing up "Please your Majesty! Don't give the princess up for adoption! I- I can take care of her, but please don't let him take the baby away! I swear I'll take a good care of her! But please your Majesty... I don't think you would like to be like your mother!" The maid said afraid of her words, Golden cheese broke the pen she was holding with anger, and looked at the maid "I'm nothing like her!!" Golden cheese declared "WITH ALL RESPECT YOU ARE YOUR MAJESTY!! SHE WAS ABOUT TO GIVE YOU UP FOR ADOPTION TOO!! YOU'RE FOLLOWING HER STEP!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO A INNOCENT BABY!" the maid said mad, the servants were trying to shut the maid when the Golden cheese stood up and walk "First you disrespect me, second you dare to yelled at me, and third you said I WAS LIKE HER?!" Golden cheese shout at the maid "you're right...." the servants were in shock.

Golden cheese walk again to her bed, she couldn't walk well, so she grab the papers and broke it "get rid of this pieces of shit- I won't give her for adoption" Golden cheese said, the lawyer was mad but still with a fake smile "THANKS YOUR MAJESTY!" the maid said "I would raise her better than my old mother did, is.... better give her a opportunity, but! You maid, you better do what you said, sometimes I would be busy in some business, so I'll let you take care of her privately hopefully you do it great if you don't want me to punished you,  I didn't for now" Golden cheese said, the maid smiled and thank her.

Days passed and Golden cheese got better after birth, of course she had therapy in some point until she carried her daughter, she felt her heart melting, even though she look like the father, she still accepted the child "I'm sorry my child..." Golden cheese cried while kissing the baby forehead "this time I'll protect you and give you love, I won't make mistakes now." That's all Golden cheese said, and she do what she said and maid as well.

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