🖤🌼🌺🍃🧀 family 🧀🍃🌺🌼🖤

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"CAO!!" Pure vanilla says and went to hug Dark cacao tightly "I'm so sorry for your lost!" Pure vanilla say "we all are" Hollyberry say "mhm.." Golden cheese was acting up like the rest of the people who knew, and Dark cacao too "Where's the baby?! I heard he was attacked too" pure vanilla say "yeah.. about that, the criminal- he hit my newborn and leave him a bruis!" Dark cacao say trying not to point to Hollyberry "give me the baby! I'll heal him" Pure vanilla say worried, Dark cacao gave his son to Pure vanilla and he immediately started to heal "you poor pure soul... I'm very sorry for your wife..." Pure vanilla say.

The ancients got back all in black to the funeral, Pure vanilla was taking care of Dark choco while Dark cacao was busy, the people were in shock and some crying.

After while and all they did to bless and the funeral within a few days they were ready to transport the body to where they put the Queens and kings until someone in surprised appeared, Mr. Sour cream appeared in the funeral "oh my~ is my student I trained! I'm sorry for a good woman and perfect with you lost, are you getting another one? At this time you should already have 3 concubine" Mr. Sour cream say, Dark cacao didn't respond until now "ended, but I'm planning to married another person, is kind, sweet, and most all, it has everything I always like" Dark cacao say in a cold attitude "excellent choice~ so, are the woman is here" Mr. Sour cream say "actually.. Is a man, not a woman and he's more than just a selfish dream you have to me to get, thanks god I met him before" Dark cacao say leaving Mr. Sour cream alone in the room.

Dark cacao was mad as hell, today was the day they transfer Chocolate chip body, he didn't want to go, so he enter to his newborn room and carry him, he look at his son and he kiss his forehead while sitting on a rocking chair "shhh... dad is here my son" Dark cacao say, he heard a knock "come on in" Dark cacao say, Pure Vanilla enter the room, with a toy for baby's "hi cao.." Pure vanilla say "nilla, I'm fine, ok? Don't be sad for me, I don't need that" Dark cacao say and he stand up and walk towards Pure vanilla with cao on his arm and he softly touch Pure vanilla cheeks, he suddenly felt a tear coming out of Pure vanilla "nilla what happen?" Dark cacao say "I-.. is nothing important, it just something different about years ago" Pure vanilla said "oh, I see" Dark cacao say "yeah- since history and all I found out some sad things, but I shouldn't be, you are the one to be sad, is fine cao you have us anyway to support you" Pure vanilla say and hug dark cacao carefully since the baby was in the middle of them, Baby dark choco move a little and smile, Dark cacao felt warm inside and good, he felt like he already had a family like the three of them, even the baby feel that.

Dark cacao put some flowers on the place Chocolate chip body was, and to finished his day, he look at the head of the criminal he had, and stabbed it "that's what you get for attack him" Dark cacao say, as he order the knight to get rid of the rest, Dark cacao friends have finished their things and spend the night on his kingdom, While dark cacao was getting to his room that he left Pure vanilla and his son, he found them both sleep, Pure vanilla was already dressed in his pijamas and his newborn as well and they both seems peacefully sleep, it was a miracle since Dark choco always cried and more when he was trying to calm him and Chocolate chip was there, now he was all sleep with Pure vanilla, Dark cacao changed and fix the position of both so they could sleep better and the baby could have a lot of space to breathe, within Dark cacao lay down on the side and cover theirselves with the blanket, except dark choco, He was on top of the blanket With his baby blanket, Dark cacao turn off the light and sleep.

(HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2022!! 🥂✨🎉🎊)

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