🌼🖤masquerade 🍃🌼🖤

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The invitations were send each kingdom and people, now, it was the season everyone was waiting for! Pure vanilla on his clothes elegant and stand in the entrance door to welcome the people to his palace, soon within in 4 days is the masquerade day, first ever dance to begin the Season, Like a while, Pure vanilla welcome each noble and people until the ancients came in "Good afternoon Vanilla" White lily said in a sweet tone "hello Queen White lily" Pure vanilla said, and within he welcome everyone to the new season, he even make a small banquet in order of welcome the people to arrive "Yoo! This food is delicious!" Golden cheese said while eating "yes- but please be respectful" Hollyberry said and kiss her husband "pff- if my daughter can eat like wild animal, I can do that too! You can't control me" Golden cheese said mad, and continues eating with her daughter "savage" Hollyberry husband said.

Meanwhile White lily was talking quietly to other guests and covering up to Pure vanilla, which was in a private room with Dark cacao for a while "thanks for coming to this new season! Enjoy your time in this peaceful palace" White lily said politely she sits and wait for her best friend "(is not the same like before now...)" White lily said on her mind while thinking, She was a little upset that Pure vanilla didn't visit her like he used too since he was busy and with Dark cacao too, she had to admit that she was feeling jealous about it, since he was his only friend that understood her.. but he had to understand that she wouldn't be forever stuck with him, even best friends needs to be free some time, even if it hurts.

In the 3 days White lily stayed like the others, it was the masquerade day, and she had to choose her dress for the event "I want my dress be a emerald green, with some base of leaf and a little of details of white flowers and pearls" White lily ordered for her.

Pure vanilla was ready as all the arrangements, along with this, night fell and the sky turned dark blue, all in elegance and masks, until everything was announced "Everyone bow down to receive his Majesty Pure vanilla" the captain said, he bow down letting Pure vanilla step towards with his crown and elegant suit white with parts of gold and mostly with his mask on in his face with delicate white feathers and yellow as well,, everyone bow down to him "Is a honor to welcome everyone of you to this new season, as a new beginning to this nation, and others, Without any other interruption, please enjoy to this Masquerade ball, this may begin" Pure vanilla said, he sit on his throne giving a signal to the orchestra to play.

The nobles were dancing in couple around the place together, Hollyberry with her husband, Golden cheese grab White lily to dance even though she didn't want, while Pure vanilla was still on his throne with his stuff, it was adorable the stuff to say, he was a matching of Pure vanilla outfit, Pure vanilla was supposed to choice a nobles men daughter to dance with the first 2 hour's "Aren't you going to pick your Majesty? Soon you have to give your dance with one of this dukes or nobles daughter's here" One of the captain whisper to Pure vanilla ear " I'm not sure yet, I'm not interested in this young ladies" Pure vanilla answered "Your Majesty, If I was you, I would rather married one of this 4 dukes daughter, Duke trovis sugar daughter, Sir Marshmallows daughter, Marquis Gummy daughter, Duke Honey sour too, I heard they all are a perfect beauty and even smart like rich than anything like you" the captain said, Pure vanilla giggle uncomfortable, and look at the nobles daughters and then Dark cacao "I do not need wife" Pure vanilla said and stand up "is time?" Pure vanilla asked "yes your Majesty?" The knight captain said confused of who he was about to pick.

"Well, I shall have my dance" Pure vanilla went down stair, getting some people attention and whispered "is he going to choose his dance? With who?!" The nobles and cookies were saying, Pure vanilla walk towards Dark cacao "dear, will you dance with me?" Pure vanilla said while extending his hand to Dark cacao "just my love" Dark cacao accept and started to dance with Pure vanilla in the center, The people were in shock and worse the people that hoped he was supposed to dance with, but after all of that they all focused not only in Pure vanilla and Dark cacao perfect couple dance together, but White lily and Golden cheese as well, everyone now was still in surprised of Pure vanilla, but soon another couple appeared and the orchestra played.

It felt like time had slowed down, the two of them together, holding hands, dancing while they fell in love with each other, the warmth and the feeling of love was all they had at that moment, Pure vanilla smile softly, and Dark cacao was smiling as well, this feeling they have, everything was like a dream, they both together, Pure vanilla blushed a little bit, within his heart beat faster, and even butterflies was feeling inside.

Dark cacao smiled and Kiss Pure vanilla lips, Pure vanilla laugh softly, Dark cacao took his mask away and Pure vanilla too, He kisses him again, and he addresses the crowd who were talking and with different faces.

"From this Masquerade, I now announce that we are together as a couple, and stay like this, whoever isn't agreed to our relationship, you may speak to us face in face" Dark cacao said in a cold tone, making some of the people scared, no one did, Dark cacao was expecting that, since now he was there, obviously nobody would answer "great, now let's continue this" Dark cacao look at Pure vanilla on his side and smile "Beautiful night" Dark cacao finished, and within he continued dancing with Pure vanilla, like a amazing marriage they have, after all they both were together, Pure Vanilla with Dark cacao Dancing lovely for each other, all was like a dream come true.

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