Chapter 2: Lei Jie, here comes!

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Don't be too happy when the scorpion beast is released. You just hang out nearby and eat delicious food by the way.

Of course, eating is not real eating. For the scorpion beast that has become a ghost beast, absorbing the aroma of food is eating. This kind of eating can not give it a feeling of fullness, but it can enhance its sense of pleasure.

After acknowledging Mofan as the master, because it can't appear in the realm of comprehension in an upright manner, Mofan will occasionally provide it with food and everything, so it has very few opportunities to enjoy it.

But now, after arriving in this new place, it feels that its happiness is back! There is so much reluctance to think about it!

Although this place is not the immortal world that Fanfan said, she felt that it must be a thousand times or ten thousand times better than the immortal world of others!

As for Mo Fan, although there have been thousands of years of time between them, for her with extraordinary memory, everything in modern times is so clear and nothing special, plus she can’t see the outside in her stomach for the time being. , So I am not very curious.

She spends more of her time on cultivation. The opportunity to cultivate innate aura is rare. If you miss it, there will be no next time. So after knowing that the scorpion beast can protect her mother, she retreats.

She didn't recover from the state of cultivation until she noticed that the innate aura was disappearing.

Because the disappearance of innate aura shows one thing-she is about to be born!

At the same time, the first "difficulty" of her last life is about to come.

At this time, her unsullied body has been formed, and her body has grown to perfection, she has been able to use her divine sense to ascertain the surrounding situation.

After investigating in this way, it was found that the scorpion beast was not there, and according to the soul contract between them, he summoned the scorpion beast.

Soon, the scorpion beast floated back from the outside.

"How is the situation outside?" Mo Fan asked as soon as he saw the scorpion beast.

The beast: "..."

—Oops, it forgot.

Seeing that the scorpion beast was silent, Mo Fan suddenly understood that his spirit beast was floating in the modern age, and was probably attracted by the interesting modern life.

Ryan Beast: "Fanfan, don't worry, there is no danger during this time. I will protect your mother well. Oh, by the way, will you be born when you wake up?"

Mo Fan: "...Hmm."

This is fast enough to change the subject.

Forget it, there is really no danger during this time.

Immediately, Mo Fan began to observe the surrounding environment by himself.

A two-bedroom house, the space is not particularly large, but it looks very warm. In addition, many sharp edges and corners in the house have been wrapped, obviously for fear of accidentally touching the stomach, from the details It can be seen that the owner of the house treats the child's treasure.

Mo Fan's heart couldn't help but warm up.

It turned out that she was really the child who was expected to be born.

I couldn't help it, moved my little hand,

At this moment, Mo Xue's soft voice came from her ear, "The baby is moving again."

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