Chapter 85: Featured fruit and vegetable shop, it's on fire!

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The grand opening of Moxue's various stores did not attract much attention at the first time. It is because each city is so big. The number of shops that open every day is unknown. Where does a fruit shop attract attention? The first thing that arouses is the surroundings. Guests.

The shop in city f is like this.

The shops are open in the downtown area, not only in the commercial center, but also in the residential areas.

Many nearby residents saw this newly opened fruit shop when they went to work or went out, and everyone saw the name of the shop at first glance.

Featured fruit and vegetable shop?

This name is really so...vulgar?

However, it was vulgar, and many people still remembered the name. Some people just waited to see it when they had time, while some people just went in for the first time.

Just looking at it this way, all the looks are not right.

Is this vegetable and fruit the elixir? Are they all sold at this price?


This thought flashed through many people's minds, and finally left with complaints one by one.

So expensive? Who buys it? Still not paying IQ tax?

Seeing the customers in the store come and go, the expressions of the two clerks in the store are a little bit wrong.

"Cheng Hui, the vegetables and fruits in this shop are so expensive that they can't be sold. What should I do if it goes bankrupt?" Lu Yun couldn't help but say one of the shop assistants.

They were shocked when they saw the price of the goods before, and asked the boss if they had marked the wrong price, but the response they got was, yes.

They can only sell according to the boss's request.

But when I opened the business, I encountered the current dilemma, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit worried.

"There should be something special about these vegetables and fruits! This store requires a lot of money to open and renovate, and the boss is not using so much money to renovate to deceive people." The clerk known as Cheng Hui said calmly.

If she could really abandon hundreds of thousands to make this scam, she would have convinced the person behind it, and it would not be easy to scam her.

Hearing Cheng Hui's words swearingly, Lu Yun suddenly relaxed.

Yes! So much money! Where can a liar be willing to pay so much cost, the most important thing is that this liar must also have a method!

The fruit in this store is so expensive, and there is still no recharge activity, and there is no such low price to sell, how to cheat?

To say "cheating" is more like a marketing?

Thinking about this, Lu Yun suddenly felt a little relieved.

And Qian Hui looked at the freshly packed vegetables and fruits, and finally thought about it, “I didn’t make an order today, or I’ll buy something to eat first, and taste it.”

"But it's so expensive, especially the fruit..." Lu Yun said distressedly looking at the prices.

"Just try it." Qian Hui said directly, and finally searched the store directly, and finally chose Strawberry.

Although it's a bit expensive, this strawberry looks really good, and it's big.

It's okay to bite the bullet and buy it.

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