Chapter 9: Featured fruit and vegetable shop

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Days passed like this. Apart from raising his body safely, Mo Xue planted vegetables all over the space.

This day was the day when Mo Xue officially sat in full confinement.

It was also on this day that Mo Xue cleaned herself refreshingly in the bathroom.

At the same time, taking advantage of the time when there was only one person alone, Mo Xue took the opportunity to enter the space.

As soon as you enter the space, the whole space is full of greenery, with a variety of verdant vegetables and fresh and plump fruits.

Unable to help, Mo Xue plucked a cherry tree and threw it into his mouth. As soon as he put it into his mouth, the juice was sweet and crispy, making people want to eat another one.

Mo Xue ate several pills with a look on his face, and then stopped still inexplicably.

The food produced in this space is full of aura. After eating it, I only feel my spirits shocked and refreshing. Indeed, as the system says, it contains aura and has full benefits for the human body.

During this period, she took the opportunity to replace the vegetables and fruits her mother bought with the fruits and vegetables in the space. After eating for a while, the body of the two seemed to be better. Her mother said that she didn’t know what was going on. My body seems to be lighter, not only that, but my complexion is better, I don't know how much, it's more relaxed than ever.

Naturally, she "flicks away her clothes and hides her merit and fame", on the excuse that her mother followed her to eat light food.

After confirming that he had these "primitive capital", Mo Xue called the system again in the space. After confirming that no one responded, Mo Xue was out of the space.

As soon as I came out, I heard a "bang" sound from the bathroom door, accompanied by Lin Rong's anxious voice, "Mo Xue, Mo Xue, are you okay?"

Obviously because Mo Xue took too long to wash, Lin Rong noticed something was wrong.

Mo Xue hurriedly said: "It's okay, I just didn't hear it clearly."

"That's good, just simply wash it off, don't wash it for too long." Lin Rong said.

"Got it!" Mo Xue hurriedly responded, and then turned off the shower that was on.

Not far away, the tiger beast curiously asked beside Mo Fan, "Why don't you respond to your mother?"

"If there is no major issue, you don't need to respond." Mo Fan replied, "But you can check her progress and report to me."

The most important thing is that she thinks her mother has done a good job, and there really is nothing to her.

She wants to promote the growth of her mother, not to be a nursing mother to her mother in turn.

But it's okay to pay attention to her mother's career development. She can't pay attention to her mother all the time. She also needs time to practice and sleep, which depends on the beast.

"Xingba!" Yanqi Beast didn't care, it just asked casually, and then its eyes quickly shifted to the TV show Lin Rong was watching, with relish, and he was reluctant to turn his eyes.

It said that it has been completely conquered by this world, loves everything in this world, and is also absorbing the unique "knowledge" of this world. TV is the focus of its home study.

so fun!

When Mo Fan tilted his head, he probably knew what the scorpion beast was doing, but he ignored it, but thought to himself.

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