Chapter 39: Fu Shi Forum

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"Senior Talisman, this is one of the few in Huaxia, when did this one appear again?"

"Which intermediate talisman master applied?"

"And it seems to have skipped the elementary and intermediate levels."

"If you are not an Intermediate Talisman, you dare to apply?"

"It's a newly-applied account, because there is a senior Xuanshi as a guarantee, so it is eligible to apply."

"Who is the guaranteed high-level profound scholar?"

"It's... Master Bi's account."

"That should be considered reliable."

"Waiting for her to send Fulu."

"If there is a senior talisman, it will really be better."

"Yes, there are too few high-level talisman masters, and there are many precious life-saving talismans that we can all meet."

"Hope to bring us a surprise."


Several people were talking, and their voices gradually became smaller.

There is still a sense of trust in Master Bi, a senior profound scholar.

Instead, vaguely looked forward to it.

On the other hand, although Mo Fan only glanced at, she was quite interested in many of the contents, but it was a pity...

Unable to help, Mo Fan looked at his little hand and sighed directly.

It's still too small to do anything convenient.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you sighing?" Lin Rong looked at a small person like Mo Fan there and sighed, and couldn't help being a little amused.

What is this little head thinking about every day?

Lin Rong said that she was really... quite curious.

Sometimes I can’t wait to get into my baby’s head to see what she is thinking.

Listening to Lin Rong's words, Mo Fan smiled at her, "Grandma, can I work?"

"Work?" Lin Rong was a little confused for a while.

At this moment, Lin Rong was dragged by Mo Fan to Mo Xue's room, then pointed to the computer and said, "Working like my mother."

Lin Rong suddenly realized it, but couldn't help but smile, this little guy! It must be her daughter who said she was working in front of the computer on weekdays was remembered by her.

"You are so young and can't work yet! Wait for you to get older~" Lin Rong said helplessly.

Hearing the words, Mo Fan blinked his big eyes, his voice was soft and pleading, and the hand that pulled Lin Rong shook, "Grandma, let me play for a while! Just a while~"

Lin Rong heard Mo Fan's voice of acting like a baby, and suddenly felt that she couldn't hold it a little bit.

Don't carry it if you can't hold it!

Children don’t know how to play with computers, so it’s okay to sit at the computer desk.

Looking down at Mo Fan, she was familiar with Lin Rong's thigh again. She looked up, blinking her big eyes vigorously, as if she had a thousand words.

This look really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Then play for a while?" Lin Rong said.

"Okay~Grandma, you are so kind, I like grandma the most~" The good words came out of Mo Fan's mouth again desperately.

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