Chapter 114: A meal.

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When a family of three appeared at the resort, it had become the focus of everyone's eyes.

The fact that Pei Yunbai is Fanfan’s father has become the consensus of all employees in a short time.

When Xu Shan came, he walked directly to them, and looked at this family standing together, and I felt inexplicably pleasing to the eye.

It's really enviable!

Suppressing the surging emotions in his heart, Xu Shan smiled and said hello to Mo Fan: "Fan Fan, good morning!"

"Good morning." Mo Fan greeted Xu Shan rarely.

Xu Shan suddenly felt a little flattered, and then said: "Do you have any plans today to spend a day in the resort?"

Hearing Xu Shan's words, Pei Yunbai looked at Mo Xue. He likes to play with their mother and daughter, at least to cultivate feelings.

"Fanfan, is that okay?" Mo Xue asked.

"Good." Mo Fan did not refuse.

Upon seeing this, Xu Shan retired with particular interest.

When the Mofan family of three were about to play in the resort, Pei Yunbai suddenly received a call from home.

After saying sorry to the two of them, Pei Yunbai went to the corner and answered a call.

As soon as the call was connected, Pei Yunbai heard Pei's worried words, "How is it? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I arrived at the magic capital smoothly, and I have seen Mo Xue, Fanfan, and above." While speaking, Pei Yunbai's tone revealed a bit of joy.

The harvest this time was greater than he had imagined, and his trip was really worth it.

"Do you know what happened last night?"

"What happened? I don't know." Pei Yunbai was surprised.

"Yesterday, Feng's family all arrived at the resort, but, overnight, they all died, including Feng Maner."

"What happened?" Pei Yunbai heard the brief content, but realized the seriousness of the incident and said in shock.

"What happened is unclear. Anyway, I know that the ancestors of the Feng family did evil. The Feng family is only involved in the cause and effect. The important thing is that the ancestors of the Feng family did a very bad thing to the world. Now the situation is uncontrollable, and Xu this world...will disappear soon." Pei Wen directly, with a slight sigh in his tone, this news has spread from high-level officials, he is from Uncle learned the news from there.

When Pei Yunbai listened, he was just stunned. What is meant by this world will no longer exist.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yunbai's tone became a bit difficult.

"We laymen don’t know the specific reason. Anyway, such news is definitely not aimless. Who doesn’t know when it will end tomorrow, so Yunbai, do what you want to do! Don’t leave yourself any regrets. , And, if you have the opportunity, bring Mo Xue and Fanfan back, and let me meet your grandfather." Pei Wen was direct, his tone seemed to be explaining his last words.

At this time, Pei Yunbai finally accepted a fact.

That is, this world is really about to usher in the end times.

It's so sudden!

Afterwards, he glanced at Mo Xue and Mo Fan in the distance, and was grasping for a while.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that the one he loves will die in front of him.


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