Chapter 95: Cooperation, must cooperate

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"The air here is very good!" Yanming couldn't help but speak to Mo Xue after feeling the surging spiritual energy.

The strong sense of change in this kind of spiritual energy is really conspicuous, and it makes people wonder if there is any movement in this resort, and whether it can be used.

Come here, sure enough!

Mo Xue listened and smiled and said, "This is the outskirts! There are no factories, and there are many green plants nearby, so the air is just fine."

Mo Xue actually felt that the air here was very good, especially after she followed the instructions of the system to plant spiritual plants in some specific places, this feeling became particularly strong.

Mo Xue also gradually understood in her heart that the system was so extraordinary.

Yanming looked at Mo Xue's seriousness, but looked at Master Bi.

After receiving the signal, Master Bi spoke to Mo Xue: "You need to look at the whole land to see Feng Shui. It's too slow to walk while introducing it. Can we walk around at will?"

"Yes, then I'll just accompany this Mr. Yan to stroll around, you are free." Mo Xue replied.

She couldn't tell that Yanming was the leader of the group, no matter what the other party wanted to say to her alone, or wanted to let Master Bi move freely, she thought it was all right.

"Then let's go one step ahead!" As he said, Master Bi left with a few people.

And when he left, he still took an obvious compass in his hand.

Mo Xue took a look and then retracted his gaze, looked at Yanming, and continued to guide him to various scenic spots.

When there were only two people left, Yanming said more directly, "Miss Mo, I will introduce you again. I am the minister of the Magic Capital Branch of the State Special Department, Yanming."

"Special State Department?"

"The department that deals with supernatural and mysterious events." Yanming looked at Mo Xue's expression and knew in her heart that she already understood something.

"Well, I have experienced some things before, and they were solved by Master Bi. I have some feelings in my heart, but I don't really understand them very well." Mo Xue replied.

Of course, this is only her excuse, she knows more than what the master banquet knows.

Yanming listened, then smiled and began to talk to Mo Xue about the history of this department.

Mo Xue didn’t know much about this, and she was also very interested in listening to Yanming’s introduction, and she had to sigh that the history of China is really true.

It has a long history.

And just as Mo Xue listened to her, Yanming suddenly said: "Miss Mo knows the existence of spiritual energy?"

Mo Xue suddenly heard the word aura and was stunned.

When he looked at Yanming again, he met the other's clear eyes.

Mo Xue: "..."

Suddenly felt that he had nowhere to hide in the eyes of the other party.

Mo Xue was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "Well, I know the existence of aura. Someone told me, and the reason why my vegetables and fruits have the effect of strengthening the body is because they are rich in aura. ."

Seeing Mo Xue's frankness, Yanming smiled, "Have that person mentioned to you that we are here for spiritual energy?"

Mo Xue's mind quickly sounded the system's explanation. After confirming that the system hadn't explained this, he couldn't say it, and said: "Yeah."

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