Chapter 31: Oh, it turned out to be the hapless guy

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Seeing the back, Mo Fan's heart was completely let go.

Originally, her mother was going to be unlucky, but now the unlucky is on others, so it's just a little bit of residue.

But the existence that her mother provokes is really a bit fierce!

With such a small amount of residue, the merits she originally gave her mother are not enough?

But her mother came back and nothing happened. It must have been her mother's own luck.

As for the hapless guy who helped her mother withstand the disaster, she just wanted to say that she was asking for more blessings.

The scorpion beast also saw the strangeness on Mo Xue's body, and couldn't help but mutter to Mo Fan, "Fan Fan, what's the matter with your mother's Yin Qi?"

"It should be a place that provokes some existence." Mo Fan said casually, it didn't do any harm to Mo Xue, she really wasn't that caring.

Yanqi Beast blinked, and then said: "Then next time your mother goes to work, do you want me to protect it?"

"I'll talk about it after I understand it. If the place my mother is worried about is also that place, then follow it." Mo Fan thought for a while.

"Yeah." Yanqimon nodded, his expression eager to try.

At this time, Lin Rong looked at Mo Xue's face and started to ask, "What's wrong?"

"I have valued a piece of land, the price is suitable for everything, but there is a problem." Mo Xue thought about it and said.

"what is the problem?"

"It is said that the land is rather evil, and the people who invest in that place have frequent accidents, but I still think that the land is the most suitable." Mo Xue sighed, "This kind of thing is rather credible , I can’t believe it, I’m going to give up, but I’m a little...reluctant."

Yes, I can't bear it, it's too difficult to find a suitable place. Even if she finds it, she...can't afford to invest.

She has already made a plan. If it doesn't work, she will find the production base in other cities first, and when the capital becomes stronger in the future, she will find it in the surrounding areas of the magic city.

"Yes, doing business, this kind of thing is really avoided if you can." Lin Rong echoed as she listened, she is more concerned about this kind of thing.

"Well, so let me know more about it first! At the same time, I pay attention to other places."

"Okay, don't worry, we can take it slowly." Lin Rong soothed, "I've been here for three years, not bad at this moment."

Mo Xue nodded, then looked at Mo Fan.

The main reason why she wants to expand at this point in time is still because of her.

The incident three years ago has been hidden deep in her heart. The system said that she would protect her daughter and not let her daughter see what she shouldn't see, but only for three years.

She just thought that the system needed aura three years ago, so she must also do it next, so she must work hard to expand the scale of the space and make more money at the same time.

In this world, money can solve most of the troubles.

The last thing is the remaining worry, Fanfan’s father...

Everything added up gave her a full sense of urgency and made her dare not relax for a moment.

When Mo Fan received Mo Xue's eyes, it was clear in her heart that she also knew that a lot of everything her mother was doing now was for her.

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