Chapter 21: Daughter's weird "special ability"

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Daughter's weird "special ability"

Seeing the "my daughter is the best" expression on her mother's face, Mo Xue couldn't help but smile.

Her mother! It's so cute!

Turning to look at Mo Fan again, she was spinning around with her big eyes open. She looked very agile. Mo Xue, who hadn't seen her daughter in the morning, was so soft-hearted that she said softly, "Baby." , It's in mom's shop now."

"Ah oh..." Mo Fan uttered two syllables from his mouth.

This made Mo Xue very happy and nodded quickly, "Yes, it's our shop."

This kind of interaction happened to be seen by a guest who came to checkout.

Looking at Mo Fan in the stroller, he was instantly cute.

"This is your daughter?"

"Yeah." Mo Xue nodded, with obvious pride in her expression.

"They look really beautiful. Now babies look good, but it's really rare to see something as good-looking as yours." The customer couldn't help but she said it from the bottom of her heart.

At a glance, it is really fake if it is not amazing.

"Thank you." Mo Xue was not humble, but thanked him sincerely.

It makes her feel happy to praise her daughter more than to praise her.

At this time, more and more people were attracted by them, and several guests also came to see Mo Fan.

Children can easily become the focus of everyone.

After they gathered around, looking at Mo Fanbai's tender and chubby appearance, they couldn't help but scream.

The little guy is really pretty!

In the stroller, Mo Fan was immune to the stunning gaze around him.

Basically, with the nourishment of spiritual energy, it will be fake if it is not good-looking.

As for the compliments of the people around, Mo Xue and Lin Rong were in a very good mood after hearing this. In their eyes, their baby was the best-looking baby in the world.

Lin Rong was a little more polite than Mo Xue, she said politely, but she smiled.

But after being polite, Lin Rong still thought that her daughter hadn't eaten yet, and quickly said to Mo Xue: "You teach me how to check out. I'll come in the afternoon."

Mo Xue nodded when he heard the words, and then taught Lin Rong.

After arriving at the church, Mo Xue asked Lin Rong to experiment personally.

There happened to be a guest checking out. Lin Rong looked at the scan code on the bag, proceeding step by step, for fear of making a mistake.

When the last step was completed, Lin Rong told the customer the number he had prepared.


The guest scanned the code, and Lin Rong sighed softly after confirming.

After the guests left, Lin Rong patted her chest with her hand, and said in a low voice: "I still feel that the money is too guilty to charge me, and I am really afraid that I will count the money wrong by accident."

Hearing this, Mo Xue chuckled, and then said: "It's good to be used to it, and there is no bargaining in my store, so you just collect the money according to the scanned price."

"Okay, I understand, you go back to eat quickly, and take care of my granddaughter!" Lin Rong confessed.

Before Mo Xue could say anything, when a guest arrived, Lin Rong nervously began to check out, cautiously, not daring to transfer his attention to other places, fearing that he would miscalculate other people’s accounts if he was not careful. NS.

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