Chapter 102: Word by word

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Feng Maner really felt that he was going crazy at this time.

She really felt that Aunt Pei's brain circuit was too strange.

She didn't want to imply that Aunt Pei, they moved their hands and feet on Big Brother Pei at the time. If Big Brother Pei remembered something because of Mo Xue, their hands and feet were discovered. If something happens, they are grasshoppers on the same rope.

But the result?

Aunt Pei didn't realize this, but instead blamed the status quo on what she did.

She really didn't know what to say.

At that time, she also saw something from Aunt Pei’s attitude, that is, at least in Aunt Pei’s view, Brother Pei is still in a state of amnesia. In addition, Aunt Pei is already very dissatisfied with the current situation of Brother Pei, especially Love life, on another level, she hasn't let Brother Pei like her for so many years, and Aunt Pei is already dissatisfied.

The former is good news for Feng Maner, but the latter is definitely bad news for her.

Isn't she now able to enter and leave Pei's house freely because Madam Pei identified her as the future daughter-in-law? If she changes her mind, it will be even more difficult for her to want Brother Pei's heart, let alone Mo Xue's existence will begin to flood their sights.

Not to mention the others, it is said that at the beginning, she knew that Mo Xue was pregnant and gave birth to a child. Once Aunt Pei knows, will she...

Feng Man'er thought about this, and the more he thought about it, the more regretful she became. At the beginning, she wanted to kill Mo Xue directly, so that there would be no hidden dangers, but her father stopped it because Mo Xue was the destined lover of Brother Pei. The luck between each other is intertwined. If something happens to one person, it may have an impact on the other person, thus affecting the state of the whole world.

The ancestors of their Feng family left behind in this world, just for the continuation of their Feng family, in order to restore the glory of the past.

This is the last chance for their family, and it is natural to be cautious. This matter involves the efforts of their Feng family for thousands of years.

That's why she let Mo Xue relentlessly at first, but now that she thinks about it, she is really regretful.

It's also strange to think that since Big Brother Pei had forgotten Mo Xue, it would be fine as long as he stole the child. Now that the problems arise, one is more difficult than the other.

Feng Man'er's heart sank bit by bit.

One step is wrong, one step is wrong.

Even if Mrs. Pei feels no brain, Feng Man'er still

It was explained seriously.

"That Fulu just makes people forget the memory of a person, how could it affect people's feelings." Feng Maner said categorically.

As Madam Pei listened, her heart became calmer, and she was also a little afraid that her son's current situation was her own harm.

"That's good, if Fu Lu is okay, then it's a human problem, I..." Madam Pei said, but halfway through her words she realized that her words might reveal something, so she stopped and her face became embarrassed. .

If Feng Man'er wasn't a keen person, maybe she wouldn't care, but she just noticed the strangeness all at once.

She heard it.

What Mrs. Pei said was the problem of people. This person was not talking about other people, but about her, Feng Man'er.

For several years, Pei Yunbai couldn't make him like her when he lost his memory. This was her problem.

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