Chapter 58: The more and more intense halo of the heroine

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Money can solve most problems.

With Mo Xue's sufficient funds, the house was quickly negotiated, and the contract was signed directly on the spot, and the next transfer procedures were left.

Qian Xinran will naturally make an appointment for all this.

"Miss Mo, rest assured, I will complete all the next procedures for you, and I will notify you on WeChat if you need any information. Then we can arrange a time to transfer the account." Qian Xinran said with joy, he Now I feel that I am so a little airy.

Although I had prepared this single to be successful, when I was really successful, the sourness in my heart was beyond words.

At this time, a face was full of laughter.

"Well, let's go and see the shop now?" Mo Xue looked at Qian Xinran in front of him, and wondered if he was too happy to forget that she had to buy the shop.

"Yes, yes, there are shops. You are going to see the shops in person, right? Let's go over now!" Qian Xinran suddenly thought of another business and hurriedly said.

After that, Mo Xue followed Qian Xinran to see the shop.

Looking at the backs of the two of them leaving, only envy was left in the eyes of the other intermediaries.

Such a large list is really rare in a few years, and Qian Xinran is really out of luck.

And after they left, the previous intermediary was also a little bit depressed, and then asked his colleague about Mo Xue.

"Does this Miss Mo just open a fruit shop so rich?" The intermediary who had been provoked before couldn't help asking.

"That's not an ordinary fruit shop, it's a sky-high fruit shop. The fruits in it can be said to be sky-high. Can you imagine a cucumber costing 60 yuan?" other intermediaries hummed.

"...It's so expensive? Is anyone really buying it? Isn't it being taken advantage of? Vegetables and fruits are just like that..."

"You just came here, but you don’t know that eating vegetables, melons and fruits is good for human health. We have been buying them all the time. It’s just the recent off-season and the performance is not high. We have to save some, so we didn’t buy them, otherwise we would buy them. of."

"In this age, there are still people who believe that eating is good for your health?" The intermediary still didn't believe it.

Maybe I want to take the opportunity to continue to find a place for myself.

"Believe it or not!"

"Anyway, we feel good after eating."

"Sometimes we want to buy but can't buy it"

"If you don't believe me, look at my face. After eating her vegetables and fruits, how nice my skin is!"

While speaking, a female intermediary couldn't help but touch her smooth face.

Her skin used to be bad, but after eating Mo Xue's fresh vegetables and fruits, her skin gradually improved.

She was worried about whether there were any hormone problems before. She deliberately stopped using it for a period of time, but after a period of inactivity, the skin was still good, without the slightest rebound, which made her completely the dead of this store. Loyal fans.

And she is not the only person who has experienced this. Basically, people who have bought a few times really fall into the bottom of this pit and can't get up.

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