Chapter 75: Fanfan, your father knows about your existence

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Just like that, Pei Yunbai endured the whole process abruptly, and the scorpion beast couldn't help but looked at Pei Yunbai a few times after absorbing the blood of the opponent.

It's really more tolerable than it thought!

This blood has been entwined with him for years and years, and to a certain extent has been integrated with the other party. At this time, being sucked away by it, the pain is definitely worthy of the pain.

Really deserves to be Fanfan's father, like her.

Immediately, he directly spoke to Mo Fan and said: "Fan Fan~ Alright."

After receiving the transmission, Mo Fan was silent for a while, and then sent three words to Pei Yun on WeChat.

【solved. 】

At this time, Pei Yunbai felt like she was soaked all over her body. It was obviously cool autumn, but she sweated a lot because of the severe pain. At this time, the pain was over, but the aftermath was still there. Pei Yunbai’s whole body state None of them are particularly good.

However, after the impact of that period of memory entered his mind, Pei Yunbai really felt that he had suffered this time.

Worth it!

He has retrieved his original memory, and he has also retrieved the original her.

At this moment, the cold air lingering around Pei Yunbai suddenly dissipated a lot.

"Brother, how are you?" Xu Shan realized in the process just now that his cousin may be solving the curse, there is no way, he can only watch from the sidelines and cheer him up in his heart.

Seeing that Pei Yunbai's condition was better than before, she couldn't help but began to inquire.

Pei Yunbai slowed down and waved his hand to Xu Shan to indicate that he was okay. Then he raised his hand with difficulty and picked up the phone that had just fallen, clearly seeing the three words on it.


Xu Shan, who was very close to Pei Yunbai, naturally saw these three characters, and he was a little stunned.

" did it work? I didn't even notice it, as if you just started to solve the curse suddenly, this method is too mysterious and unpredictable." As Xu Shan said, the figure of Mo Fan appeared in his mind, but Can't help but make up for it.

After all, Mo Fan's method is really beyond people's expectations.

The scorpion beast on the side looked at them in shock and raised its head proudly.

How can these ordinary people know its abilities!

It's no wonder that Fanfan likes "hiding deep in merit and fame" so much. This feeling of seeing others shocked by their own means without knowing where they came from is really cool.

"It's really mysterious." Pei Yunbai also subconsciously said.

If it weren't for his own personal experience, he really didn't know that there were so many incredible existences in his own world.

And this experience is destined to leave an indelible influence in his future life.

The two of them couldn't help but sigh.

"Then do you remember now?" Xu Shan asked very curiously. He really wants to know who his sister-in-law will be and who can conquer his cousin, the flower of Gaoling.

This answer is not only curious about Xu Shan, but even the scorpion beast on the side is also very curious, because it also comes with a task. Fan Fan told her how his father Pei Yunbai reacted after he recovered his memory!

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