Chapter 22: Didn't scare my mother out

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After arriving home, Mo Xue looked at the obedient Mo Fan, and first took the dog to the bathroom to wash it up.

During the whole process, the dog was very quiet and well-behaved, allowing Mo Xue to "manipulate his hands and feet" on it.

Such a dog made Mo Xue a little bit more favorable.

"Good boy." Mo Xue couldn't help touching the dog's head the moment he was cleaned.

The moment the dog was touched, the dog's tail turned up subconsciously and swayed from side to side.

Mo Xue watched, with a slight smile in her eyes.

At this moment, the scorpion beast somehow felt that there was so much warmth on its body, as if it had warmed its heart.

Fanfan's mother is so gentle!

It used to act like a baby to Mo Xue in order to stay, but now it feels that as long as Mama Fanfan treats him softly, it seems to be okay to act like a baby to Mama Fanfan.

Next, the scorpion beasts all enjoyed Mo Xue's super gentle treatment.

After it was blown dry with an electric wind, the skin of the scorpion beast's body became fluffy, and the value of the entire face rose.

Although Mo Xue knew that Husky's appearance was one of the best among dogs, she still couldn't help being amazed now.

It's really good-looking!

Then he turned to face Mo Fan who was in the stroller: "Baby, the dog you saved looks very nice!"

Hearing this, Mo Fan turned his head and glanced at the body of the scorpion beast now living in it. It looked really nice, but it seemed a bit...Second.

Mo Fan suddenly thought of the impression of the husky breed.

The brain circuit was innocent, he would tear up the house if he didn't agree with him, bully the soft and be afraid of the hardship... All these put it together, and Mo Fan was silent.

Isn't this similar to hers?

Probably, this is the..."fate" between them?

At this moment, as if to show off, the scorpion beast also yelled at Mo Fan.

However, according to its current physical instincts, the voice it exports becomes "barking".

When the shout came out, the scorpion beast seemed to be a little frightened, and his face suddenly horrified, his eyes stared, and his face looked unbelievable.

This made Mo Xue, who looked at the scorpion beast, couldn't help but laugh, "What's the matter with you? Looks so serious."

The tiger beast tilted his head and looked at Mo Xue, and then clearly saw the figure that he was now reflecting from that pupil.

sky! How did it become so ugly!

Why does Fan Fan Ma say she looks good?

Huh, hum, lie!

Unable to help, the beast wailed.

Naturally, Mo Xue couldn't hear it well, but Mo Fan could hear what it was saying at this time.

"Fanfan~ Your mother said that I am a lie to look good, oh no, I lie to the beast, I became so ugly! So weak, without a hideous face, no long fangs, no mighty and majestic body, no sharpness Claws...your mother even said I was pretty."

Mo Fan: "..."

Mo Fan: "At least you have a body to eat."

Mo Fan didn't know what gave his little boy a good understanding of its body, and he has been insisting on it for so many years.

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