Chapter 6: Golden finger for mom

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Just as Mo Fan was thinking about it, after knowing Mo Fan's thoughts, Yanqi Beast said subconsciously, "The Five Elements Secret Realm can produce aura!"

The Five Elements Secret Realm is the space that Mo Fan carries with him. The Five Elements in the Secret Realm is completed and becomes a small world by itself.

Since the recognition of Mofan as the master, under the management of Mofan, the ecological system inside is complete, and the aura is continuously produced to support the creatures inside, and the creatures will also produce aura to feed the entire space.

But this is before.

With the "rebirth" of Mo Fan, the original secret realm has become smaller. The once rich and diverse types of spiritual plant spirit beasts have disappeared without a trace. The secret realm has shrunk, and it can only be called a space, not a secret realm.

However, after Mo Fan was reminded, he remembered that although the secret realm has become a simple space, the basic functions are still there. Soil.

No matter what you plant, add soil and spiritual spring water, it will become a spiritual plant with a high probability. After becoming a spiritual plant, you can provide spiritual energy to the space, so that the spiritual spring water and soil will be nourished by more spiritual energy and become better. At the same time, the space When the aura reaches a certain limit, it will further expand its area...As long as the aura is sufficient, it will eventually return to the original size of the secret realm.

So, what she needs to do now is to plant something in the space, everything is good, but Lingzhi is the best.

After I figured it out, another new question emerged.

Now, whether she is a soul or a body, she is just a small baby. The space can be her world, but in the real world, she can't find something suitable for planting...

Mo Fan was silent.

She is experiencing a huge "crisis".

There is more than enough energy but not enough energy.

She is still too young.

"I, I, I...I can~" After knowing the difficulties of Mo Fan, the scorpion beast happily jumped out and volunteered.

Upon seeing this, Mo Fan continued to remain silent.

The existence of the scorpion beast that can pluck spirit grass as a weed, would she dare to give it to it?

Dare not.

"If you say, I have other tasks to give you." Mo Fan quickly figured out a reason.

Sure enough, the attention of the scorpion beast was diverted, and he happily said: "What task?"

"Benefits are very important to both of our cultivation. You can see if there are any incidents nearby. With both spiritual energy and virtues, our cultivation can definitely get twice the result with half the effort." Mo Fan fudged vigorously...Oh no, it should be a suggestion road.

"I'm not trying to protect you."

"I have practiced one level of Qi, enough to protect myself." Mo Fan said solemnly.

"What about the spiritual energy? The merits are not so easy to handle, the spiritual energy is more important to you." The tiger beast is still very concerned about Mo Fan's cultivation.

"I have found the right person to do this."

"Who is it?" Hmph, is it more suitable?

The Tiger Beast hummed and said, it can actually do both...

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